What do you have so far, on your Yea Forums dating profile?
What do you have so far, on your Yea Forums dating profile?
Other urls found in this thread:
>say that I'm into literature on my tinder profile
>talk with guys about lit
>they all have awful taste if they read at all
>mostly just intimidated that a girl has read Dostoevsky
>have nothing else to talk about, no normie interests
it's suffering.
have you thought about not trying to date plebians? better yet, not date at all
>not trying to date plebians
boy where do you even find non-plebs? every guy i date is a godforsaken npc, but is it better to remain alone forever? what can i do?
We all know girls like Chad tho, you can't trick a redpilled board
and all men like attractive women. how is that an argument? it's biology. i don't see men hitting on pimple faced pudgeballs.
Oh but they do, all humans are horrid but you'll find someone
date me
>you'll find someone
should i just settle and bag some npc, then? can you train them? like, if i marry a normalfaggot, can i get him into literature? because finding a guy already into literature is not going to happen apparently.
but im right here whats your kik
lemme aks you a question. why would i date a loser from Yea Forums when I can get a decent normal guy? I'm not even convinced you retards aren't just npcs, there's only like 4 posters here who have ever written anything intelligent. or maybe that's just the absolute STATE of Yea Forums speaking.
I read crit threads and have seen you losers' goodreads, you're pseuds. I wouldn't date any of you. grow a damn bit of taste first.
Dating someone based off interests seems like an awful way to go.
You're not looking for someone identical to you, you're looking for a competent life partner. Just because they don't read Dostoevsky doesn't mean they wouldn't be a terrific husband or father.
Trannies aren't women.
You sound like you have a lovely personality.
>go on tinder heavily for a month
>get 700 matches swiping right furiously
>500 i wouldn't consider, sorry
>150 mid range
>50 wife-material-on-the-surface
>meet up with maybe 6-7 in a month
>most of them are just pleasant meals/events
>a few trainwrecks but couldn't keep me down
>match with a professional violinist
>ask her what her favorite concerto for her instrument is, she likes the samuel barber
>she's korean and we both had our parents think we might be autistic when we were younger
>she reads as much if not more than I do
>know she's leaving for boston for school in a few months
>fall in love anyway
>she leaves
>was it better to have loved and lost
>not sure
basically what i'm saying is, i'm here for you grl
don't let my chad appearance fool you.
>I'd never date anyone from Yea Forums they're all losers
>Posts this on Yea Forums
You played yourself you stupid cunt
okay but what books by Dostoevsky?
Women are like walking jokes
I am 26 years old and never had a date.
What to do
Sasha grey pls go
lmao, i rescind my offer
Kek women are all the same, immediately where your mind jumps from meeting someone on tinder
Not sure if this good bait or if you're just an insufferable cunt.
i'm flattered
Tinder is for sex only
It's very obviously bait you fucking redditor.
You are an npc
Maximum cringe
>swiping right on everyone and not just the guys/girls you actually like
why do men do this? I swipe right on like 1/100 guys after careful debate. and idk, i think it's better to collect good experiences rather than sit alone and stew in misery. everything will be lost eventually so it doesn't matter either way, then or now.
ask girls out?
can you date someone you have absolutely nothing in common with? i read an obscene amount of books. if I'm over here getting worked up over a book and my bf didn't even have a bit of interest in it i'd feel snubbed. i don't think people who don't read are even human. i cannot conceive of what normalfags do all day if they don't read; books are the only thing i've ever found stimulating. nothing else holds my interest. what do normalshits do, clubbing, popular music? shopping? idk. if i was with a guy like that i don't think i could stand him. i wouldn't be able to respect him if he wasn't at least interested in literature. and if he doesn't read he won't understand the things i say or unique feelings you can only convey with the shorthand of a novel. novels become a meta-language for concepts and emotions too complex to summate with a few words. could you date someone who didn't speak your language? the feverish delirium of dostoevsky or the ambitious aesthetics of mishima, the aching bitterness of kokoro, the willful self destruction of dorian grey? speaking with a non-reader is like trying to have a conversation with someone who has a fourth grade vocabulary. there's a limiting factor to the complexity you can convey if you share nothing in common. on the lowbrow end you can see this in memes. it's a shared new order of language.
getting some chad to help me make one. while i do want a serious relationship someday i want to satisfy my desire for flesh and have fun while still young
Roasties dont cares as long as your attractive
>ask girls out?
And then.. What? I am dead serious, I don't know what I am supposed to do or feel.
