>get really into a philosopher
>find out he believed in a bunch of misogynistic bullshit
every time
Get really into a philosopher
Other urls found in this thread:
>all the smart people hate women
>all the smart people before the 20th century hate women
Are you a woman or a cuck?
Wrong, I hate them right now.
Sir, I am a Nigger.
People in the past also thought lobotomies were a good idea
"I don't get it, how come all the geniuses think that women are weaker than men and aren't mentally fit for stressful positions in the workforce! That's not what I read in Harry Potter! Hermione was better than the m*n at casting spells and all!"
your feelings are immaterial f*male subhuman
People think cutting off children's dicks is a good idea rn...
I feel that
Have sex
when you say "every time" how many times are we really talking? I know schoopenpooper was an open misogynist, and kant was a spergy, but who else are you thinking of?
or did I just fall for some mid-quality bait :/
Have a meaningful relationship
ah i see, well all I really know about him is that he's usually called an "ecofascist"
so I don't know what people really mean by that, but classical fascism is centered around exclusionary hierarchies, skewed towards the existing power dynamics like capitalism, racism, and sexism
there are obviously many dozens of non-fascist philosophers
>Implying they're mutually exclusive
ah i see, well all I really know about Linkola is that he's usually called an "ecofascist"
so I don't know what people really mean by that, but classical fascism is centered around exclusionary hierarchies, skewed towards the existing power dynamics like capitalism, racism, and sexism
there are obviously many dozens of non-fascist philosophers
Abstraction is key in philosophy. So if you can't even separate stuff why the fuck are you reading philosophy?
It's 4 am and I should be going to sleep but I just wanted to say this first: you are based, based to an unprecedented degree, user. Never forget that
Can you elaborate what type of behavior or set of beliefs a misogynistic philosophers had based in your opinions ?
he is a nobody
Every time you read about someone smart they think that women are inferior and that jews are evil, every time
>get really into a philosopher
>find out he is a nigger
Laughed my ass off at Confucius. Brutal.
God I genuinely wish I weren’t a woman. I don’t want to be mediocre and a slave to nature or a mother. I just want to pass my physics exams and read my Yea Forums and get a gf
did women get genetically engineered or something?
if you think the average man is better than women then you need a brain transplant
>Have a child
The Greeks were woke to femininity. Hera was basically a long-running allegorical meme about women being given power over others. The cuck stuff is the focus of feminized men. We suppress this stuff because they're vindictive and petty and cruel in the extreme. It comes from a place of insecurity, men not fearing replacement or their status.
Read the works of Dave Cohen. All the philosophy and modern science well interpreted without the fucking misogyny because ultimately he is interested in Human Behavior in itself. Start with the Flatland Essays.
Well now the men are women too so everyone's a vindictive sissy and nothing works right.
> Dave Cohen
I hope they aren't paying you, JIDF-kun
Buddha no chill.
I assure you, dear boy, 'tis naught but the very purest of coincidences - in the history of coincidences - in this or any Yuga. I am not from Tel Aviv. I did not receive a shekel for this post.
A couple of weeks ago a friend asked me if I would say I was inspired by any women, any female thinker, writer, or artist. I said no, none in particular and she called that out as misogynistic. I argued that it would be misogynist of me if I failed to recognize that the historical circumstances were not fair to women for them to produce material for me to be inspired by. Not that I've never read or admired women thinkers and artists, and it's not that there aren't exceptions in every period and place. But if we are to understand that the genders are social classes themselves, different realities sharing the same space, dividing work, rituals, ideals, and power, then it's logical that they don't participate as much in the activies which were reserved for men (intellectual and political work). It's also logical that the exceptions would not have the same opportunities as the men of their time, and that even the best ones that succeed in making it in their field would be underestimated, not quoted enough as they should, not known and respected enough for us to even get to know about them like we know men.
Don't be surprised at misogyny in old writers and thinkers. Think of the women they knew and the men they knew. Think of the places society reserved for them and take the gender out of the equation for a second. To say an active, political, scholar is a hundred times better at writing philosophy than someone who is in charge of doing the laundry and was taught to shut up when others were talking... logical. The difference between us and them is not really in their conclusion, as awkwardly as it may sound to us, but in linking the characteristics behind their concept of men and women to inherent traits of each gender. The inverse way is to understand that it is peculiar of our time to think that men, women are interchangeable, not because we are "better people", but because new classes blurred the old ones based on gender, we are all both workers and consumers. It's an ongoing long process.
