Stop contributing to society


Other urls found in this thread:


chad has the right idea, however bankruptcy does not discharge student debt

Based. I plan to eventually hide all my wealth in crypto/shell companies and start to fuck with my goverment as much as I can.

What kind of human being created that image

Chapter 7 does, EVEN FEDERAL, if you meet all conditions. If you're on SSI you already tick two boxes of the Brunner test. It is a difficult process and you need to go before a judge but it's still possible.

The department of education wants people to think bankrupsy is never possible. It is. Good luck user. I really mean it.

A normal one

>I plan to eventually hide all my wealth in crypto/shell companies

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The kind that is smarter than you.

seriously. thanks for this.

I fucking had no idea. Wow.

A real human being. Unlike a human like you.

>stop contributing to society
>g-gay sex is wrong must make babies, society needs babies

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That's not at all the argument that was posited. In point of fact, the more children that are produced by so-called state dependents, the more costly it is to society, with each additional child receiving at nearly $200 a month in SNAP benefits, and potentially even more if they are under age 5 and the parents are cohabiting, which means the wife and her children are further eligible for WIC benefits, which is more than enough to feed everyone sumptuously. This expense is further multiplied if the child has disabilities like autism, granting at least $700 extra month in SSI. As such, the cost of a welfare-family is becomes quite onerous. And do you know who pays for it? Society. Unlike dumb double digiters, who can't manage their expenses and invariably have the family unit collapse through numerous infidelities diverting even the disability income to fruits of such affairs and thus dooming the generative off-spring to rather take up work rather than follow in their parents foot steps, the unit is contained, and such a chad would instill scorn toward the society that endeared him to do all this, so in reality, it is not just one contagion but potentially many. You, cannot see a point of the individual abstracted by society, which is why you think further decay to the self and the human condition is more and more warranted.

The only way in which a sodomite abomination like you (I just wanted to call to everyone's attention that you are low IQ by the way, most obviously through thinking something as despicable as sodomy isn't inherently wrong, which is why you use a Team Fortress meme, and relate to it, so it speaks volumes really about your intelligence, or rather lack of it, further put on display by your fallacious summary analysis of the meme contained in the OP), the only way which a wretched homosexual would be more costly is through your health expenses with antiretroviral therapy, which if you consider even with today's excellent prognosis, is but a short-run expense presumably resulting in death in but another 15 years. In otherwords, the expense is self-limiting. Whereas, Chad and Co, will not only produce children, but they will produce children following in their footsteps. The cost of the non-contributing chad, is immense. And when the rotten machine of society finally collapses, who do you think is going to take control? The uranists who said 'manducemus et bibamus cras enim moriemur', or the intelligent chad who, rather than go down with the ship of society, chose to plunder its treasury for his own sustenance, withholding all his talents to all but his own progeny, so they and him would be setup for success on but a small but nice life boat chugging along, slowing down and impeding the larger ship from successful voyage but setting up the life line for potentially ever.

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right is a welfare queen

>the virgin wagie
>the chad welfare king

And that's a good thing.


>Stop contributing to society.

I never started. I am going for the achievement my entire life and am going to end it before I become 30 so in 2 years.

What part of "stop contributing to society" didn't you understand?

Good riddance. For you to be upset about it and blaming yourself shows that you admire this contemporary society, aspire to be a part of it and hence are utterly and hopelessly bluepilled. An intelligent person would relax, collect his SSI check, and live the rest of his days in the remote beautiful areas of the Smokies or Alaska. In fact, the intelligent man would be happy NOT to contribute to such a sad society. Imagine wanting to take your only life away because you can't join the bluepill society. Total cringe.

I see you have some mental problems but dont worry you are welcome here my fellow autist.

>you have mental problems because you don't want to kill yourself

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>snaps pornographers' necks


the intelligent man knows there isn't an escape - the intelligent man aligns itself with the system, not because he can but because he is valuable to the system - he's inherently beneficial to the system - the intelligent mans intelligence is co-dependent on the system - all actions against the system are already accounted for by the system, there's no escape, submit or perish

But there is an escape, you idiot, that enables you to survive, take from society, and give nothing in return. cuckpilled and 0/10 thread&meme reading comprehension.

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i'd rather be the person on the left. just enjoy life you fucking weirdo. sex feels good. porn feels good. do whatever feels good..

norm get out please

also you can't call yourself a chad if you think being a parasite on society is a noble thing.

