>Eat from a tree of knowledge
>Don't think to feign ignorance to God afterwards
Eat from a tree of knowledge
because they learned to blame it someone else instead:
Adam: Eve started it!
Eve: Nuh uh, the snake told me to!
Unpopular opinion - God did nothing wrong
>eat from the tree of knowledge
>adam doesn't say "dude what u're getting mad at ? you're not even real" to god
Eden was not paradise. It's blissful ignorance. The true paradise is outside of Eden.
>Don't think to feign ignorance to God afterwards
they know, presumably, that god is all-knowing, and that attempting to trick god is foolish
but they actually try to do it anyway with the fig leaves. Their shame causes them to cover what they already know cannot be hidden.
Anyway it's an allegorical bronze age myth. Even the people who came up with it understand that it's a way of getting an idea across. Only later did the Yahwist sect of the Canaanite pantheon (who became the first of the Jewish people) get obsessed with it so specifically.
Their ability to feign ignorance is already proof that they ate from the tree though.
>Starting from a text by Nietzsche, the text also offers a psycho-historical interpretation, apart from theologically or spiritually intended interpretations of the "Fall of Man". In Friedrich Nietzsche's work "Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben" published in 1874, man is juxtaposed with the animal in a parable. Nietzsche here apparently casually recalls the expulsion from paradise, when he writes: "It seizes man as if he were thinking of a lost paradise, seeing the grazing herd or the child who has nothing to deny yet in the past and who plays in blissful blindness between the fences of the past and the future"[5] In his choice of words Nietzsche implicitly places the historical essence of man, i.e. the temporal reference of his execution of life, in a context of expulsion from paradise. Assuming this characteristic of man, eating from the tree of knowledge can be understood as an image of the specially humanly acquired ability to recognize temporality and thus finiteness[6].
Daily reminder that Christian theology doesn’t have to dress itself in scientific garments to be the Truth.
Can you elaborate?
Unironically my favorite bible story.
Everything before Abraham is Allegory bro
Abraham was nullified by Christ.
>implying it wasn't all eve's fault
what does that have to do with anything
The faults lie on those who refuse to admit fault which is why original sin is generational. A rotten tree bore rotten fruit.
I don't believe there is ever a point in the story where God asks Adam or Eve what happened and gives them a chance to come clean, admission has nothing to do with it because it's the act itself that got them expelled.
I like to think Adam did it knowingly. Deciding mortal life with her was better than the alternative of her dying alone.
heh, women amiright incels?
Thinking that Adam did it knowingly has as much textual support as thinking he did it because Xenu brainwashed him.
>ddduuuuuddde ancient israelis were all incels
What was that prelapsarian puss like, ya'll?
This but unironically
It says that he is with her when she eats it (though it is a controversial translation), also the serpent uses plural verbs (implying that he is addressing both Adam and Eve) when speaking in the Hebrew.