Get thee to a nunnery
stop being a gullible cuck and using stupid buzzwords.
incels have a lot of free time to philosophize
>>get really into a philosopher
>>"Oh wow he agrees with all my assumptions and delusions"
>>>find out he believed in a bunch of things about women that aren't politically correct today
Just read philosophers for the substance of their ideas.
t. Woman
I think it's interesting that we might have evolved, socially, as people, to a level beyond the level we were on a hundred years ago, like, to the extent that we can look on some prejudice with a sympathy toward the ignorance that produced the unjust opinion. I'm not saying it's cool that all people in the past fucked up, but they were children compared to what we finna be. Maybe, but I haven't really experienced prejudice first-hand, so I don't know shit
That’s how he wants it. Small footprint.
>b-but society didn’t give women the same opportunity
men have to GIVE women the same opportunities as men? In your world women are on the same playing field if men make it so?
Your argument sucks.
He may not count as a philosopher to some but take the Tedpill, he's not a misogynist.
This feels very, very incomplete without Schopenhauer.
Wrong, people hated them into the 20th century
That is because of patriarchy. Women are shit don't get me wrong, but men are barely better and only rarely. There might be more really great men but there are also more male monsters.
In everyday life women are not at all worse than men, just different than them.
Without patriarchy we wouldn’t have any good art or literature. Just marturbatory garbage.
testing for ban
also you can still enjoy a person's work without applying current morals. that person is dead and everyone who lived during his lifetime are as well.
you are right, art and civilization rely on patriarchy mostly. But patriarchy still oppresses women, that is just how it works.
>all the smart people still hate women/jews/niggers
You're allowed to only partially agree with people, dumbass
I love Schopie but his physiognomy is real dumb
>philosophers from the past would just agree with my arbitrary enlightenment liberal values if they were alive today
I see Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony now.
Well of course it is, the left spends 50 years encouraging hedonism, laxism, dumbing down education and arguing that children should "build their own knowledge", you stop teaching classical literature in schools because it gives an unfair advantage to children of the bourgeoisie, stop teaching philosophy because it's elitist, massively lower standards of education in order to reach equality of outcome, actually pretty much shun classical literature and philosophy as a whole for being bourgeois, just let kids do whatever the fuck they want really ... Guess what happens ? Most people barely read anything in school then they stop reading altogether. Today there are much less working class children receiving higher education than back when there was discipline and hard work in the school system.
And now the only people who are still interested in reading are precisely the elitists, the bourgeois, the right or far right, because their families and political environments and private religious schools ignored your shit, played it smart and kept making those people read independently of school.
I'm moderately conservative btw but clearly this is all the left's fault and you only have yourselves to blame for this.
>saying where women belong to and how they behave is considered "hate" in the 21st century
Absolutely based, user. Well said.
its the current year argument
If the accident will.
Fucking based. This user speaks truth.
Are you that same woman from the thread
>And now the only people who are still interested in reading are precisely the elitists, the bourgeois, the right or far right, because their families and political environments and private religious schools ignored your shit, played it smart and kept making those people read independently of school.
I'm not sure if that's true.
For one, I think less people read that even you think. And among those few, I don't see a big left- right divide.
And then, contra to your claims, it appears to me that academics are both largely left-winged and more well read than other groups, for example.
Left-wingers aren't the ones advocating to stop teaching humanities, it's you retarded neoliberal and further right faggots who "don't see the utility" in it and idolize STEM. Everything you said is fucking delusional coping coming from an ignorant cunt too stupid and stubborn to look up who actually passes the legislation that makes americans as stupid as they are. lmfao if you actually believe right-wingers are into reading, all of it is performative and you retards aren't fooling anyone, the cracks are showing every single time you write a sentence or open your mouth
>all of this larping and re-writing of history
right-wingers truly are pathetic, you'd have to actively expand energy to dodge the truth so many times
Most philosophers were ugly beta manlets. Of course they'd hate women.
I didn't say rich kids are the most intellectual, i said they receive the best education. And rich people overwhelmingly vote right wing.
You might be right about everyone reading less overall though.
>everyone is american
Here Bourdieu is clearly the one man who is the most to blame for the ruin of our school system. Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze are responsible too, but Bourdieu was the one who really thought of a new model and took a leading role in reforming French education, and deconstructionism applied to the French school system was a complete failure. And as a result, the only decent schools left are the ones for rich kids. Either the private catholic ones or a handful of elitist public ones. Performance elsewhere is catastrophic and did nothing but fall down ever since the reforms. The only kids who still read on a regular basis (including as a part of the program) are the kids of the upper class, and that is not the result of right wing policies.
