Have you guys had any kafkaesque moments recently?
Have you guys had any kafkaesque moments recently?
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What the fuck does kafkesque even means?
Surreal and threatening.
Kafka was a writer a long time ago
Kafkaesque means that something is kind of like his books
mexicans didn't fix the elevator
espresso machine produced an audible noise
netflix glitched
I walked into some bank the other day for an errand and they said they would get back to me and would I please have a seat. I waited there for about 2 hours and nothing happened, so I went back up to the lady at the desk and she didn't remember who I was. Not sure if Kafkaesque or just autism
Not Kafkaesque
it's more about absurd rules of power and bureaucracy working against the individual
>I waited there for about 2 hours
"Alas", said the mouse, "the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I am running into."
"You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.
Is this the same Soviet chick from a few years ago lmao
She would be the perfect wife if she wasn't a dumb narcissistic thot.
I wanted to fuck her so much until she posted that topless picture with her bf. Pseud whore
yeah actually
>enter thread on 4channel.org/lit
>expect it to be about Kafka
>it's filled with bitter posts directed at an egirl who was a minor meme on this minor board several years ago
Yes this morning I woke up only to realize I had become a giant insect. Gonna be fucking late for work bros
Jewish neurosis projected onto some organizational body usually only inferred or partially understood
that u qat?
>massive, balloon-head
Checks out
alrite im done with /pol/ these posts are way higher quality. how is Yea Forums these days?
>those trips
Getting fucked by authority but in a surreal way
>how is Yea Forums these days?
I think it just became slightly worse
No no you're confusing Kafka with Hindenburg
Yes, I have had such a situation. Sorry for my bad english.
I was walking to work. I had to stop at a red traffic light. Across the street, an old man in a wheelchair was also waiting.
When the light turned green, the old man pushed himself forward with his feet - he had his back now turned towards me
(I must have looked away when he had turned around) - and was crossing the street at a grueling, snail-like pace.
Around him, people passed him by, not noticing or not looking. I took a deep breath (since I'm a social cumbrain,
these situations are difficult for me) and asked him if I could help him cross the street: now, at this point,
I was already feeling great: I had overcome my social anxiety and had offered my help to a person in need.
He said: "Are you nuts? Fuck off!". I was stupified. I murmered "Sorry sorry" and walked away quickly,
keeping my head down. My emotions were very jumbled. I was almost around a corner, when a young man on a motorcycle
lifted his helmet and yelled at me: "Very good job, in these times, not many people help". Because my emotions were in confusion,
I looked at him like a person caught stealing.
What else is living in Italy like?
>2 hours
My fucking sides
If Kafka wrote a similar story, it would be about a guy trying to cash his paycheck at his dead-end job as a patent clerk, but at every instance of trying to talk to someone, whether it's the doorman preventing his entry despite him allowing others to walk in unhindered, the tellers who ask him to fill out form after pointless form and produce every since document related to his existence to prove who he really is, or the management of the bank who view him with an air of suspicion not unlike the wealthy view the underprivileged as those who may attempt to overthrow them in a revolution, ideological or otherwise, he's obstructed, diverted, or otherwise simply ignored again and again, leaving the man not there for a measly two hours, but days, weeks, even months, just trying to cash his one single paycheck.
So no, your experience wasn't really Kafkaesque in the strictest terms.
>I waited there for about 2 hours
>I walked into some bank the other day for an errand and they said they would get back to me and would I please have a seat. I waited there for about 2 hours and nothing happened, so I went back up to the lady at the desk and she didn't remember who I was.
Gay AF unfortunately
>Woke up as a cockroach this morning desu
>something isn't Kafkaesque unless it's a terrible ripoff of the Trial
2 hours? for future reference, never wait for more than 15 minutes for anything
It was pretty Kafkaesque when I saw Ontoligcool at the Vancouver Public Library. memes are not supposed to be real people.
I had a job-related on recently.
>can't access my work mails or decide my leave days without access to the company vpn
>can't access company vpn without up-to-date certification
>updating certification won't work because I haven't got the latest version of company software
>can't get latest version of company software online without up-to-date certification
>can get it offline but need to use company private wire to download it
>don't have company private wire at my office
>need to go to external site that is 1h30 of public transportation away to get a company private wire
>can't enter the site because my badge is not working properly
>can't fix my badge without entering the site
>can't contact the company assistance hotline without entering the site
>there is not even a dedicated assistance department is the site, it's all subcontractors
>can't contact subcontractor without the company phone line
>guess where is the only place where I can use the company phone line
>hint: it's not somewhere I can go without a working badge
wtf does she live in Van?
She's Musqueam first nations.
I thought she was gypsy because she's kind of swarthy lol
My therapist looks a lot like her except less slutty.
