Is Logan Paul an Übermensch? Discuss and post other people you think of as an Übermensch.
He's Jewish.
He's bottom of the barrel untermensch, and the fact that you even asked this question means you are too.
literally who
He's a Jewbermensch
Every time I think of people like Logan Paul and their bullet-proof success, I am reminded that society only rewards sociopathy and the superficial.
It's kinda why I don't hate drug dealers and criminals any more, they're scum but at least they know who they are.
Society rewards whoever gets teen girls to giggle and click likes.
What is society?
>shows dead Japanese guy
Wow based
no, he's just good looking.
>lol omg brah look at that dead guy hanging from a tree lolll like woah
Classic internet moment
>good looking
He kinda looks like a retard.
OP here. The reason I think Logan Paul is an Übermensch is because he knows that there is no underlying truth or morality. He is purely driven by his own will and no matter how much backlash he receives; he never gives up. You can dislike Logan Paul as a person, but you must admire his strength and determination.
(you) got a giggle from me user
well yeah, because he's constantly acting like a retard. Imagine him as a respectable person and he's very good looking.
Yeah but imagine him as a retard. See that just makes more sense than your bullshit
t. Hasn't read any Nietzsche.
lmao, thats not even remotely close to what Nietzsch meant by ubermensch. by the looks of it, you'll never understand.
Get off youtube and read a book you drooling toddler
Nigga's a slave to fame and attention, and yet you call him an Übermensch?