>"Here is Plato's man"
Why was Diogenes so based?
"Here is Plato's man"
Literal reddit tier "philosopher"
He was the ultimate antithesis to the normalfag condition. Truly based.
Hoes mad
This. If this encounter would have taken place on reddit Di*genes would have gotten a gold star.
Literally a beyond retarded tier post.
Diogenes once again makes the plebs seethe
Diogenes was a literal NEET vagabond. Nothing against him, but if you're going to praise his life and "philosophy" then you should start by following his footsteps; i.e. getting off this board.
Diogenes was a made up person meant to provide a foil to Plato.
They were lovers
If a chicken were truly a featherless biped, it would not have needed to be plucked.
ya in your diary maybe
>Seeing a rich man in the company of a poor one, he asked, 'Who are these people who are associating together?', and when someone replied ,'They're friends', he said 'And how is it, then, that one is wretchedly poor and the other exceptionally rich?'
i have no idea what i'm supposed to get out of this.
is the rich one supposed to give the poor one money?
>Diogenes asked Plato if he was writing a book of laws, and he said yes.'That's odd, haven't you written a Republic?' 'Yes, I have.' 'Well then, didn't your republic have laws?' 'Of course it did.' 'Then why on earth do you need to be writing laws again?'
oof how do you recover from that
imagine a wolf is friends with a sheep
hoes mad
>a NEET vagabond cannot use the internet
He’s saying a plucked chicken fits Plato’s definition of man retard
/thread. Not to mentioned, Diogenes likely never existed. His historicity is questionable. Le funny bum, tall tale. A Paul Bunyon of his day.
You need proof of address to become a library patron.
You are wrong, Diogenes philosophy was about how to handle men, such skill is a very valuable one in businesses today. So much that there is a whole field for it.
>be a literal fucking street orphan
>literally just a kid that literally nobody wanted
>drink water and eats without using a bowl
Diogenes literally can't even recover from this
>be a literal fucking street orphan
>literally just a kid that literally nobody wanted
he came from a well-off "banking" family
do you mean (((banking))) family?
>literally literally
what the fuck is wrong with being a street orphan, or being a kid that nobody wanted? do you use Yea Forums to project?
yea i also got the feeling he was describing himself. it's like being afraid of coming out as a nazi to your parents so you cope with it by lashing out at others
they minted currency
he was exiled for defacing money and then became the crazy hobo
He owned a cup which served also as a bowl for food but threw it away when he saw a boy drinking water from his hands and eating food off a piece of bread, realizing one did not even need a bowl for sustenance.
and how is that an answer to our questions?
*my questions and his comment
The Wittgenstein of his time
More like frogposter tier "philosopher"
die cunt
I don’t think he likes free speech.
Agreed, not if he suggests capital punishment for those who simply offend him.