>do whatever feels good..

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this whole thread is one big NEET/incel cope. you don't have access to pleasure in this case sex so you're trying to adopt a worldview where the pursuit of pleasure is seen as weakness lmao

please just projecting. go outside. meet people. maybe if you met people you wouldn't think you're so highly of yourself and think you're so much more enlightened and better than everyone else.

Literally the current year and still
>cares about 3d

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The image in the op literally condones sex you unbelievable idiot

tired paypay pee n gee


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>having sex
>not coping because life is pointless

Holy cope you can't even comprehend living in reality cumbrain.

Meeting people and seeing the degeneracy of society makes me think even more highly of myself. It's crowd pleasuing bugmen like you that are the problem. Here is a website for you:

>anything that isn't mindless insectoid hedonism is a cope
Go back into the hive. You are the one coping from your lack of self discipline, not to mention your strawman of "have sex". Not everyone is as debased as you. Anyone that wants instant gratification can get it easily in the industrial west.

I somewhat agree.
Don't cater to The Market's demands.
They want you to "Learn to Code"? Don't.
They want to be a debt slave? Don't.
They want you to move to cities and rent. Don't.

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you haven't even begun to grasp the system if you think it possible to "take", the system only gives, there is nothing you can do that would benefit you more than it benefits the system


Imagine being a brainlet and trying to pull the pseud card.

Boomers need to leave this site.

>listening to average people and midwits instead of 158+ IQ geniuses

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>has a collection of sneakers

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bugman, the board. ironic i see that butterfly is a frequent poster there. materialist trash.

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what's the limit of children a woman can have?

I don't suppose there is a hard limit, as the eggs can duplicate and give twins/triplets/quadruplets etc.

i want at least 15. this thread is right. there is no limit on EBT benefits for children. it makes sense to have as many as possible. over 3k per month in ebt.

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I've spent substantial time on /fa/ in the last few years and honestly I love it. So many of the people there are so idiotic that I'm always entertained. Also I've gotten a ton of objective advice and inspiration for creating my own personal aesthetic which sets me apart from the scum of the world.

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Not a good place to be, user.

Some Russian peasant in the 18th century had 69. But most women probably can't get pat 20. Islam let's you have 4 wives, fundie Mormon has no limit (and they follow the plan in OP image)

Working a little gets you several thousand in EIC tax credits, which could maybe be worth it. Especially if shuffling money among your friends is your "job".

Lots of charities out there helping the poor too. But personally, only take from ideological enemies.

Peasant being a woman or a man? A woman that's impressive.

you're not special you fucking retard. you are rejected by society because you are a terrible person who can't socialize and who looks down on people by calling them 'insectoids' or 'NPCs' or 'normies' (as if being normal is a bad thing).

I dont
I present the based Chad/lit/
>No plans, will maybe work min wage for drug money
>Spends days without going outside
>Only person he talks to is himself
>only contribution to society is buying Coke zero and white monsters
>Not very political but hopes everything crashes and burns
>Sweats when checking out books from anxiety
>Pretends to be into philosophy but only reads genre fiction
>Unfounded and extreme beliefs due to being unchallenged
>Contrarian but also shy about it
>Effeminate looking and thin, attracts art hoes who he has no idea how to talk to
>Wants a gf but realizes all women are conformist
>Sometimes bottoms for men on grindr
>Whatever genre he is currently reading is the best of all time, no exceptions
>Is considered intelligent by normies because they act autistic
>Reads more Yea Forums posts than literature

>the intelligent man would be happy NOT to contribute to such a sad society
Disagree, the nature of intelligence is to be very interested in society.

What does interest have to do with support? Recognizing something as enabling toward the undesirable and thus choosing to abstain, especially when analyzing the associated risk/benefit, is certainly intelligent.

Woman. Genghis Khan had hundreds.


C’mon man there are guys today who claim to have over a thousand children. You ever notice how people come in a finite amount of lookalikes?

I didn’t disagree with intelligent people not supporting society, my bad, I just mean they’re not happy about it

Holy fuck did you get your rosebud ruined by . Somebody call a mod for this crimson-socked gaper on a blue board!

>wants to raise lots of kids while also focusing on personal and spiritual development

good luck, friend!