Its all so confusing
I don't read and we're having a discussion right now.
I'd be fine with a wife who respected my interests, doesn't mean she has to enjoy playing Tekken and lifting weights. I'll also specifically choose interests that give me a break from my future wife because I think that's healthy.
Look, maybe if I read I'd sympathize with your point but I don't. If you specifically want a relationship because you wan't someone to discuss literature with then fine. If you want to raise children, find someone with similar morals to spend the rest of your life with, then I think you are limiting your options by excluding people based off there taste in books or hobbies.
>Main interest is something which literally means "love of learning"
>Can't think of any other interests
What philosophy should I espouse in order to seduce girls at my campus?
>>ask girls out?
>And then.. What? I am dead serious, I don't know what I am supposed to do or feel.
Fug em HARD
I cannot get videos of blancnoir
Naw. The moody goth girls maybe, but that could get tricky. They can smell a phony easily, and aren’t as interested in a relationship.
Go with Aristippus or Epicurus
I use this to fuck art hoes. It works okay so far.
If you really love her, go find her man, dont waste that chance you dummy dum dum
Is this the thread where I vent about being a virgin and hating myself and my repressed homosexuality and/or gender dysphoria
>why do men do this?
because otherwise i'd get like 1 match a month. even doing it like this i'm lucky if i get 2/3 in a day
>why do men do this
typical vagina logic
From a purely utilitarian point of view, it makes more sense to judge someone after you know you have a chance then it does afterwards.
>dating profile
Cumbrain cringe
that's pathetic. i match every guy i swipe right on. if i did what guys do i'd have tens of thousands of matches and get 900 messages a day. are you so desperate you'd settle for anyone who gives you the time of day?
what's it like to not be able to choose whoever you want?
>I don't read
>check address bar, on Yea Forums
can't say i didn't expect this, but i'm still disappointed.
>1 match a month
I swiped right on every girl I came across and got 1 match in like 6 months, must be nice being a Chad
embarrassing how white you sound
When I was on tinder I had that I’d write a girl a haiku on request in my bio. I got a lot of cute matches & girls asking for one. Bitches love haikus apparently
uhhhhh. going to disagree hard on this one.
I know a little about A LOT of subjects. And a lot about a little. Recently met a girl that was into hot yoga, bad TV, and food, and it was TERRIBLE. Had NOTHING to talk about. I have more hobbies than I can keep up with, and straight up had no way to connect with this girl. She was just into nothing.
who are you even trying to reach with this bait
I feel you there man. I don’t expect a girl to be interested in exactly the same things but she just had no interest in literature and instead enjoyed stuff like Love Island, Disney and shit like that. We had some good times and she had a great fat ass, but ultimately you gotta have SOME similar interests or at the very least a desire to try out your partners interests
Stop watching anime
>what's it like to not be able to choose whoever you want?
lol so is that the whole point of this thread then? you just want to make incels mad? why?
Gnosticism, but you have to maintain a healthy curiosity about the outside world. It also helps if you're an alcoholic trainwreck. In my experience, the more depraved and undesirable I felt, the more (broad) success I had with women.
>pluralizing a japanese loanword
how is it bait? WHY do you just swipe yes on everyone? do you have zero standards, are you a dog begging for any scrap you can get? i don't understand. why would you yes on people you aren't interested in, or are you simply interested in absolutely anyone who would have you?
>In my experience, the more depraved and undesirable I felt, the more (broad) success I had with women.
i refuse to believe that this actually worked unless you're a base-level chad
OP flexing way too hard on us
I must admit my experientially proven heuristic that women have an extreme aversion to any form of judgement whatsoever, nevermind elitism, is ringing alarm bells.
Bait, not a woman
feck, meant to reply to
go after her you gay ass retard
I had long hair, was tall and skinny, but also had a severely German skull and was a complete freakshow who regularly wore women's clothing (because I liked the style, not because I wanted to LARP as a woman). In contrast, I was surrounded by boys who looked like they stepped outta GQ and had far more money. It was the complete detachment yet curiosity that reeled women in, who at bottom are just looking for something exciting. You do have to have base-level looks, though.
