Are there any languages (engineered or naturally occurring), that are written only? As in...

Are there any languages (engineered or naturally occurring), that are written only? As in, languages with no phonetic component.

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Not OP, but you can "speak" binary even if you sound like a spergo

braille is the biggest example

braille is just a different representation of Roman characters

Only by translating it into your language. Do you say 'null' and 'eins' or 'one' and 'zero'
Blissymbols is an attempt at an international auxiliary language with no vocal component, but rather having each symbol represent a concept. Similar to Chinese characters but without Mandarin
Personally I find them ugly and robotic-looking

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sign language
this shit is retarded

Interesting concept though.

What do you mean? That's literally hanzi, but worst.

sign language you dumbells

that isn't writing you mongoloid

I don't think that's possible. How would you make the connection between signifier and signified?

who is this G-ddess?

>written only

The dead languages from which we only have texts. Latin, perhaps. There's not a single true Latin speaker these days.

Their written form was still invented based on how the language was spoken.


>earth not a circle with either air or house inside it

In a certain sense, musical notation.

if you like this stuff, there's a video game called Heaven's Vault with an entire language like this that you have to figure out. It's by the devs who made 80 Days.

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very good answer imo

>earth is flat

Read Ernest G. McClain's books

she looks like she fucks black men


Go back to Israel.

Yes. What you're looking for is the languages used to code. So learn to code OP - it's both fun and useful.

Interestingly there is a written component to sign language.

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I think all texts written in Avestan were written after the language had died, if that's good enough for you

If you include in naturally occurring languages that have died out and are now only read then yes. Take cuneiform. I dont know if anyone knows the actual phonetic pronunciation of cuneiform, but even if they do, no one walks around speaking it to one another. What matters with a language is semantic content adhearing to grammatical rules, not phonetic pronunciation. This can be seen in post Roman Empire when Italians and French and Spanish each thought they were speaking Latin, but couldnt really understand the others. But they could all still read Latin. So with a dead language randomly assigned noises to a word dont really matter as long as the semantic content is understood. What I doubt is that you could read a hypothetical constructed language with no phonetic pronunciation without assigning your own native languages pronunciation to the words. So similar to the latin readers assigning french or italian sounds to the same semantic content.

If it can be defined, it can be spoken. If it can be spoken, then it obviously has a phonetic component.

No not true. There things individuals can grasp, like experiences or emotions, and they can define those things to themselves, but those things can be incommunicable to others. If you mean define to be a specific function of language in which the world is articulated into words then maybe, but I would object to such a restricted use of the word. Defined is related to definite. I can have definite, well defined experiences that I can define to myself internally, but I cannot articulate to others. So not everything defined can be spoken.

she cute

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We went from oral tradition to written language to sign language.

This is the "three-in-one" unity - you can not separate one number from the other - and it has to be contemplated in silence for a long time in a pure environment. Plato was an oil merchant and his goal was not this real mystical training. Sure he relied on it but instead turned it into a materialistic mysticism - based on using the new geometry created by Archytas from the Pythagorean philosophy. So the Pythagorean math is deceptively simple - just like Taoist yin-yang philosophy - but to practice it on a sincere level is exceedingly difficult. Meanwhile there is all this fake "sacred geometry" using irrational numbers which really is not Pythagorean philosophy at all. It's the perfect way to cover up the real philosophy - a "bait and switch" tactic. So that way you say Pythagoras - and people go - Oh I know him he created the square root of two! haha. Quite the contrary. So the myth that someone who discovered his "secret" of the square root of two and then told about it was then killed - this is the typical myth to hide the true Pythagorean teachings. The "Orthodox" Pythagorean philosophers ONLY used the Tetrad - 1:2:3:4 - they did not even use the number 8 - so they could not have even created the 9/8 ratio as the major 2nd music interval. In other words the scale was just the octaves and the perfect fifth and perfect fourth. You find the same music intervals in all human cultures - and it derives from the original human culture - the Bushmen of Africa who were the original Pythagorean-Taoists - using the 1-4-5 music intervals as alchemical training.

"In the beginning there was word". But before the word there had to be a thought so observation and visualization of concepts. Those who cannot visualize in mind use drawing their concepts on a piece of paper. Hence geometry.