I wasn't saying Genghis had the most ever, just an example of a guy that definitely had more than 69. I think historically the one to have the most was some Muslim ruler? I don't recall. Even at thousands a man simply is not as surprising as a women who had 69, considering the biological restrictions. Although I suppose some fecund egg donor might have even more now, but we may never know.

Kids keep aiming at the goal.

no, they really just become the only goal you have left. unless youre wealthy youll have to choose

Society and all associated gods are there to destroy the family/clan units and make you not only dependent on these gods but fanatically devoted. There is no reason, aside from extreme indoctrination forced upon you, to care about anything but you and yours. You have no connection to those under these gods nor the gods themselves, you've merely been conditioned to react in a desirable way for society thereby enslaving yourself and your family (if you even have a proper family). There is no connection and no reason whatsoever to care, which is why the 'care' becomes purely about signalling to others that you are adhering to proper behaviour. Even if it were a desirable thing it's clearly hollow and fearful, thus evil. First came abstract nationalism, now a global gods are pushed, 'humanity' the most controlling and meaningless god yet.

is the notion of the family not abstract? if what makes it concrete is shared genetic material, a shared resource pool, or some combination of the two, then Humanity with a big H is also concrete.

No. Family/clan/friends are different because you actually have a connection with them. In huntergatherer societies, including in other apes, everyone knows eachother, has alliances and relationships. Real things. What is there to prop up society as we know it but self-preserving institutions that have no substance. Yes we can all be called humans, that has nothing to do with what I was talking about, think of every time humanity is used in the way I said for hundreds of years and even more today. It probably comes from Christianity. These are substanceless abstractions that bind you and relegate you to increasing dysfunctionality and servility.

its not clear what you mean by a "connection," but i assume you mean that you have two way interactions with people, perhaps in order to accomplish a common goal. i cant say that i have a stable clan in this sense. i ask strangers for directions, i buy food at the grocery store, i help an old woman cross the street, i hash out a difficult idea with an user. where are these discrete social units you keep referring to?

even hunter gatherers had distant trading relationships with other groups. these groups tended to share a set of beliefs that allowed them to cooperate. your isolated family unit never existed

Just speaking from my experience. I have four kids. I might be rich though, depends what you mean. I'm rich like the chad in OP's image.

Care should be extended to those in your community. To those you encounter in your day to day life. Watch some videos in the Chinese hate threads and tell me if you really have the stomach for that kind callousness.

oh so you dont work. thats something that adults tend to do so i just assumed. my mistake

brehs how can you not understand me. obviously im going to help someone in need on the street because im a heavily indoctrinated overly empathetic 20yo man with an autistically strong self of justice and fairness.

What I mean is:
Talk to someone, know them, naturally have an emotional connection and relationship (also a biological connection for family/clan (this has social impact) and possibly economic stakes) VERSUS have this vague philosophically dubious thing hammered into your head by invasive media since birth to which you must anxiously and shallowly adhere lest you be ousted as an enemy in most primitive irrational sense (simple fear conditioning) to the detriment of things that are of sincere and almost instinctive relevance to you for the economic/political benefit (often just convenience) of faceless institutions and immoral cliques of elites destroying the world and its diversity.

the behavior and conditions of people you will never meet has enormous economic consequences for you and your family. it really is as simple as that.

what's that got to do with commenting on a scifi speculative utube video about humanity reaching the stars and """progressing""" as if humanity were an actual group and that we need only conveniently discard all else, give every speck of power to corporations/governments and their gods, and rise to heaven as is our obvious imperative course of history. that just means you need to bullshit and exploit others for your own gain.

Yeah I don't know what's wrong with most adults.

Since all three responses read you wrongly the same way, maybe it's you...

Only as much as you participate in the system. Self sufficiency in your own homestead is harder to disrupt.

Self sufficiency in the homestead is also impossible to establish in the first place

I'm an econ grad student and I'm going to post the definitive econ one before some Marxist faggot does one

1. Basic Economics - Sowell
2. Macroeconomics - Abel, Bernanke and Croushore
3. Why Nations Fail - Acemoglu and Robinson

Don't be lazy. It's not even that hard, since you're probably in a country with plenty of cheap land still.

What happens when your kid runs a fever? And where did you get your wife? Did you make her out of clay?

