Joseph Ratzinger

What should I read that is written by him? Which is his most important book?

Also, what other books offer more modern interpretations of the Bible for people who suffer from bad faith like me?

Just trying to get this life shit sorted here, help is welcome.

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Guys please.

He wrote nothing of importance. Read them if you like. Stop shilling your dead church here.

Catholic thinkers like Teilhard de Chardin and Marshall McLuhan are better at explaining technology and the singularity than secular writers. If you want to have your mind blown, go back to Leibniz' writings on the eucharist and the catholicity of the universal church, how they flow irrevocably from infinitesimal calculus. Nikolai Feodorov on the noosphere and the resurrection of the dead as the common task of mankind. Chardin was a French jesuit who tried to reconcile darwinian evolution with catholicism back in the 50s, he was a controversial figure, regarded as an heretic by many, but since he has been cited as a theological authority by two consecutive popes(Benedict XVI and Francis), positivism and secularism look more and more like relics of the 19th century, as new atheism and dawkins now seem like relics od the bush era

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Introduction to Christianity. His Compendium of the Catechism is good too.

Start with the phenomenon of man by Teilhard de Chardin

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I hate saying it, but it makes me so happy knowing that you'll burn in hell.

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You love saying it. You are a vengeful person at your core. All believers in Hell are

>OP looking for Ratzinger books. Gets Chardin
Since they can’t refute evolution, they try to reconcile it. Typical. Expected. Doesn’t change the facts.

Deus Carita Est

God exists and He loves you.


But I must love you. I keep trying to save you from this infernal infection.

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Why do you imbeciles reply to this charlatan? It feeds off your attention.

God exists and He loves you.

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Teilhard is a heretic so intellectually fradulent that even Islamic traditionalists call him out on his faulty metaphysics (Nasr, Lings, etc.) No respectable traditional Catholic would read him in Seminary.

ratzinger will be the 2020 Yea Forums icon I can sense it

Depends what you want to read.
I liked his two biographies:Milestones (1927-1977) and Last Testament which came a few years ago.

I read values in a time of upheaval and without roots. I feel I can unfairly summarize these two as "everything is relative, but truth is objective so this is bad". and "turkey shouldn't join the EU cause I don't feel that turkey is european".

That's about all I remember from those two, but then again I didn't find them that interesting.

On Conscience contained two essays of his I think, it was regarding bioethnics from the catholic viewpoint.

There are ton of other books about theology etc, but I'm not a christian personally so I don't find it interesting.

Best of luck OP!

Read his "Jesus of Nazareth" books. Whether you're a total newcomer to Catholicism or a full-blown TradCath, those books will introduce you to the Catholic conception of Jesus, and how this conception informs all sorts of things in the Church, like the priesthood and the Sacraments. They're also really, really good at demonstrating how the New Testament is connected to the Old Testament, and how without the Old the New couldn't exist.

I have his Jesus of Nazareth, but haven't read it yet.

Romano Guardini's The Lord is excellent, Ratzinger wrote the introduction.

>Introduction to Christianity. His Compendium of the Catechism is good too.

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“In the beginning”, literally the best introduction (since it’s concerning genesis) to catholic theology

you're better off reading Francis, who is a much better person

His Lolita fan fic in which he dresses choirboys as girls.