Perhaps the only written language would be mathematics or logic since it is just concepts that are universal in all languages and there is no loss in translation unlike normal languages.

fuck off if i want to fuck black guys i will not like i only fuck black guys it's just raceplay is hot as hell

Read Myth of Invariance by Ernest G. McClain

Binary is just 1 - "ON" and 0 - "OFF" so you could represent it as essentially any two arbitrary contrasting sounds which surely isn't translating it into a different language?

Can we do ternary or quantum computing language instead to overcome the language barrier?

What did Wittgenstein mean by "If a lion could speak, we couldn't understand him"?

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But no phonetic component is integral to binary

You can't have thought without phonetic language. Binary is phonetic by nature as is anything else.

Thought precedes language. Consult your local octopus for confirmation

Essentially if we spoke to a Lion, we would lack proper context of what it would even refer to in conversation, and vice verse. Like imagine trying to explain the simple sentence, “I took a cab to go to a coffee shop and rode the subway home” to a lion. They would have no context of what any of those words mean. You would have to explain so many things, you would end up basically communicating nothing. Now imagine what a lion would have to say and how much it would have to explain.

At least that’s how it was explained to me. I’m not a professional in this field however.

Language is the immanentization of form, but thought precedes form

We arrive at our discovery of entropy by way of striving to inscript reality and matter with the "epistemic objects" of science. This is done by attempting essentially to match predication and "performarice statements" generated in the lab, onto and into reality itself. This comes via the statistical, probabilistic and strategic speaking and thinking that is the result of standardized writing essentially. The more the world turns towards "globish" or "universal English" the more we will find our selves reeling ever deeper in existential ennui. The standarda and standard worldview of the unconscious technology of the representational model within the "merely" phonological exogrammic system we know as the alphabet has had extreme consequences. The Logos is real but we choose over and over to manifest it as ossified bureaucracy, legalism, scientism and debt.

Lion are ineffecive hosts and will be caged.

Isn't chinese that? The signs themselves have no phonetic equivalent, so different parts of China have the same written language but cannot understand eachother when speaking

Try the basic bijective base-1 numeral system.

Thanks. I will.

Literary Chinese is close to that. The original pronunciation does not exist any more, and speakers of different dialects of Chinese can legitimately read the characters of Literary Chinese the way they are pronounced in their native dialect. Moreover, Japanese people read it according to Japanese on'yomi readings, which are again quite different from any modern-day Chinese dialect.

Like 9 women out of 10, just regular women taking selfies on the internet they all have this particular look about them in their eyes and their style that looks like "i bet she likes black guys"

Before you would see a few like that here and there, now it's most women. Even if you go to most of the daily threads on Yea Forums majority of girls posted on there look like they are into black guys.

I am black btw so that's how i recognize the "look" that only certain ones who liked hip hop and out culture used to have now it seems most have that look


youre delusional

I think even Freud agreed that women lust for high quality DNA seed both consciously and subconsciously, it is hardwired in their DNA, all about trying to make the offspring as high quality as possible.

White societies and predominatly white countries have always kept women on a leash through monogamy. Women hate monogamy and must be brainwashed to accept it.

Then the sexual revolution occured and women could sleep around with any men they chose, instead of some balding manlet wageslave.

Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be women embracing BBC and non-whites. You guys always deny this or pretend it's only a cucks fantasy, but the amount of amatuer BBC and interracial porn coming from America is astounding. Blacked is accounting for less than 1% off all interracial videos, that are amatuer and not even filmed for profit. You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning.

oh its pasta bait, carry on then

Chinese written characters are used as a representation of a variety of Chinese dialects but in themselves bear no phonetic component. In some cases, like the distinction between "he" and "she" in modern spoken Mandarin Chinese, the real exact meaning is visible only in the written form, since the phonetic form of different characters is exactly the same.

Furthermore, if you speak a modern dialect of Chinese and try to read ancient texts you will understand the meaning more or less but primarily through a written form. Actual sounds of ancient Chinese dialects were totally different, however, and remain completely unintelligible to modern speakers, who have developed spoken forms only in the past few centuries.

