What canonical works honestly disprove this in its entirety?
What canonical works honestly disprove this in its entirety?
Nothing can disprove nature. I'm sorry you're too much of a pussy faggot, I would've enjoyed bullying you in school
>the smartest get bullied
>they now hate society
>average IQ stagnates
everything from the christian era. christianity dethroned those false primitive values based on cruelty and pride (and replaced them with love, mercy, sacrifice and humility).
You thought it was about about human progress and civilization? Its just that some people are sadistic and want to live their cruel fantasies. Why teach when you can just punch and make fun of someone. Its not like traumas are build the most in our early age.
>be smart
>still psychologically weak and docile enough to get bullied
>bullying which probably isn't even physical nowadays or if so its just kicking someones bag or groping them
Talk to any nationalist or self respecting man who cares about his country and preserving his people and they'll probably say that aside from its sociocultural relevance and how it helped historically they would've preferred a much less self castrating religion and much less slave morality in general
peak retard hour
>I'm a big strong man with muh values and muh traditions
But the people who bully are nigger tier and traitors. The funny thing is you get paid one way or another.
>>the smartest get bullied
every incel who gets bullied tells themselves this
At least we are starting to refuse working and putting the weight on you. Soon you will have african bullying you for fun and I hope you learn a lot from it, you will be really smart and know to obey them.
Bullying is rarely about enforcing social norms. Most of the time it is about wanting to gain social status by asserting one's position in the hierarchy of the group.
>Talk to any nationalist or self respecting man who cares about his country and preserving his people and they'll probably say that aside from its sociocultural relevance and how it helped historically they would've preferred a much less self castrating religion and much less slave morality in general
what are you going on about?
"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently. " (Proverbs 13:24)
"Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" (Hebrews 12:7)
degenerate behaviour is as old as history, I don't know how anybody can honestly claim that bullying solves it or preventing bullying causes it
anti-bullying programs at school typically favour the bully or are at best neutral towards it, and the idea that bullying stops completely because bullies can't do it at school without some form of punishment is a complete myth
'it builds character' and 'it creates tougher individuals' are both common defences towards bullying usually said by people who were bullied themselves and go on to bully others or raise children who are bullies, bullying as a cycle of abuse is degenerate and should be stamped out, it's also wrong, adversary that you can overcome builds character and fighting along with competition builds tougher individuals, bullies are usually pussies who fight in groups or with group approval and they universally target weaker and vulnerable individuals
'it leads to homogenous communities' these spastics are the first to cry when other people are forcing homogeneity on them, this is nothing but in-group rhetoric, 'bullies hate brown people therefore you should support bullies', they change their tone towards bullying real fucking quick when it's their group on the receiving end of bullies
not all bullies are the 'were bullied/abused at home' type but this post is only concerned with those that are
discipline is not the same as bullying
you must not know much about the greek gods
Enforcing what social norms exactly? That kids should be hypermasculine aggressive ignoramuses who play sports and fuck girls? That people shouldn't try hard at school and be nice to one another? The people getting bullied are usually intelligent and hardworking students who will grow up to be the next generations of doctors, lawyers, writers, mathematicians. Intelligence is way more important than mindless macho.
Typical post from someone who is oversympathetic and oversocialized.
>adversary that you can overcome builds character
Yes one who you cause lifelong psychological damage to through verbal bullying and manipulation is an adversary that you overcome.
>and be nice to one another?
Being nice to others isn't an essential quality for a man or a future adult male to have, this is part of the reason why men today are weak. In fact being overly nice and harmless as a man will make you inherently weak and vulnerable to those in society who are the opposite.
Doing well in formal education shouldn't be the priority in raising a male child, masculine virtues however should be instead of raising them to be conformist, unable to take risks or make decisions for themselves and having an inherently weak foundation because of it which will make them unable to deal with the inevitable hardships of life especially as a man.
This is why men are weak. What use is doing well in education if you are inherently psychologically weak from an early age and are encouraged to remain so by everyone around you including the educational institutions that you attend?
lol I misread it, at first glance I somehow thought it was another "slave morality" post
Go to africa or the middle east then you dumb faggot. We want to live like humans. This is why I'm for physiognomy and eugenics, subhumans like you have to be culled.
>bake the cake biggot!
we still have bullying. it's just that shoes on the other foot.
Basically any English folk tale or novel prior to the 20th century. Read Orwell's essay about Edgar Wallace for example. Resignation to bullying is muslim tier.
Furries and traps are only obnoxious because they engage in their own kind of bullying.
What the fuck are you talking about? You can be a nice person while simultaneously enforcing your own boundaries and being assertive. Only slackjawed subhumans think that the only way to not be a pushover is to walk around with your chest puffed up and start fights over the slightest shit.
Being nice is not the same as being submissive or naive. You're just a small-cocked nigger.
>Talk to any nationalist or self respecting man who cares about his country and preserving his people and they'll probably say that aside from its sociocultural relevance and how it helped historically they would've preferred a much less self castrating religion and much less slave morality in general
maybe they should look at certain denominations of islam
Montainge makes a pretty good case against the general idea that you must hit or humiliate people to teach them on his writings on education.
Basically mistreating someone that way only makes them either violent or subservient (even servile), which are two different opposites of true discipline.
>kaczynski, jordan peterson and jesse lee peterson combined in one post
Now we have reached peak brainletism
>Furries and traps are only obnoxious because they engage in their own kind of bullying.
How so?
This is the most american boomer-tier shit i've ever read
Early, and often.
Remember people being banned for even mentioning this stuff or posting the picture to r/mde lol
>what book confirms my already established beliefs
Feels like 30% of the threads on this board ask this stupid fucking question
I was a skinny teenager who got good grades and I did the bullying... did I do something wrong? According to American stereotypes I was supposed to be the one getting bullied.
what's wrong with that, if someone knows they're right why not learn more so they can dispute other ideas.