Kaczynski was right
Kaczynski was right
His prognosis was pretty spot on. His solution wasn't
what's that? your grandpa's farm? seems terribly specific
He wasn't. He was just a fool that raged instead of playing the long-con. Right-winged Cloward–Piven strategy is 1000x better than his strategies.
I don't get it.
Found the seething leftist.
No forests, no plains, nothing but an endless sea of farmland. Millions of tiny plots carved out and divvied up to the highest bidder.
Who is he referring to when he says this stuff? He provides no citations. Seems like "leftists" are just an imaginary boogeyman representing views he disagrees with.
I don't get why the word "oriental" is considered offensive in Burgerland. It just meanst "from the Orient" or in other words "from the East" or "Easterner". Fucking burgers, ruining the fun for everyone.
>too low iq to give an argument
>heh bedda meek dem sound reel stoopid hyuck hyuck
Holy shit. You are really dumb.
For all you know he is literally referring to nobody when he says "leftist" but you lap it up because your brain is ideologically poisoned.
There's no getting through to someone like you because you don't actually care about justification.
What part of
>Right-winged Cloward–Piven strategy
did you fail to understand.
Imagine being this much a retard.
It's extremely accurate and you're too blind to see it.
Read the book. He doesn't like modern conservatives or leftists. No one is going to interrupt a political manifesto for "sources" anyways. It defeats the purpose of a manifesto. Read his other works if you want the entirety of his thought and not a condensed version
Is there a way for me to see how accurate it is (without requiring me to already agree with his assessment beforehand)?
Are you blind, deaf and dumb?
Look around you for proof of how accurate he was.
living in the middle of the English countryside sounds cozy as fuck. Imagine waking up every morning with coffee and writing all day while enjoying the endless seas of green.
peak comfy
>Seems like "leftists" are just an imaginary boogeyman representing views he disagrees with.
Do you have a citation for that? Sorry, I can't interpret any form of logic or argument if there isnt 10 citations accompanying them.
>UK of all places in Europe
bro how tf is technocapital going to collapse
Embrace tradition.
Seething retards replying to this post who cannot provide a shred of evidence for ted's beliefs
Requiring evidence for such things as this is a cope. You know he's right if you look around you at the world.
Spending 5 minutes on twitter or Reddit is sufficient evidence
I'm with Ted on leftists but we can't always trust our impressions.
>Worshiping a literal schizo that calls himself "we" who had to bomb a bunch of innocent normies just to get people to read his book
I read the whole damn thing, and it's literally just him bitching about how much technology sucks and how we should all backwoods bearded fucks that shit in a bucket. If he was based he would have just lived his life like U.G. Krishnamurti, but instead he had to whine like a cunt, kill people, and now lives in jail. The EXACT antithesis to how he thinks people "should" live. The whole manifesto fucking SUCKS
>wait you just can't go around killing those killing the world and society at large.
>what about muh human rights
Britain has used up it's trees millennia ago.
I don't what you're on about mate -- none of this is specific to industrial times.
>Missing the point this hard
The people he killed had nothing to do with what he's bitching about. I don't give a fuck about human rights, fuck 'em. The main point is that he is an utter hypocrite. Just another faggot telling people how they "should" live. He's gonna die in jail like a lonely faggot
Fuck agriculture is what idiot
>Just another faggot telling people how they "should" live.
He didnt tell anyone how they should live and hes right
>Worshiping a literal schizo that calls himself "we"
He was tricking authorites into looking for a group of people, making them think it was more than just one guy, which would make him harder to catch.
Kaczynski SPECIFICALLY argues against farming, which is the fundamental reason why the forests were cut down, to make place for farming.
>>Worshiping a literal schizo that calls himself "we"
Mathematicians refer to ourselves as "we".
How can a system entirely dependant on hydrocarbon energy fail? Gee... I don't know.
That's a Utah Phillips quote.
There are more forests in Europe now than there was for hundreds of years
Not where I live
he called himself "we" to pretend to be a group, retard
>There are more forests in Europe now than there was for hundreds of years
And in comparison to what was there 15,000 years ago it's a fucking joke, it's NOTHING.
Where do you live?
>There's a blade of grass here when for the last 100 years it was scorched earth, be grateful cretin no one cares that before civilisation spread there was a forest here
it's I, the royal we, the editorial you dumb brainlet.
> the white suburban leftist with a white savior complex
People deserve to be curb stomped.
Once you’re gone, then I’d fuck your Hampton spouse in your Hampton house
The process of enclosing common land created a labour surplus of landless serfs, many of whom would go on to move to cities and find work in factories. Thus enclosure was a pivotal driving force of the industrial revolution.