Are you going to make your own clothing? What your proposing is a childish fantasy

Okay, I'll stop now.

>Are you going to make your own clothing?
That’s not as fantastical as you think, women used to make all their families clothing

And where did they get the material? We can go down this rabbit hole all night long. "You didn't build that" -Obarma

Well, no. Although my wife sews some, clothes are just too cheap to bother making. Plus don't forget the OP, the government is giving you thousands of dollars, you can spend that money on stuff.

How do i do that? if i become a self sufficient farmer i still have to pay taxes.

why is chad serving "the evolutionary purpose" like a little cuck?

Yes Chad! Keep making me some fine-ass employees for my enterprise. I'll make sure to pay them "well". Oh and don't forget to pay your taxes!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this

That's the spirit my fellow green hair aficionado.

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The children would be raised to live the same way. No taxes would need to be paid. You're not very smart, are you?

production efficiency is so high that half of the population can sit at home while still getting their basic needs (including some entertainment)

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We need to increase it more.
The more technical and intelligent people refusing to contribute, the sooner the collapse.



If you find that cringe then you belong on reddit.

Is there any sort of guide on how to become a state-suckling leech who lives off government aid?

You say that you are not homosexual, yet I just witnessed a rape.

I think that this will legitimately harm some people on this board

First, let me be clear. Fraud is illegal, and I am by no means suggesting or advocating it. This advice can help many unfortunate individuals and is written only with the best of intentions.

Now, allow allow me to preface this in delineating some important specificities. The age one is able to qualify for these benefits in most states begins at 22 or 23. The hard age limit actually exists, not for prophylactic measures, of saying to prevent early adopters of the welfare lifestyle, or to prevent concurrent student reciprocity whilst the parents and loans support them in full or part— no— it exists part and parcel because tax law allows parents to claim dependents to these ages if they are still in school, which precludes the individual as qualifying as a 'household'. However, beyond this age, even if cohabiting with the parents, the individual is his/her own household and parental income is exempt.
The easiest path going forward is going to be a NEET with a history of seeking employment but failing to obtain or sustain it.

I am going to lay out major welfare programs in the US and general range of benefits.

1. SSI/SSDI |$700 to $2788 per month|
2. SNAP (Food Stamps) |Generallly $200/month depending on the state|
3. Local Housing Authorities {Projects, for 0-20% of income, SSI is often exempt, meaning you stay for free}
4. Medicaid (almost a given if you qualify for any of the others).

4. Section 8 Housing Vouchers.
5. TANF | $100 to $150 cash per family member for up to 60 months, must have a child to qualify.
WIC | $50 for the mother and $200 additional

7. Heating Assistance

The next post will relate to applying for these benefits. For the mean time, I suggest anyone with a history of prolonged illness/disability and failed job history to purchase this book (pic related)
Sustenance farmers do not pay taxes. Simply do not sell your produce. Can what you do not immediately eat and use it all. Voilà. Sustenance farmers below the poverty line are granted near total property tax exemptions in many states (these exemptions also exist for disabled persons too).

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If y'all ask nice I just might

2/2 (shorter than I wanted it to be but I must go)

Now, as to obtaining these benefits, most states have a website or welfare office you can visit. Applying for these is surprisingly easy. Go online and see if you qualify. Fill them out. Easy as a job application.

Social Security lays out the requirements and what documentation is needed:

You may need to visit a doctor if you do not already have a medical history. Unfortunately, this is a situation where if you poor, you have a worse outcome in terms of the benefits you are granted. Work history of average income over the past several years means higher benefits. I'm uncertain of this but I've seen it said here and argued elsewhere that the argument that advanced degrees and their associated earnings can be used in the calculus but caveat emptor.

I was just blog posting, I wouldn't recommend following my life path.


