I'm ethnically north indian. Would it be worth learning sanskrit like europeans learn latin...

I'm ethnically north indian. Would it be worth learning sanskrit like europeans learn latin? If so recommend some books on sanskrit.

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>Wants to learn Sanskrit
>Posts sikh pic

Are you Aryan?

where do you think sikhs are from buddy?
i have no idea. How do i find out? Im from the jatt caste if it helps.

The only people I know who learn latin are classical and medieval studies PHD candidates. I think learning Sanskrit out of some sense of ethnic identity is among the worst reasons to attempt to learn a language lol. You will almost certainly burn out unless you have a profound scholarly interest in reading the Indian canon untranslated.
If you're diaspora you should just learn Hindi instead. Several times more interesting and useful than crawling through old manuscripts as a layman.

i can already speak and read punjabi well. I am diaspora yes

Why, yes Srinivas. As a westerner sanskrit enthusiast, i've been wanting to promote sanskrit in my country (been studying it for two years) i think you should learn it and also teach others. Bharat's national language should be sanskrit. And the country must return to varnashram dharma, and all countries should imitate Bharat; lest the degenerates destroy the earth

For books i recommend the "Swadhyaya diksha" series. Those are the books used by the youtube channel i follow (Advaita academy, they have a ton of videos on sanskrit, lectures on gita, ramayan, pancha tantra, i really recommend it)

This guy is almost right. Doing it out of some sense of attachment to race or nation is quite contrary to the *spirit* of sanskrit language

"Aya niya paro veti
Gananā laghu cetasām
Udāra charitānām tu
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam"

>I'm ethnically north indian
and? most north indians have very high AASI admixture too you really have to go to states like punjab, haryana or rajastan(the northwesternmost parts of india) to find less AASI admixture(and even than it's still around 25%)

I'm punjabi. Wtf is AASI admixture

his girlfriend literally looks like a bignose jew and a ugly chinawomen had children, wow i would not even tap that with a stick.

The realization that Indians are not blond, blue-eyed and extremly tall supermen but tan, black-haired and somewhat short people.

It's the white people version of "we wuz Kangz n shiet"

>Would it be worth learning sanskrit
Doing it for something greater; such as for the glory of your race, is a much better reason than just muh scholarly interests.

>Glory of your race
Lol this sucks man

and the race is the 6-feet tall, blue-eyed, blond aryan that magically invaded India from Scandinavia and saved the filthy Dravidians from their own extinction

>I'm ethnically north indian

That means literally nothing. You have no connection to that land, you've never lived there, you weren't born there. You're just another American snowflake trying to cling onto some foreign culture because American culture is consumerism, nationalism and fellating the military.

Attached: 1560811025392.jpg (500x492, 52K)

Irish American detected

AASI australoid admixture, most indians are more AASI than anything else, including most of the north, as i said you really have to go to the northwesternmost parts of india at the border with pakistan(such as punjab, rajastan and haryana) to start seeing people with lower AASI admixture(and even than it's still 25%, more if they aren't jats)

Burgers make themselves so easy to spot.

>t. atomized individual
lel even if you believe that then Indians are still the only ones that actually kept up the Indo-European tradition

plot twist. I'm not US-American.

day of the rake

I wasn't born there correct. But I'd say i do have a connection. I visit family there, speak the language, engage in the culture, informed on the community etc.

Pretty much my thoughts on African-Americans, who celebrate Kwanzaa and pretend they have a connection to Africa after many generations of diaspora, but really all their culture consists of is muh oppression and fuck whitey. I suspect American blacks are envious of African blacks due to this fact.

Doing it for something greater; such as for profound and rigorous scholarly and intellectual interest, is a much better reason than just muh race

>How do i find out?
I guess do a Y-dna test and see what your haplogroup is