Which personality-type do you have Yea Forums?

Which personality-type do you have Yea Forums?
TAKE THE TEST: 16personalities.com/free-personality-test


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i'm a capricorn

Intj-a architect


gotten different results elsewhere though

>Intj-a architect
yeah sure, pretty unlikely



I'm like you, but better

Hey there bro, high five

>tfw chronically unstable
i hate it and would give up everything in my life to become a normie

>hate it and would give up everything in my life to become a normie
So an ESTJ? nah bro, be thankful for your gift

I took the test some time ago and i got INFP. Now i got INTP-A/T. I agree with my current results as i did the first time. I guess this is not really accurate, although i feel i won't have a change of mind (or personality) in the future, who knows.

intp, I wish I was born normal

Honestly, all INTOs and the majority of INTJs are the types of useless societal dead weights that I would expect from this board.

Sagittarius, blood type O-. indigo child.

>intp, I wish I was born normal
What isnt normal about that?

People say that this is the NPC/wageslave personality type...

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what is wrong with me?


always get infp

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INFP after a near-decade thinking I was ENFJ

you're only going to get a limited selection of personalities here

only certain types of people are going to use an anonymous 'literature' forum

The absolute state of Yea Forums

just be yourself, dude

Why yes, I am ENTP, how could you tell?

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Me too, no wonder I hate you

Mom, stop lying about your blood type. So the Asians think you're uptight, so what, stop hogging the universal donor blood.