
human evolution as posited by modern science is not real

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Used to be a big proponent of evolution, not anymore, I don't buy it. Not even a hard science.

I bet you have a child's understanding of biology

Used to say the same thing to my opponents. Lots of bio-jargon and pseudo-evidence can't save a failing theory that isn't observable or empirical.

There are many working parts to it and it can’t be unproven now. Only little parts of it are adjusted, added or subtracted. Its a fact of life.

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Take a course in evolutionary biology at a community college or at one of those online universities, then come back

Evolution is unfalsifiable, biggest scam in history.

Just because you feel shafted doesn’t mean it’s false.

where does he say that? I've read a couple of his books but he never said anything like it

>NPC #1445 your indoctrination is not complete, return to your education factory for proper programming!
Been there done that, waste of money.

He probably disbelieved in evolution since it's not real science and it relies on retarded metaphysics. Schuon was Guenon's friend and he talked about evolution very negatively.


It's easy to pretend you're not a brainlet when you dismiss all your opponents as brainwashed, at least if the appearance of knowledge is more important to you than actual knowledge

>being smart is indoctrination

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what do you suggest in opposition?

Ah I see so the FACT that actual evolution of life has been observed (even if it was on the microscopic level) is just something you'll conveniently ignore, right?

Okay, you've piqued my interest. Why is evolution bullshit?

Noah’s ark

good portrait of you.
>It's easy to pretend you're not a brainlet when you dismiss all your opponents as brainwashed,
So stop dismissing your opponents with "hurrr go back to school" nonsense.

Okay. Elaborate, please. Free me from these coils.

intelligent design

The Admins of our simulation (often known as "God" by primitive cultures) used evolution as an algorithm to develop complex life.

And what do you think breathes life into this supposition?

we are embodied information, and information is not self created



What created your designer? Of course it’s all self created. Life happens under the right conditions. It comes, it goes. You experience it only through your short little life and presume boundaries and superhumans in the sky who promise you you won’t actually die *die*

Again I tell you. When this impermanence occurs to a human being, they wont jump off a building. They wont go to war, they wont blow themselves up for any cause. Fuck your neoliberal pie chart

What does he have to say? You cannot refute it. It is fact now

Two ways to disprove common descent:
Find a bunny fossil with a dinosaur fossil
More precise:
Finding transitional forms in the wrong spot.
Suppose there are two species, A and B, with B having recently evolved (on the fossil record scale) from A. This implies fossils of A and B would have a set of traits in common, C1, which is so large as to make them considered morphologically similar, and a set of traits they do not share, D1, as to distinguish them.
For common descent to be true, there must have been a transitional species T that existed before B and after A that evolved from the latter and into the forme. T will have all traits C1 in common with A and B but also additional traits in common with B. Call the traits in common with B and T C2. T will also have differences from B to distinguish them that A also didn't share, D2, but less than A had with B. Therefore C1 is a subset of C2 and D2 is a subset of D1.
Fossils of T will therefore be below fossils of B but above fossils of A.
Therefore if you find fossils matching the description of A and B but find a fossil matching T below both, for example, you have falsified common descent, as it wouldn't make sense for a species to lose traits in evolving to A only to quickly gain them *all* back in evolving to B.
Also to add, the transitional of traits will be done via simple modifications to A's morphology to be more similar to B's, such as the fusion of two bones.
Every transitional fossil we discovered in the exactly correct fossil layer was a falsifiable prediction that got verified.

t. never seen a dog

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>thinks his great grandfather was a fish
Absolute state of evolutionists

>thinks his great grandfather was dust
The absolute state of Christcucks

The designer is supernatural therefore he is uncreated while we are natural therefore we are created.

Technically atheists also believe humans were once dust.

>H. P. Blavatsky, René Guénon and Julius Evola all shared the belief in the Hyperborean, polar origins of Mankind and a subsequent solidification and devolution.[43]

>Rene Guenon in his book The Lord of the World says: Almost every tradition has its name for this mountain, such as the Hindu Meru, the Persian Alborj, and the Montsalvat of Western Grail legend. There is also the Arab mountain Qaf and the Greek Olympus, which has in many ways the same significance. This consists of a region that, like the Terrestrial Paradise, has become inaccessible to ordinary humanity, and that is beyond the reach of those cataclysms which upset the human world at the end of certain cyclic periods. This region is the authentic ‘supreme country’ which, according to certain Vedic and Avestan texts, was originally sited towards the North Pole, even in the literal sense of the word. Although it may change its localisation according to the different phases of human history, it still remains polar in a symbolic sense because essentially it represents the fixed axis around which everything revolves.

Christians must have a terrible time comprehending how a tree trunk can turn into a chair.

But this is Opposite Day, so no.

>They’re gifts from god!

gotta post a warning sign

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dropout that doesn't trust (understand) academia responds with no u. And you are part of the "unindoctrinated" intellectual elite, here at Yea Forums, right ?

>evolutioncucks still exist

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here's a gif from god

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>rebuttal amounts to "no u"
truly, an intellectual giant and not at all a soulless NPC

why do so many people take such obvious bait

Well, as /pol/tards keep spreading we keep finding people that are actually that stupid and not just memeing, so it gets harder to know for sure. That post is way too funny though, so you are probably right, but some of them are really like that.

Same, macro evolution is a joke.

Yea it's made by a creative hand

Evolution is racist, in fact. No self-respecting leftist can accept such a naturalistic, essentialist explanation for the DIVERSITY of life.

>Evolution is racist,
That implies evolution (a non-entity) has a racial bias instead of just being nature favoring the strong, bold, and more adaptable.

Forms, Aeons, Archons, superpositional hypostases thereof.

>Time = Magic
yay gradualism!

At least you didn't put a lot of time and effort into your trolling.


So why aren't gorillas on facebook?
Why aren't wolves manning the Dog Chow factories?

There is a growing group of scientists from several disciplines saying that it doesn’t hold water. For example Yaneer Bar-Yam, a physicist, disproved (as in it’s not possible) Dawkins’ gene selection theory.
Here’s a video of three other non-quack skeptics giving very compelling arguments against Darwinism and the current consensus.