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OP thinks he is above from society, yet how little is he aware that society pervades his every intention. Look at how he uses “Chad” (and all the dialectic connotations so semiotically condensed in this notion) in order to elevate his worldview. Yet from where did this concept of Chad emerge? Chad is strictly defined by social relations. Some people are Chads, others are not. If everyone was Chad, then no one would be. Chad is a social ideal that men strive for? It is clear from the memes that what Chad concretely means is constantly redefined and therefore what Chad actually is is impossible to define. But the association of Chad as something to strive for remains. From a geneological perspective, we can see that Chad is modeled after the man of fortune, endowed with genetics, riches and social acuity that provides him with all the standard goals that define social life (sex, money, power). Chad is not above social life, he is its crux, he is what keeps it together, what justifies it. OP takes the abstract form of Chad (as something to strive for) and turns it on its head in order to conform this association with his worldview. Yet he bretrays his intention. By associationing his values with Chad he inevitably displays that he still values all of that which Chad genealogically represent (sex, money, power), that is to say, OP is as equally caught up in the desires of standard social life as the “bugmen” he criticizes and this is all a defense mechanism to protect his ego. He can’t be the Chad of the real world therefore he becomes the Chad within his own worldview.

You wouldnt have a bad life if you applied for welfare.

I'm not that unhappy and welfare doesn't exist in America for able bodied males. I might be able to fake being schizophrenic but doing that probably isn't worth it.

Ideally every act of self-benefit should elicit a byproduct that benefits society. Capitalism at its best exhibits this property. In the pursuit of self-interest the individual produces a product or service of value to other members of society, who in acting out of their own self-interest purchase it. People aren't ants, they have heavy duty egos and are shaped by kin-selection and tribal affinities.

A well executed deconstruction, friend.

Capitalist society is garbage and not worth contributing to.

Only giga-chad could come up with this answer. Based!

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>subjecting more lives to unnecessary suffering

>OP Pic
>Successfully filed chapter 7 bankruptcy to abolish his entire $400,000 student loan debt
I'm pretty sure that's not possible.
Is that possible?

If you meet all qualifications of the brunner test, yes. The procedure is different but it's possible.


I am impressed
Unfortunately, Id think a lot of this is precipitated on you being a minority in order to actually qualify for those benefits

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Have fun spreading your death cult to people who wouldn't have bred anyway, nerd.

All races qualify.

Imagine doing this with multiple women. Kek. You'd really mess up the system. Is cohabitating with them and having kids illegal? As long as your not married, and don't call it marriage, such an arrangement should be legal. Imagine having 3 welfare "wives" and 30 kids. Imagine the money you would get.

Who are fundamentalist Mormons, Alex?

I'm an atheist. I just want to live in the middle of nowhere and be a chad leach. This thread is the final redpill. I don't want any of my children to contribute to society either. The more, the better.

I meant your idea isn't new or theoretical, a whole group of people have already been doing this for decades.
Nor do you have to been innawoods. Intentional communities, whole towns, functioning on barter or crypto exist outside the tax system. The latter in South Africa at least.
A new model of the city-state is developing and if it catches on what will the federal systems do as their tax base disappears?

varg vikiernes

How many high IQ geniuses do it? It seems like a no brainer.


Being a parasite on a dysgenic society is indeed a noble thing. Contributing your talents to it, especially if you're very intelligent, would be morally abhorant. Why would I contribute to a society that doesn't value intelligence in the first place, where people can amass social stature by happenstance and nepotism, that tolerates homosexuality and pornography, that is torn apart in a million different directions by pluralism, et cetera and on and on. No. Fuck that. I'd rather be a welfare king and mock this horrible society. If I worked I would be fired for not playing along and just speaking my mind. Fuck you and fuck your society.


Oh boy, good lucking with your health

More than zero. I've never failed to max out an IQ test and I've had a negative tax rate for 8 years now. Longer if you believe the tuition rate the grant money was paying. But uni is a scam for more than just the students, so it's hard to value that.

Medicaid was better than any private health insurance I ever had. It covered everything. Even rides to the doctor.

God, Yea Forums is such a basic bitch board.

Fuck off, nigger.

You don't even have co-pays. Sometimes I've had trouble finding a doctor that takes it. That might depend on which state you're in.

Coverage was unironically better than my private plan which everything had to go through my PCP and then private endurance. Medicaid, I was in charge. Not some stupid health consular/ concierge. No tiered medication scams. No prior auths. Medicaid was great. I don't want Medicaid for all though, normies would ruin it and they don't deserve it. Only chad welfare kings deserve it really.

one of the best threads on Yea Forums in months.

>the chad mobile, big enough to hold his family.

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No human. that is the work of a God.

Based and redpilled, as expected from gigachad.

This. If you're going to be dyonisiac, you might as well do it right and forego 3dpd.

>suffering is reason enough to choose inexistence
I don't even have to tell you not to breed.

only a wagie family would be upset at existing.