Why is it so hard to find a good Yea Forums gf lads
All I get are girls with daddy issues who are addicted to drugs
They have to have been your childhood friend or high school sweetheart
i'm sure a khv would know all about women
It could be female, but you're forgetting they like to judge others. If it is a female, the second Russian Chad laughs at her for reading Dostoevsky in English when it's on courses for school children in Russia, she'll start thinking he's mean for pointing out her entry level standard. There are plenty of women who like to think they're superior because they barely scrape above mediocrity, but the second they meet or see anyone, especially a fellow female, who chose to rise above normal by being genuinely interested in the subject and not in kudos, they turn into the green eyed monster they want to provoke in those more mediocre than them. Never seen a woman so seething as a "smart grill I'm so like men" who meets a sperger female who is actually smart and unaware of women peacocking for dick. They also inevitably think they're being excluded by misogynists when you smile and nod at them instead of saying "that's fucking retarded git gud retard" like you would to a male. They refuse to believe if they were a male who is wrong about some shit that they would be called retarded, because people have been extra polite to them in hopes they won't realise they're retard level and cry about it.
It impresses no one but myself.
how are you doing today, gabriel?
>these are the people discussing literature with you and telling you how to get laid
He needs better shoes but otherwise he's rocking that outfit better than the majority of women could. Props on the lipstick matching the look.
>music except rap and country
>why do men do this? I swipe right on like 1/100 guys after careful debate.
lol, the only reason you can do that is because men swipe right on everybody, otherwise you would get no matches
In writing dating profiles I generally undersell my intelligence. I want to lower the barrier to entry for intellectual discussion as much as possible, because if I do so I cast my net too short.
Any references can be seen as pretentious. It's better to come off as a doofy upbeat funboy that a joyless brooding contemplative spending his free time on cryptic mental games only three dozen other people in the world have any familiarity with.
delete this
>cryptic mental games only three dozen other people in the world have any familiarity with.
is this actually what you do in your spare time though?
>you shouldn't read Dostoevsky because he's assigned reading in russian schools
We're reaching levels of pseud that shouldn't even be possible.
>You should be proud of reading high school lit
I bet you think saying you read Camus makes you seem like a genius too, not a fourteen year old average French child.
otto whynigger new more about women than any chad
He was a Jew though. Takes one to know one etc
>you're either bragging about the literature you read, or not reading it at all
Go away pseud.
> is this actually what you do in your spare time though?
It actually really is. When I'm not taking breaks or otherwise having a wank.
>If I keep pretending high school assigned reading is elevating me above the crowd it will make everyone else the pretentious one
You really want to try to outpseud a French fourteen year old, I'm not going to be able to stop you. I don't know why you'd want to but apparently you do, so good luck and bring a scarf.
>not even being able to comprehend that people read for reasons beyond "elevating themselves above the crowd"
>coming to a literature board at all
You can't even begin to imagine how ridiculous of a person you are. How deeply you've misunderstood the activity you've apparently built a large part of your identity on. Sad and pathetic...
>Doesn't know he's in a thread about high school assigned reading elevating you above a crowd
Right so OP is complaining that everyone else on tinder did read Dostoevsky and just refuse to talk about it? Or what? Can you not read OP? Was a 4channel post more difficult than Dostoevsky? Could that have anything to do with his simplicity making him suitable for study by entry level literary analysis performed by bored teenagers?
They're not intimidated, they just know you're a pseud
date me
>How deeply you've misunderstood the activity you've apparently built a large part of your identity on. Sad and pathetic...
Female detected. Try to get him fired from his job, that wins lots of female arguments. Though this kind of rhetoric works less well when applied to literature for obvious reasons, like study of literature will tell you when an argument is mostly posturing but little back up.
lmao tranny BTFO
If "russian chad" laughs at her (fictional, OP is b8ing neckbeard) for reading Dostoevsky that would make him a retard or a retarded pseud...
Works do not become classics, basis of entire fields of study, hugely influential in shaping countless other works, culture and human thinking through centuries because they can be fully understood by bored 14 yos. Clearly you think reading is purely a contest of being able to say you've read the most difficult, obscure works with no consideration of your understanding of them or what you personally got out of it.
I'm a newfag, is this board just reddit jokes?
not back when newfags used to be told to lurk for at least a year before posting.
user is right though. Saying
>I love reading Dostoevsky is my fav
to a Russian is the Russian equivalent of
>I love reading, To Kill A Mockingbird is my fav but I also have this So it goes tattoo from Slaughterhouse 5 because I was a really profound reader at 16
It's such a meme that if a girl over 18 in Russia tells you she likes Dostoevsky, she's basically telling you she's a pseudslut who won't be able to hold a conversation or walk while chewing gum. Fucking Pushkin is less likely to make you seem like an idiot and he mostly writes children's tales.
that says more about the tendencies of people than the literature itself. At least when you're talking about Dostoevsky and probably camus as well, though not To Kill A Mockingbird.
and to approach it in that way, surely you yourself become part of the problem...