Now you may not want to say these people are "right wing" since a good chunk of them are Macron voters (and some people actually not consider him right wing somehow) and having a certain position about certain societal topics somehow qualifies you as left wing (disregard that it's usually the complete opposite positions of those of the working class), regardless they aren't left-wing at all either.
Most of them receive Catholic traditional education and vote exactly like their parents, and they go on to have the highest levels of education. Doesn't mean they're the smartest or the best writers, but they do have access to the only good schools left in the country and all the benefits of it. And last i checked the richest neighbourhoods of Paris voted Fillon anyways.
>Left-wingers aren't the ones advocating to stop teaching humanities
Yes they are, as they interpret teaching philosophy or litterature to poor kids to be condescending and setting up an unhealthy dominant/dominated dynamic. The goal is to abolish the intellectual hierarchy between the knowers and the unknowers, which goes against the forced egalitarianism. 19th century works are particularly reviled for being a core part of the dominant culture.
Abolishing cultural capital, or trying to abolish the importance of cultural capital, is the clearly stated goal.
Also I know Germans and the German school system a bit, they seem headed exactly the same way, just a bit late on us. France is definitely not the only place that works like this.
I don't know much about the American school system but considering how much your unis bought into French theory i doubt it hasn't managed to make its negative impact by now. Recently i saw a documentary about your "evergreen college", try to defend that, i dare you.
>People think cutting off children's dicks is a good idea rn...
citation needed
Sir, this is Yea Forums.
Most of internet right wingers/ reactionaries are not elite or bourgeois whatsoever lmao
It's mostly lower middle class and working class teens and and twenty somethings with little prospects in either romantic or financial regards.
They have some kind of nominal interest in philosophy and the classics as an idea, because it's a bunch of mostly white males, but they never actually read anything and just search wikiquote for particularly shitpostable nuggets
fuck out of here m8
>They have some kind of nominal interest in philosophy and the classics as an idea, because it's a bunch of mostly white males
feels good to be european and have race out of this bullshit
>all the women itt
True, but at least I'm a man and that alone makes me superior to you.
It's not that /pol/ posters are rich or well-educated, although they are definitely elitist, it's that they're the only poor people who still give a shit about reading, even if superficially.
Sure you would assume all politically motivated parties would equally try to get into philosophy to advance their positions, and yet have you seen tumblrinas trying to read Plato or vowing some sort of weird cult to the classics like /pol/aks do ? No, if they promote a book it's always 21st century pop literature that aligns with their politics.
Why ?
This thread is actually a perfect example : classical philosophers get attacked for sexism. Again. Those philosophers were such shitlords really. Who is going to read books made by a sexist ? Well definitely not the people who've been told the whole Western canon is a bunch of useless shit made by old racist sexist dead white men and that you shouldn't bother with it really. I mean if those white philosophers were so great why did they hate women huh ? Surely they must have been stupid, fuck them, why would people read this. Let's censor authors for a random rude sentence about women or black people. Eventually even people like Marx will be considered white supremacists and banned from school programs.
It seems you only see one side of the problem "right wingers only want to read the classics because they are racially/sexually motivated" well yes and left wingers want to can them, also because they are racially/sexually motivated. And because of this, ultimately there will still be more and more /pol/ on this board. Superficial or not an interest is an interest and it is bound to bear more fruits than no interest.
good analysis. I hope that more people take the Bowden pill and realise a true infatuation with tradition; I will not condemn a superficial attraction and proclamation of the canon, so long as it can serve the role of exposing those who have actual philosophical potential, to it.
This thread is hazardous to my health.
that will depend on what you are measuring. Though it seems like the average man will be better at most things.
>get a gf
>and here's why that's a good thing
>I like
>What I like likes something
>It likes what I don't
>I hate what I like
>spend first half of life tyrannized by mother who controls family
>live with and defer to her well into my 20s
>gradually realize she is an idiot incapable of reason and should never be listened to or placated
>life improves dramatically when I escape her clutches
>can't help but stare at my father who continues to live in her yoke with burning contempt whenever I visit
Women are stupid, yes, but the men who listen to them are many times worse.
>get really into a philosopher
>find out he believed in a bunch of misogynistic bullshit
>redouble my studies with renewed fervor and zeal