>he didn't read gigachads advice

This changes everything.


Just like don't overeat(no 3 meals a day) or eat processed foods, foods high in sugar or carbs, drink a lot of green tea, meditate, exercise, and cook quality meals (no excuse if you're not working).

Literally seperate yourself from the aspects of society that limit your freedom and actually lower your quality of life to the greatest extent that you can(no pop culture, only use technology to the extent that it functions as a useful tool, befriend actual people who add to your life). This isn't just about just not working but restricting yourself from a society that wishes to control you and bring you down to your lowest.

Interesting thread though I have to ask, would you consider this strategy to be viable outside of the US?

Depends on welfare benefits of your country.

Considering the US in known for its meager welfare state compared to other western countries, you might be even better off.

What if I'm in, say, Eastern Europe?

How do I go about this in Canada? I already did nothing and they seem to send me 400 dollars in tax rebates every year based.

US is great for disability. Great for families. Terrible for healthy individuals.

What can we say? You'll need to do some research. If you are incapable of such research, then the independent, high IQ Chad parasite life is not for you. Instead try to find a local community of right-minded people and do what they say.

would it be an acceptable compromise if you don't give entirely up on 3dpd and use it to further your own ends but simultaneously stay as true as possible to 2d?

Getting a vasectomy is very based.

Reddit is down the hall and to the left

Goddamn, good answer

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>increasing your dementia risk is based
Absolute idiot.

Bravo, bravo.

Marry an American girl. Violà



I marry one of your women and you marry one of mine. Deal?

>Successfully filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy to abolish his entire student loan debt
T-tell me more...

>thinking your garb sets you apart

Stop doing anything. Don't do anything. The biggest trick in life is that it makes you do things. Sleep, which everyone loves in equal measure, is proof that doing anything is a con. The most soothing and sacred sensation occurs when your body is inert and mind extinguished.


>All these people who've never actually used these benefits

It's not a comfortable way of life at all, and they're shockingly low.

Someone who's never actually used section 8 housing.

They're roach-riddled crap holes, the landlords treat you like shit, the government is mercurial and fucks with you and your family constantly because they're afraid of MUH WELFARE STATE, and you end up having to move every 2 to 3 years, usually to a shittier, more violent neighborhood with a shittier school, which is hell for kids.

All those numbers should be treated as maximums. In practice, after a huge amount of bureaucratic dicking, withholdings, and delays, you get something like 350ish a month for a family of four, and 450ish for a family of about 7 like the one I was part of. There were many meals we did not eat because it wasn't enough (most work money went towards other essentials, and was illegally low most of the time anyways because my parents weren't native English speakers when they emigrated and the only work they can get fucked them raw on pay).

My parents wanted to make more money, but because welfare was designed by a drooling pants-on-head retard, there are sharp cliffs where if you make one more dollar, they'll take an equivalent 3 away, making your situation worse. Combine with a few accidents, expensive personal items getting broken or stolen, and medical issues, and you're pretty much sucked into a poverty shit vortex.

If this shit vortex you think makes you
>chad who, rather than go down with the ship of society, chose to plunder its treasury for his own sustenance,
You're dumb and I hope you get what you want, because at least for me, it set me up for a hard life, and it just left my parents horrifically depressed and poor.

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Project based section 8 is awful. Tenant based is wherever you want. It can take a year to get the vouchers but not knowing the difference is why OP's pic isn't about your family. Also not understanding how to exempt income/savings, speak English or negotiate the bureaucracy would seem to be reasons.

baste and redpilled, nothing is sustainable in this society, technology is moving forward too quickly, something you learn today because the market demands it could be obsolete in 5 to 10 years, what a stupid fucking system


A superior one to you. A twisted one. The true face of humanity

>muh section 8
Projects are not section 8 voucher, brainlet and definitely bitter nigger that doesnt understand welfare. Section 8 vouchers are limited to families with kids and technically can be used just about anywhere. Even a $2000 a month home can be had with section 8. Section 8 is really good which is why there is a wait list and why its limited to no more than 15 years.
>muh my personal anecdote based on two fuck ups of parents is more accurate than actual guidelines and information and actual experience
Keep seething dark wagie.