Dosto is a classic, though. Saying you like Dosto in Russia is like saying you like Hawthorne or Melville in America.
You only think those are "better" classics for adults because you had to buy a translation. They are all equivalently good fodder for entry level.
>Clearly you think reading is purely a contest of being able to say you've read the most difficult, obscure works with
No u. Dostoevsky isn't more difficult or obscure than TKaM or any other high school lit. Thinking it is shows a lack of exposure beyond high school level and a real lack of faith in fourteen year olds to understand emotive dramas and learn spiels about cultural mores from religion to sex. They can and do regularly in basic lit classes.
No, it's like saying you like Camus in France. People will laugh at you and treat you like a retard for the rest of the conversation.
over half of the men who match with me message me and rush to set up a date. try again?
what does a german skull look like?
I’ve never been there, but I suppose there’s a lot of cross posting.
School councils put literature on the curriculum based on how influential that literature is. Just because teenagers read the Illiad, there is no point in reading the illiad after you've left school? No point in reading the Bible? Anglophone students in good schools probably read Joyce or atleast excerpts, so it's no point in reading him either?
Clearly you think of literature as a video game with levels to beat...
>People will laugh at you and treat you like a retard for the rest of the conversation.
Retarded internet autists who view reading as a competition in being able to name drop the most obscure, difficult writers for internet pseud cred would. No serious, real life person would.
1. you're talking about me (dostoevsky user) and I'm not OP
2. that guy you're arguing with isn't me
3. just because I mentioned big d doesn't mean i only read dost. if you were to write "vegetables like lettuce, celery, and fennel," as an example, that does not mean you only eat lettuce, celery, and fennel
4. you have a hard-on for french schoolboys. go read more hollerback?!? lol fag
5. you're mixing your pronouns, read your post again retard
6. damn nigga you mad af
1. liking dost does not preclude me from liking other authors
2. if you mention someone non-entry level normies will go, "who dat?" i speak to communicate, not to wank myself off
3. no one gives a fuck about russia and I wouldn't date a vodka nigger if he were the last male on earth
>and I wouldn't date a vodka nigger if he were the last male on earth
This isn't good b8 you neckbeard fuck, and even if some cow from r/books did manage to end up here by some accident, this is an anonymous imageboard where her pussy means nothing and no one is trying to "date" her. Go back where you came from.
>talks endlessly about russian dating preferences
>gets assblasted when i say i don't care about russians
you're on Yea Forums, every thread is that thread
that long unbuttoned turned a 7/10 into a 5/10 so easy
does he realize we can still read the name? also you look like a turkroach
>I swipe right on like 1/100 guys after careful debate
if guys did this no one would match with anyone
>i match every guy i swipe right on
we already establish guys swipe right on everyone without even looking at their profile (including you)
too many buttons done up
>my favorite book is Lolita
actually the funniest thing I read this week
Hey I saw dasies btw. Really enjoyed it.
Any more recs?
yo, i'm the user you responded to. Thanks for the post, it actually made me think : )
There's no point in thinking that reading the Iliad after high school puts you in a level above the high school kids who read it. I wouldn't pitch your knowledge of the Iliad against Boris Johnson's, so you're talking about shit you don't know below the level of a retard, as though that was laudable.
It's not. It's as laudable as To Kill A Mockingbird. Which is not at all and rather generic and vapidly focused on banging the reader over the head with discussion points for retards.
>Retarded internet autists who view reading as a competition in being able to name drop the most obscure, difficult writers for internet pseud cred would. No serious, real life person would.
No, the general Russian populace will treat you like you think you're Aloysha.
Sorry, please read instead that the first poster who is a retard thinks that Dostoevsky elevates them when it does not and makes them look like a pseud, and not the opening poster of the thread. Now that's clearer for you, I'll go ahead and ignore your list.
lol this is like avatar fagging and equally ignored
>I want to date someone who doesn't know shit about Russian literature because then Dostoevsky might seem special dating material to people who are ignorant
So you want to date the guys who don't know Dostoevsky then? Seems like you're turning down a lot of dicks you want to suck for the exact reason you want to suck them. Might not be the best way to your true expression.
