Cast it

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I'm so glad I cancelled my Netflix subscription a year ago.

Remedios the Beauty

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God, that will be boring

Their business model is unsustainable. They get the rights to about 2 to 3 kino each month and spend the rest on their budget on their godawful originals. They literally are so retarded that they don't understand what made their platform popular in the first place.

They will all be butt ugly, actors aren't allowed to be attractive anymore, especially the women.

>hasn't seen a movie in at least 10 years
Hey grandpa, who allowed you to go on the internet?

This reminds me of that passage in Elementary Particles where he is describing, Michel's lost love interest, there is one part in particular where he says she is so beautiful it hurts older men to merely look in her direction. I don't think I understood it until today.

I've seen enough previews to know he's right.

Ummmm sweaty beauty standards are a form of racism

Almost like the real world!

Isabella better be in it

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I hope she plays the part of that girl who has to sell her body to 100 men every night to pay back her debts


It would be better if it were an animated series.

idris elba as every character

Amaranta Úrsula

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Who the fuck wants to watch the real world on television. How fucking horrifically dull.

lots of people did

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Absolutely every aspect of that show was artificial

>jaw drops to the floor
>tongue rolls out like a carpet
>eyes pop out and increase in size
>bow tie starts spinning
>hat flies off like a rocket
>heart beats visibly through the clothes


Hopefully played by Colombians and in Spanish.

that character is a mulata, though.

Will they keep all the pedo stuff? Asking for my aunt

Daily reminder that the main family should be whites (criollos), but they'll ruin it, anyway, so being Netflix I don't have my hopes up.

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Is Cuban close enough?

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she could easily play one of the Buendías

me as aureliano, because hes literally me

they're supposed to be ugly they're fucking impoverished rodent people

impoverished? they lived in a big house

they are white peasants, that's all.

I wish someone did an Autumn of the Patriarch miniseries.

witch one

It was a remain from past, better times. Although their economy was fluctuating throughout the novel.

the original one, of course.

Who is gonna direct this?

a bunch of hacks for hire

Man, I read that just a couple months ago but I don't remember any of their names because they were all called the same fucking thing.

>they were all called the same fucking thing.
Not really, if you pay attention they're easy to identify.

Yeah this novel is something that even PTA cannot cover

oh come on it's such a knowing running joke that at one point he literally introduces 17 aurelianos at once

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>those ashes

Every fucking time

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All strong black women and one token white guy.

but they have different names, what's there not to get? they're bastards. and also the Buendías are white (criollos).

it's totally doable but don't tell me he wasn't sniggering when he called the 20th person 'aureliano'

the last one, the virgin neet that spent all day reading ancient scrolls

he got a qt3.14 sister gf tho

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did he really? I read it a while ago.

yea the daughter of the princess she was away for studying or something like that. The end was their baby eaten by ants.

That would be nice if it was true. I dislike to see so many attractive people on screen

but was she the sister?

just checked she was actually his aunt

>I don't remember any of their names because they were all called the same fucking thing.
Wouldn't that make it easier to remember, not harder?