People often say that Heidegger was the last true philosopher, and that all that came after him was just a matter of regurgiation of ideas that were already expounded or concluded before. To what extent is this true, and if it is, then what does that mean for philosophy?
People often say that Heidegger was the last true philosopher...
are all cats the same?
Yes, only difference is their size. And the fact that small cats meow, because of thousands of years of domestication.
Wild cats and large felines like pumas and cheetahs can also meow. The only ones that cant are the five big cats of the Panthera genus, which are lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars and snow leopards.
Social behavior is different.
Tigers and leopards are loners.
Lions hate each other except for their fathers, their brothers and their sons. Lionesses are friends to each other. They cooperate as hunters.
Cheetahs behave a lot like small cats and are actually relatively easy to tame.
Small cats will band together and sometimes even cooperate to protect and feed each other and their babies, but they hunt alone.
good I wish we evolved from cats
>believing in evolution
I'm feeling fucking depressed right now. How do they do it lads? Have you ever had a snail in your hand? They are fucking hard. How are they so hard if they only eat green stuff?
I don't have hard nails or hard erections, how are snails so uber? Any podcasts to explains the hardliness of snails in detail (the physiology and physicsology of it all, including chemistry)
>wanting to be descended from shy poopers
>not proud of descending from chad poop flingers
cats are individualists self-centered egoists, better them than monkeys
I thought even the big ones can, but they just don't do it? I meant that they regularly do it, I was under the impression that theoretically they could all meow
physically they are almost identical except for their size and type of fur
No they actually cant, the bones in their throats are constructed differently. This allows them to roar, but also prevents them from meowing.
Tigers can make a "chuff" like sound though, which is how they greet familiar tigers/people.
How does Heidegger differ from all others after him? I know Adorno hated him because he was mad jelly of all the attention Marty was getting, but i dont see how his metaphysical writings somehow qualify him as "the last true philosopher".
this is the best post on this board i've seen in awhile
Someone pls
>Cheetahs behave a lot like small cats and are actually relatively easy to tame.
Cheetahs just fucking hate being wild. Catching their prey is hard and often it gets stolen by hyenas and wild dogs. They don't even have retractable claws or a powerful bite, so they suck at fighting.
There used to be larger Cheetahs in Europe and Asia, which could take down large cows and aurochs and bisons, but they died out. They werent as fast but they were much stronger than modern cheetahs.
>People often say that Heidegger was the last true philosopher
... who said like that?
Badiou and Derrida iirc