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Language has a structure. The phonetic, atomistic, alphabetic language manifests a structure that Becuase of its compression of information, impeccable accuracy and ability to translate any language into itself- never goes away. The first opportunity for information in the technical scientific sense begins when the vowels are extracted and the syllabary, the “abcderium” is completed. Once the “sufficiently complex” standardized representation system is extant, this allows the benefits and problems (infinity, timelessness as a standard of measure, incommensurability, gödels theorem, the liars paradox, etc) of mathematics to invade layman culture. This spilling over or “surplus” (recall capital means surplus) of mathematical utility lends itself to the accuracy of communication in the realms of architecture, law, religion and economics such that ideas don’t die with the generation that beget them the ideas instead accrue through “culture” and transfer beyond the limits of biological memory. This is called “externalized memory”. Externalized memory IS CULTURE.

If "knowledge" arises via something like intuition or "gnosis" then it means that logic and mathematics isn't just an ontological problem since it arises irrationally-its theological.

It's not just Chinese. Kanja in Japanese and Hanja in Korean will use the same symbols with the same meaning across different languages (though obviously some have developed divergent meanings now).


they're still dangerous sigils

You can just call them moon runes like everyone else baka

So geometric irrational ratios are very precise - and in that sense deceptively powerful - how else could we have Western science? But geometric irrational ratios are not accurate and it's more important to be accurate first than to be precise. So the original Pythagorean philosophy was accurate because it did not misrepresent the truth of incommensurability - that number and geometry do not line up and so therefore you get an infinite extension of number as complementary opposites - male and female numbers. So the Pythagoreans taught that the number 1 is male but it is not really a number - why? Because it is actually consciousness that infinitely goes into the Emptiness - Apeiron. And what is the Emptiness - it is the Cosmic Mother. And so then the first matter is the female number 2 which is actually a reflection or resonance of this eternal female void that is not really empty. If this sounds like Taoism -- it should - because it is the same as real Taoist philosophy. So then 2:3 is yang as electromagnetic energy and 3:4 is yin as electrochemical energy.

>tfw you will never unravel the secrets of Dwemer tonal architecture

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Original characters are dangerous. Modern ones are corrupted. Most people do not care about the corruption of the characters. Nobody has time to study the etymology.

Its no wonder the Chinese are world market leaders with their pioneering use of logomancy

math is spoken

I'm vacationing in Paris and have seen more interacial couples (overwhelmingly black males and white women ) than white couples. This is disturbing toe and I'm not even white.

possibly Incan quipu

That's a bad case of eczema .

No. Prior to the invention of sign language, everyone born deaf was also considered intellectually disabled, despite the fact that most deaf people don't have an intellectual disability. This is because they had nothing to associate written words with which makes reading pretty much impossible. When you read, you hear the words in your head, or if you're deaf you see the gesture in your mind's eye. Without these automatic associations it will always look like gibberish.

I wish everyone was born deaf and blind.

Had there ever been? No true Latin speaker ;)
All's vulgar.

I bet her feet are top-tier

I want to dab on this girl's pussy

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>health is a 4
>medicine is a windchime
>cloud is a sideways medicine
What did they mean by this

earth is flat bitch

>philosophy is a viral contagion, language is a disease vector
books for ths feel?

Health is an upside down chair.
Medicine is a pole with a snake around it.
Cloud is a combination of water and sky.

this is redpilled

>We arrive at our discovery of entropy by way of striving to inscript reality and matter with the "epistemic objects" of science. This is done by attempting essentially to match predication and "performarice statements" generated in the lab, onto and into reality itself.
Good start, the Mainländerisation of space-time used to be my favorite subject.
>This comes via the statistical, probabilistic and strategic speaking and thinking that is the result of standardized writing essentially.
Sure, I agree with Plato here as well, but don't fall into the trap that Outside-obsessed gamers like Land and his goons want you to: there are many examples of unspoken Word that have nothing to do with retrocausality.
>The more the world turns towards "globish" or "universal English" the more we will find our selves reeling ever deeper in existential ennui. The standarda and standard worldview of the unconscious technology of the representational model within the "merely" phonological exogrammic system we know as the alphabet has had extreme consequences.
Don't hesitate to be prescriptive here, speculation is anyone's game (though I'd obviously nudge you away from the cybertrophic telolinguistics of Land et al.)
>The Logos is real but we choose over and over to manifest it as ossified bureaucracy, legalism, scientism and debt.
There you go, a little bit further towards Fisher or Zizek, closer to the Real. Not too close, but keep them in mind.

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