Is that like an epic gamer moment or a heated gamer moment
huh well this is news to me
Jesus Christ dude that’s rough
now this is Kafkaesque
not recently but I had a similar issue where I needed a particular government code to make an account on a government website to apply for a certain program, but the only way to get the code was to either sign on to the website or go into a physical site to get permission to get the code, but instead of giving you the code at the site, they give you a second code with allows you to apply for the first code on a separate website, which is then MAILED to you in 2-4 weeks.
>caring about e-thots
holy fuck do i not envy any of you sad shits
Got accused of stealing at work by someone who hates me. They are very popular, whereas I am not, so everyone now believes I stole something. They gave me an official warning on my record. I now have to work in a hostile office with a manager that is looking for any small slip-up so he can have an excuse to fire me. Not exactly Kafkaesque but I just wanted to blog about my problems.
welcome, it's /pol+/ if you stay for a while.
> Watching through YouTube’s recommendation feed
> Democrat primary highlights start playing
> We will fund male pregnancies
Am I so detached with the contemporary Dasein? Male pregnancies, an incredulous concatenation of two words. And yet, I felt a kick in stomach.
The Burrow is one of the most kafkaesque of kafka's works
Why are you even here?
I like books
You didn't even ask her to go out for a night of drinking in the name of God?
hahhahhahahaha the absolute state of Yea Forums
I assume you don't use that term lightly
huh, I follow more than 600 accounts on twitter and none of them follow ontilogicool. overlap of Yea Forums and twitter is cancelled.
my mother slips in and out of psychosis every other day and refuses to go to the hospital for help. a week ago i woke up to a homeless man in the living room.
I'm going to write a story about this
I had a similar experience once at school, many years ago now
I don't remember the reason but I was in trouble for some minor thing and I was brought into the "big office", this was where the head teacher, the various heads of year and the subject heads all did their paperwork or whatever.
So I was told to wait there for a few minutes and that I'd be taken to a detention hall later, but they just kind of forgot about me.
I was taken there early in the morning and I ended up standing there the entire school day. Throughout the day the various staff members who worked in that office would come and go, and even though they all knew me none of them seemed to notice I was there. I wasn't aknowledged once even by the ones who must have seen me early that morning and then again many hours later upon returning to the office again.
At the end of the day all my friends were leaving, and so I simply just walked out of the office and went home.
This was never mentioned again, my absence from the detention was never mentioned either and the teacher who I was in trouble with and who placed me in this office never brought it up the next time I encountered them.
idk does realizing that "the fountain head" is really about people getting the herp count because im pretty sure thats what its all about right there
she is fap material
Quality post
>t. Living in Italy
>using a tourist tier term to appear smart on twitter
>log onto Amazon
>"Due to recent suspicious activity, your account has been locked. Check your e-mail for instructions on unlocking your account."
>check e-mail
>"Please submit the following information on Amazon.com to unlock your account."
>log onto Amazon to submit info
>"Due to recent suspicious activity, your account has been locked. Check your e-mail for instructions on unlocking your account."
pretty much but it has to have this element of not understanding whats going on. you're like trapped in this system that apparently has very clear bureaucractic rules but you dont really understand the rules and they dont make any sense to you and are completely absurd and you're like scared because you dont know wtf is going on but can't really do anything. imagine breaking a weird ass law in some backwards country and suddenly getting imprisoned for no apparent reason with no translator or attorney. thats kafkaesque.
Being constrained and punished by a system of bureaucracy so complex and esoteric that you have no idea why you're being punished or what exactly is going to happen to you.
that's a pretty narrow reading tbqh
when i read stories like this i feel a sense of dread and also my hands and arms feel very weak, do other people experience this too?
No meat touching, ma'am.
reference to a kafka story
Some days ago i was in the showers of the swimming pool and i saw a kid (12 or 13 y o) giving a handjob to his friend
that's like the definition of lynchian breh
It's the feeling when you are a Jew coping hard with optimized German bureaucracy and are sad because you got bullied by Germanic Chads.
can being oppressed by the patriarchy as a homosexual who isn't yet consciously aware of his homosexuality to the point where he only realizes everyone around him thought he was homosexual years later be considered kafkaesque?
>can only think of Kafkaesque in relation to legal proceedings where you don't know the crime
he wrote more than just the Trial you know
Not until Trump got elected
Then "Fake News" everywhere.
No meat touching, please
kek im sorry user
most of these replies aren't kafkaesque moments, is just straight autism
You should be ashamed. Why didn't you help him finish?
Not really kafkaesque, but good job user for trying to help him out
interesting how everything is kafkaesque to the autist as every social situation is absurd and inscrutable. either way you did the right thing user so gj