>doesn't know what section 8 is
>talks about sending kids to public school (proving he is a pleb)
>confuses his shit tier projects in the city with section 8
>muh retard subhuman parents were right!
>doesn't know how much EBT pays, never had it, abusive parents lied to him about how much they got
>not domesticated citizens and didn't have full benefits and probably got screwed
>weren't disabled in the first place
Pleb and non white detected. Your parents were just retards. You obviously inherited their low IQ genes.

if you think the jew is not smart, then you must be an unfathomable retard
keep proving him right tho, either replying to me or him

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>we must collapse society because i'm a loser at the bottom of the ladder and getting nowhere in life
whatever rationalization you sour grape losers make are just excuses. whether society collapses or not doesn't matter. the weak and stupid perish (you) while the strong survive and prosper (not you). you managing to survive eating the bread crumbs tossed away won't last much longer because once technology makes your existence pointless then you will not exist any longer.

you should just kys yourself man, it makes me feel good and you should make others happy

>>doesn't know what section 8 is
Landlords aren't legally obligated to take your section 8 benefits, and most people did everything they could to not have poor people move into their neighborhood because credit reporting exists, they're afraid of nonpayment, and they think poor people lower property values. So at least where I lived, this meant most landlords willing to work with section 8 were mostly connected with tenants through an online portal or were connected to you through your local housing commission.

From experience with THESE listed postings, like 3 out of 5 of the options available on those sites that were affordable to families at our income level were slummy as fuck, even if they weren't specifically housing projects.

>>doesn't know how much EBT pays, never had it, abusive parents lied to him about how much they got

Benefits vary wildly based on a huge number of things, I was fucking there and if we had more money, we would've been spending it on more and better food. Go fiddle with if you wanna see how wildly the actual amount you get can vary.

>>talks about sending kids to public school
>Implying a fucking poor-ass child in a family of 7 is getting sent to private school

Be realistic, user.

>>retard subhuman parents were right
>>You obviously inherited their low IQ genes.

You're a real friendly guy user, and I bet you make tons of friends.

>>not domesticated citizens and didn't have full benefits and probably got screwed

You domesticate dogs, you're a domestic American. They definitely got screwed though.

>>weren't disabled in the first place

Disability is not section 8, nor is snap Disability. It's a benefit provided to low-income families to help keep them above water. Without it we'd 100% have been homeless.

>>non white
What's that got to do with anything? Being born poor sucks horse dick regardless of your race.

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god bless user hope you've managed to make a better life for yourself

>reddit spacing
>wagie seething continues


How did you know what reddit spacing look like?

>private school
You still don't understand. Your family is underclass people who can't escape poverty. We're talking about well-off families that decide accelerationism is the only moral stance. Who not only refuse to support the system, but actively work against it. Who are homeschooling their children in tactics, logistics, propaganda and command, but are as of yet unready to commit to military action.

Sounds dumb and counterproductive. Why not work on good causes as a volunteer, advocate and vote for your politics, and put your kid in soccer or track and field like a normal parent instead?

>voting that'll solve everything!
Among the other complaints you've likely heard about our oligarchy, do you realize voting is merely a proxy for "the group with the most guns"? A large segment of the population seems to have forgotten this needs to be backed with at least some realistic numbers of guns actually held.

Also my kids are in soccer, plus they learn how to win more important competitions.

>do you realize voting is merely a proxy for "the group with the most guns"?

No, because that’s dumb. Lots of democracies don’t have “the group with the most guns” because they mostly have done away with civilian firearms, and they get on just fine. I think you’ve bought into firearms marketing a bit too hard if you genuinely believe that.

We’re also not an oligarchy, and I encourage you to stop hanging out in echo chambers that want to sell you on that kind of sensationalism. There’s a reason why farmers who vote have farming subsidies, get paid to keep parts of their land unused, and receive massive tax breaks, because voting and issue advocacy to and by key groups works.

Good on you for putting them in soccer, but teaching your kids military tactics and psyops garbage is going to make them creepy, makes you creepy as long as you keep doing it, and mostly looks like bad parenting, almost like you’re intentionally trying to set them up to be the next school shooter or something.

Because honestly, Is that your motive? I genuinely don’t understand what specific kinds of scenarios you’re trying to train them for.

lmao if i lived in the west id have 50 kids and live like a rich person,
in my country if you cant afford to live you just die of starvation/go to prison cause government barely has enough to pay those who work, let alone those who dont