What are some good Greek (or other) texts that deal with Hyperborea? I'm interested in the topic, and it seems to come up here a lot.

Attached: hyperborea.jpg (800x513, 201K)

>it seems to come up here a lot.
This is the first time I've heard it mentioned on Yea Forums

I thought it was a big thing within the whole traditionalist subculture on lit, supposedly being the original homeland of the Aryans or something like that

Cringe. Life started in Africa, incel

>he doesn't know about lemuria

Attached: 1542131436159.jpg (400x425, 32K)

You will find a lot more people willing to talk about this kind of thing over on /his/, telling you now before your thread which is breaking the rules inevitably gets deleted

Herodotus and Pindar are good sources with fragments dedicated to those living beyond Greece.

Pindar's "Works and Days"? Herodotus didn't have much in the Histories

Fucking off yourself.

Hesiod... maybe fan fiction is more your thing. Few scraps survived the millennia...

oh sorry, confused the two

The arctic home in the vedas by bal gangadhar tilak
>I personally find the topic upsetting therefore this thread asking for discussion about books is breaking the rules
This is why it's wrong when you say you are open minded

>All this salt and REEEing about Hyperborea
Never paid much attention to it before, but I guess it's worth a look LOL

like three years ago

>I personally find the topic upsetting
Not true
>this thread asking for discussion about books
Not true
>you say you are open minded
Not true

There is ineffable potential in this theme but everyone and their grandmother seems to like seeing it railroaded into cheap ethnic legerdemain and metaphysical stitching.

of course Ari. How's Tel Aviv today?

>cheap ethnic legerdemain
I think you mean Pilpul

It is, and it has been discussed on here a lot before.

What a magnificent time to be alive

Attached: 2RFnKup.jpg (249x243, 10K)

What the fuck is pilpul anyway, I got the term thrown my way a bunch of time for disagreeing with some /pol/io beliefs

Lemuria called you retards

The oldest known hominids were found in turkey and greece

>what are some good texts

Nigga you can’t read kek

Fucking spastic

Clark Ashton Smith has written about Hyperborea.

There are just fragmentary references to it with no concrete detail. Most of what you know about it was made up by Anglos in the 19th century

“Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. 'Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans'—Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the exit out of the labyrinth of thousands of years." -Nietzsche, from Anti-Christ

Of course, Hyperborea was for him the destination, not the origin.

Does this have anything to do with hyborea from conan? Holy shit I didnt know it actually existed.

Revolt Against the Modern World, although you've probably already read it since you're asking about it. I don't think Evola was treating it as a place that literally existed but was construction a civilization in a Platonic way in order to demonstrate a point. His Hyperbora is the ideal traditional civilization that we have degenerated from.

It means you're being a Jew for not believing that white people descend from polar icecaps. It's funny, though.