
>Literature, most generically, is any body of written works. More restrictively, literature refers to writing considered to be an art form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage.

Just because a large proportion of literature might deal with a certain topic does not mean we can classify said topic as literature. If a slew of books were to be published today about music we would not be right in regarding music as literature. Similarly just because a lot of literature deals with sadness, alienation, resentment, and other psychological issues, does not mean you are justified in making threads about them. Philosophical topics such as determinism, dualism, etc., are -- you guessed it -- not literature either! A substantial amount of philosophical works are dedicated to those topics, yes, but there's a distinction between the works (literature) and the topic (not literature).

Secondly there is no such thing as a literary lifestyle. The only commonality you'll find among writers is in their work. Many writers lived drastically different lifestyles to one another. Thus making threads such as pic related asking if a certain action is "Yea Forums" is tantamount to asking if speeding is /engineer/ or using deodrant is /mobile phone/ or apple is /orange/. Stop it.

Lastly there is a huge issue here with people posting books/authors (usually about politics or race) which they haven't read nor are interested in reading and using them as an excuse to discuss the broader topics the books/authors may represent. These threads are usually infested by the lowest of midwits whose only concern is to get (you)s and circlejerk. You can usually tell what threads these are by their terse caption stating something puerile like "OWNED" or "How will lefties/right wingers ever recover." and by their low-level discourse.

Literature is not a topic. It is not a lifestyle. It is not a code of ethics. It is not your gay little debate club. It is art or information as expressed in written form. The only off-topic thread that should be allowed here are the "write what's on your mind" threads since they are a form of literature. That's it.


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>imagine being this much of a faggotin

I think it's time we accepted it. It's time to shut off the computer, get off the Internet and go outside. I haven't slept well since the start of the fucking year and this month has been hell. It's time to end the fucking madness

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reddit spacing; didn't read

>Similarly just because a lot of literature deals with sadness, alienation, resentment, christianity, and other spiritualist traditions and other psychological issues


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childish debate, jezebel posting, e-celeb gossip, and politics are all Yea Forums culture


For the record, I feel OPs need to orient their topics around a books or books more. Post whatever picture (baby blue board) but stop shitting up the place

Well we could do with a little more elitism. Maybe a monthly literature exam you have to pass before you're allowed to post here.

>tfw every fucking thread has filtered tripfaggotry
if mods wanted to clean this place up they should start there

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there are threads that require serious prior knowledge that pop up here all the time. even if they're only about one tenth of the total threads, that is reasonable

Why do tripfags trigger you?

>for the record
Nobody is keeping a record of what you post, Butterfly. Most people either filter you or groan indignantly when they glimpse your fluttering wings.

tripfaggotry has a time and place
neither of which is 'always'
it's not just that this one is annoying and retarded
but the tolerance of them has an undermining to it
call it the broken window effect

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Forced anonymity has a broken window effect. Check Yea Forums out.

You just did.

>information as expressed in written form.
this includes many of the things you want gone

go do something else than use this Web Forum then for christ sake

I'd miss out on so much by leaving this board, but the prospect of never seeing your posts again is very tempting.

You have a list of books, don’t you?

Asking Yea Forums to clean itself up is hilarious. The whole purpose of Yea Forums is anti-literature, to replace all discourse with shitty clickbait reactionary memes. The whole point of Yea Forums is to negate itself. All hail the holy image.