Goodnight frens

goodnight frens

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goodnight & don't forget i love you

Sleep tight fag

Good night

It's literally 11:50am

Good night friend, good night. Good night sweet friend, good night, good night.

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Good night, user. Jesus is with you.

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But is morning

Whenever i sew threads like threads like these i think to myself "Is this made by a person just for laughs? Or is there someone out there so lonely yet yearning for human interaction that he resorts to wishing goodnight to a bunch of people on Yea Forums?"
Not shaming you if you don't have any friends of course, isolation is almost always never our choice and occurs coincidentaly

I am sad and lonely fren

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night night
don't let the bed bugs bite

>isolation is almost always never our choice and occurs coincidentaly
It's literally the complete opposite of this.

I'm gonna give that Lil frog a smooch MWAHHHHH

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they're just nice

Goodnight fren.

Remember to meditate if you can’t sleep or have things on your mind.

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2am here. I have to submit something tomorrow morning and i'm still not finished. I hate having no attention span.

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Man I know the feel, this was me two days ago.
Mine was due at 5pm and I ended staying up the entire night (woke up at 9am the day before) in order to hand it in 2 minutes before it was due.
Actually it was quite creepy because it was the first time I had gotten mild hallucination from lack of sleep.

Good night user

Good night sweet prince.

What i meant to say is that even if it's you that's driving people away, you either never realise it or don't realise it until it's too late.

Why is that, user?

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sure, good night. Hope I'll remember my dream, or even meet my guide again. Only recall meeting her twice.

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good night.
sweet dreams

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>tfw insomnia

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>contemplating suicide
when suddenly I realized I already planned it ahead

Now I can sleep without worry.

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Just stay awake for another 2-3 hours and it will be morning

nighty night

he's already in the land of nod

goodnight my darling