The Clown Puppet by Thomas Ligotti

>The Clown Puppet by Thomas Ligotti
this is literally clown world in fictional form
very based

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I think reading anything into Ligotti's stories is retarded. They're too arcane.

I don't mean that that's what he intended by it; but thinking about the story a few days after reading it, I realized how easily it relates to that concept.


Based. Yes, indeed - VERY based...
But it begs the question, doesn’t it? Is it, dare I say, RED-PILLED, as well?

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It's blackpilled not redpilled

If you know your Lovecraft and Pessimistic Philosophy, his stories really aren't obscure at all.

What is your special plan for this world, Yea Forums?

clown world honk honk amiright lol XD.
i am not too retarded to understand things without bias or emotion, and too lazy to do some research to analyze and develop an understanding of how world came to be what it is and what material conditions made it become what it is xD
honk honk

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Really? I read the Conspiracy Against the Human Race and Teatro Grottessco but I still don't understand his stories. They seem like something only he understands.

i fkn love memes xD

You see that new pewds video bro? fucking based bro

>the world makes sense and is comprehensible by humans

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Try again if you develop a mental illness.

It was BASED. Pewdipie is BASED. Subscribe to Pewdipie.

clowns begone

>the world doesn't makes sense and isn't comprehensible by humans
we can't make sense only when we lack information and facts (e.g. god, universe, etc) and that's why theorize to fill those gaps.
regarding humans there is a plenty of information and facts from history to sociology that you can make theories of to understand how we came to be what we are.

There not too hard to understand but it standard onions-tier existential horror, not worth reading.

Ligotti is one of the most enigmatic authors out there, but ok.

>Ligotti is one of the most enigmatic authors out there, but ok.

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>There not too hard to understand but it standard onions-tier existential horror, not worth reading.

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Are you sure you aren't a brainlet? He's very clear about his philosophies in Conspiracy, and his stories are just him injecting those philosophies into the weird tale tradition pioneered by Poe and Lovecraft.

brainlet take desu

What does Purity represent? What does the Town Manager represent? What do the Quinne organisation stories represent? You can say pessimism/nihilism but that's too easy and general. What do the spiders represent in the q organisation stories? What does the new boss at the factory represent? What do the doctors represent? Why was the man in purity a hermaphrodite? What are the brain juices and family secrets in purity? Etc

>but that's too easy and general