>There's no point in thinking that reading the Iliad after high school puts you in a level above the high school kids who read it
Only pseuds think like that or assume other people think like that. You keep talking about reading purely as a contest in reading the most difficult, obscure stuff and seem entirely incapable of comprehending that that isn't at all the way most people approach it. Or at least that isn't the way any person worth talking to or about approaches it.
>You keep talking about reading purely as a contest in reading the most difficult, obscure stuff
No I think you'll find I'm talking about high school lit, entry fodder, and naming titles which are considered simple and universal enough to be understood by a fourteen year old. Doing that at an older age is not more impressive or more indicative of a deeper understanding. It's indicative of missing the usual window for learning these things. It says nothing about harder or more obscure things and places no recommendation on them. I suggest you re-read the thread as you have no support for this insistence that I have mentioned anything more difficult or more obscure.
>It's indicative of missing the usual window for learning these things
All sufficiently influential works have probably at some point been assigned reading to teenagers...
Any real life person who actually, genuinely appreciates literature would find your concept that all the most famous world classics can be taught to 14 yos once and for all and then never be of value to them again, absolutely laughable.
>would find your concept that all the most famous world classics can be taught to 14 yos once and for all and then never be of value to them again
That's your concept. Readers with the comprehension of a fourteen year old can read the thread and see I said no such thing and have told you I said no such thing repeatedly. Apparently you can't comprehend my posts, since you have repeatedly misunderstood them in this exact same fashion despite correction. The problem is not with the fourteen year olds, it is with you and your inability to honestly or critically engage with a text or social mores. Please do stop bumping the thread like you're contributing something to the board as you are not.
You're the one implying that the only reason for reading Dosto is so you can be proud of it here and that the only reason to read books that teenagers also have to read for school is to try to "outpseud 14 yos" here So clearly
>all the most famous world classics can be taught to 14 yos once and for all and then never be of value to them again
Is exactly what you're implying.
I did not imply that
>the only reason for reading Dosto is so you can be proud of it
In that post I'm implying that being proud of reading Camus or Dostoevsky is a bad thing for adults. Did you need sarcasm tags to understand that?
No, I said wanting to outpseud a fourteen year old is exactly what an adult elevating Dostoevsky as a special adult achievement is doing. Because only fourteen year olds think that is the upper level of maturity as they believe themselves to be the upper level of maturity. I'm saying that you are acting like a fourteen year old. Plenty of people manage to read Dostoevsky without having to make it as big deal: you are not one of those people and that teenage need for validation beyond your (mental) years is apparent when you insist on bumping a thread which proves your lack of comprehension. I am pretty sure everyone else reading those posts sees it as a recommendation against pretention in fangirling rather than against the authors. So yes, that is how you read my words, but that is not what my words say or what I implied by those words. You are the originator of those laughable ideas you came up with, which is why I don't find it surprising you don't know how to sage.
Dude it's obviously a girl perplexed why her tits and crying don't work on an anonymous basket weaving forum to get compliments and agreement like they do irl. Just stop responding if you don't want the thread at the top of the catalog.
jesus this is hard to read
we get it bro, you actually hate reading and just want to add the most obscure titles you can find to goodreads so you can wank about it, because you're so insecure that 14 year olds frighten you. you have serious issues, please seek therapy before you go and rape a bunch of 9th graders to at last feel superior to them. after all, we wouldn't know you're smarter than a kid unless you have read [you probably haven't heard of this book]. there's simply no other way to be sure.
>In that post I'm implying that being proud of reading Camus or Dostoevsky is a bad thing for adults. Did you need sarcasm tags to understand that?
Well of course... You're the one who started talking about how people were proud of reading them, as if that's the only reason people read them.
I was merely pointing out that if "Russian Chad" laughs at someone for reading Dosto, then he's a retard or a complete pseud. If your intention truly was
>a recommendation against pretention in fangirling rather than against the authors
Then clearly you'd agree. Then clearly also you'd understand how retarded it is to reply to a post pointing this fact out with And how this completely contradicts the previous statement.
I'm not I'm
>I was merely pointing out that if "Russian Chad" laughs at someone for reading Dosto, then he's a retard or a complete pseud
So the Russian literary crowd have just been getting it wrong this whole past century? God, that's so like them, thank God we have you who is so humble about reading Dostoevsky as being something which needs to be refined in adulthood as totally not a special skill though you're so unique and wonderful you're the only one who does it on all of tinder and are so kind that you plan to train people not interested in Russians like you to read the Russians that is amazing, like it totally blows my mind and makes me realize all those things I and other anons and famous authors say about Dostoevsky to totally be the opposite or whatever you want it to be.
