Physical books are so awesome cause you can do this

Physical books are so awesome cause you can do this

Attached: Knipsel.png (314x309, 49K)

What particular use has this?


it's for poorfags who can't afford bookmarks

I call them kitsune ears uwu

That is a feature pretty much any reader for digital books has.

I just use a college block page with some non-sense scribbled on, surely this isn't unaffordable to most people?

Posting the entire image.

Attached: 1564167931390.jpg (450x525, 31K)

Issac Newton did this to books to point to important parts.

they forgot retention

>she hasnt had her book stolen at the beach
>implying that she would have to deal with ads even if she just fucking pirated them

dunno, only women do it.

E-readers do not have glare, batteries last extremely long, they have an equivalent for dogears, the right models are unharmed by light contact with sand and water, smell is a stupid argument and I have never seen pop-up ads on mine.

Additionally you can customize font and layout and don't have to rely on a publisher to make decisions about don't, spacing, etc.

Is there any study that compares retention with physical books and e-readers?

yeah, there is, and physical books won.

>yeah, there is
Can I get a link?

only girls use bookmarks

The book I'm reading right now smells like shit

false. my sister uses dog ears.

Nobody would steal an ereader either. Niggers might think it’s tech but it will burn them on contact as a book.

your sisters alpha

women can't be alpha. she's just crude.

course they can. she's got edge

I assure you she isn't.

I only dog-ear a book if I hate it
if I like it I use a bookmark and if I really like it I use a piece of paper on which to take notes as a bookmark


books aren't souvenirs or decoration, they're books. the words inside are the important thing

they also arent toilet paper for you to fill them with shite and nonsense

you can fill a book with what you like, tear out pages, start reading half way through. they ought to be devoured. that’s what dr johnson said
you should spend more time actually reading books

e-book readers are extremely sensitive to fluids. i often read at bars and when ithings get heady i drop my beer on my book, which isnt problematic, because a book can that that kinda wet soak, but an e-book reader would be ruined.

Paper: known for its resistance to liquids

Well, I read books, but I don't wipe my ass with them. You can do whatever you want with your property, though. "Devour" it or whatever faggot bohemian conception you have.

i own several books that were drowned in coffee and beer, but they are still readable

he's right, though. circuits are ruined easier than pages.

why the fuck would you go to bars to read

i tried reading in the library but kicked out for drinking beer there. whilst studying for university i somehow got used to stay at bars. i go to them early, study for 2 to 4 hours until the party starts. it just fits my rythm!

yeah you do come across very well read

do people just assume you’re a divorcee or something


I bet your life is a mess

I bet you’re fun at parties

i have a gf

i just live the dionysic life, deal with it