Are there any books that confirm this fact?
Are there any books that confirm this fact?
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Being and Time
Truer than most ancient pre history
>IMPALER OF « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »
respect, bro
what kind of faggot name is that?
>Yea Forums - black people twitter screenshots
What possesses someone to start threads like this? Genuinely curious
In some alternate universe Nick Land is right-wing and is hyperstitionalising this exact concept
Yes but the evil white descendants of Yakoup burned them all
Racism what else? (And the death of old geek identity).
Nick Land is right wing
every sane person knows subsaharan africa lacked behind because they couldn't get knowledge and trade because of the sahara making travel hard.
the question is will they ever have prime days? i feel kinda sad for them
>impaler of
Trannies have a 50% suicide rate. Just flip a coin twice and they die.
>Just flip a coin twice and they die.
no that means 75% chance of dying, it's impossible to reach 100%
He's challenging the lefties to prove him wrong, he wants them to beat him
What this woman is saying is retard madness, she reminds me of a video of a group of women saying that science is racist because it didn't recognize African magic as true.
Although ancient africans built boats and populated the Pacific sea, like the Easter Island and the continent of Australia. They reached the Americas and their descendants formed a group of tribes of Brazilian indians.
It took me some time, but I found the video
1) If there are people who can cast thunderbolts or whatever, then it can be empirically verified and these people will be indeed be credited for it.
2) The objection that gravity being discovered by Newton is a "totalizating" colonial force. This is not an objection about the science itself. It's an objection about how the history of science records and retells the history. She is conflating the history and the science as one.
Maybe, I just have too high expectations for niggers.
>and the continent of Australia
I thought abos were chinks that walked down to australia after the ice age then all the continents started breaking apart and they got stuck here.
user, I hate to tell you this, but Africa is behind the rest of the world because niggers are retarded. Low IQ is LITERALLY in their genes. stop making excuses. you know it. I know it. everyone knows it, but we desperately scratch for any other reason than the obvious
im not going to imply if IQ were real i would implicitly agree, IQ is irrelevant regardless of whether it is true
the biggest mistake the US ever made was allowing freed black slaves to stay in africa
you can attempt to prove this wrong but i wouldn't waste my time trying to
I don't think you understand IQ bud.
>huur there are no schools in africa and blacks are forced into ghettos in the first world but this doesnt mean anything
>allowing freed black slaves to stay in africa
how is that a mistake
to stay in america*
Also why do you think that civilizations are solely driven by intelligence?
this one perhaps
I actually want to start reading some bizarre African books like these but I doubt I'd be able to find the epub anywhere
The ghetto low-income argument ceases to be logical in the internet age. Blacks low intelligence forces the majority to be susceptible to others influence
Guess how I know you are an American.
The getto argument is invalid, even rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites
Their only interaction with the internet is social media and black sites like worldstar. Do you think youtube recommends documentaries to coons instead of more fight and rap videos?
amazon banned this book! Do you know what else they also banned?
It's not like they don't know they exist, they just don't care because they're followers and their culture promotes drugs and violence. The majority of white youths are followers as well but their culture isn't as degenerate as rap and worldstar
Is this actually real kek
>I’m intensely color-resistant. Whites, beiges, grays, and blues are all the color I need.
Whiteny Ryan is really devoted into this, truly a /ourgirl/.
I wont tell a lie. I don't even understand that sentence
This, there are literally black people without fire
Nick Land lost my respect ever since he got Ligma’d
Who's Nick Land?
Because there place is not that cold and lacks dried woods? IDK.
She would tolerate bald old white man but no ginger, latino(black hair), green eyes, dyed hair, etc.
Lmao that is precisely why blacks are retarded. Face it blacks are 10000 years behind in evolution.
>everything is racism
You fags have got that response down pat, haven't ya?
since that is a clear racism outside Yea Forums, I'll report this post and stop responding to (you)
Ligma balls
Some incels on /pol/ and /r9k/ have deluded themselves into thinking they are smart enough to post on this board
Wtf are you on? Black folk in Ethiopia built a star gate to the galaxy andromeda. They had to destroy it during the European colonization but Mussolini found one and reverse engineered it. Turns out the blacks had made a Wakanda on the planet Gelila. That was the reason the invasion of Ethiopia was never successful and it ultimately cost Mussolini the war. Now the portal is in a Warehouse in Germany since Mussolini told his buddy about it and he stashed it away so he could continue his war there after he took over Europe. He almost completed a deal to get some of the Gelilan’s technology before the Allies made it to Itter. Anyways, if you want to see for yourself just go to Muchołapka in Poland. That’s where the Nazis kept the thing until the Soviets pushed in and they had to disassemble it and ship it back to Germany
>posts an obviously fake account to complain about black people on a literature board
>implying that’s a fake black name