Maybe she'll post them and we can stop listening to a pseud trying to defend their high school reading as adult interested in literature.
Based celine quote
>So the Russian literary crowd have just been getting it wrong this whole past century?
I'll just take your word for it that you're speaking for the entire "russian literary crowd" for this whole past century. But clearly this isn't only about Dosto...
>Dostoevsky isn't more difficult or obscure than TKaM or any other high school lit
But then see
>School councils put literature on the curriculum based on how influential that literature is
So clearly you're essentially talking about the entire canon.
>There's no point in thinking that reading the Iliad after high school puts you in a level above the high school kids who read it
And here again... I'm not talking about reading the illiad as a means to elevate oneself above anyone, but you bring it up as if that's the only obvious reason to read it at all.
To re cap.
>you believe the only reason to read is "elevate oneself above others"
>if teenagers read something there's no point for an adult too
>essentially the entire canon can be read once as assigned reading at 14 yo and then forgotten about.
>"Sometimes when I wake from uneasy dreams I find myself in my bed transformed into a monstrous vermin"
Works surprisingly well
I'd swipe right on that.
>But then see
> #
>>School councils put literature on the curriculum based on how influential that literature is
>So clearly you're essentially talking about the entire canon
This is your post and not part of my argument. In fact, it provides support than Dostoevsky and TKaM are neither obscure nor difficult parts of canon, and that they are chosen because they are neither obscure nor difficult. Essentially, I am not talking about the entire canon, as no school council considers the entire canon for high school. That would be madness and miss that you are dealing with fourteen year olds who are learning to analyse texts, and that the texts should be suited to that purpose. You have made a desperate leap here which you did not see yourself, and which you think others will not see. Git gud retard.
You brought up the Iliad >Just because teenagers read the Illiad, there is no point in reading the illiad after you've left school
You decided that is what I thought about the Iliad, when I had not raised the Iliad. You also assumed I agreed with your portrayal of school curricula's purpose, which is entirely age inappropriate and thankfully inaccurate. You seem to think that if you hold a mad belief it will become reality, and someone else's fault and that person will know about and agree with your mad belief before you tell them about it. Do you have E cups or something?
>You decided that is what I thought about the Iliad, when I had not raised the Iliad
But this is what you express here >There's no point in thinking that reading the Iliad after high school puts you in a level above the high school kids who read it
I bring up the Illiad and you immediatley respond with how many points it gives you in this contest you have in your mind of who can read the most difficult obscure literature.
Even if your thinking behind responding in such a way to Dosto and Camus is that Dosto and Camus are shallow writers you should be done with at 14, and that this is why you responded to their mention by talking about how they don't "elevate you above teenagers", you respond in the exact same way to me mentioning the illiad. This proves my point about how much of an utter pseud you are.
>no school council considers the entire canon for high school
Well obviously, but you put all the curricula of all the schools of all time together...
> (You) #
>>There's no point in thinking that reading the Iliad after high school puts you in a level above the high school kids who read it
Is not the same thing as
>Just because teenagers read the Illiad, there is no point in reading the illiad after you've left school
They are two different things. One says there is not point in thinking doing it elevates you, the other says there is no point in doing it at all. Those are different things. One is your concept, one is mine. You cannot see the difference because you are retarded. That makes your support of Dostoevsky through translation look like it might be read by retards like you who cannot tell the difference between those two statements.
You call guys on Yea Forums pseuds yet you write this? flipping lol
I think the point is that if someone lists literature and as an interest and then has book X which everyone has to read in high school as their favourite book most people would assume that their interest is rather shallow compared to the dude that lists some obscure book as their favourite.
>Do you have E cups or something?
that person still isn't me, retard. we're tapping into levels of autism i didn't think were possible
You're not the only woman in the world, user, but you can post your tits if you like too.
kill w o m e n
probably square, with a wide, low brow.
My profile is "I'm Deluzean" I get mad crazy art hoe attenton
I had a similar problem on dating sites, then I met a guy irl who had slightly different interests and we ended up being the perfect match. If you love each other you’ll explore each other’s interests and find a middle ground. It’s the personality that matters
What does that MEAN though
And how the FUCK do I get an arthoe gf
>not Tolstoi
*Swipes LEFT*
Boundaries are societally created habits which are not optimal ways of embracing any space or concept in its entirety, or of connecting any chosen points within them. Or in normie nonphilosopher speak
>let's pretend we're ethical terrorists and have weird sex to albums recommended by Yea Forums