Should you only ever write in your native mothertongue?

Should you only ever write in your native mothertongue?

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Spinoza sometimes wrote in Latin.

How cool, I do it too!

I don’t see why you would

I exclusively write only in my dialect of my home village, but precisely how my granddad talks who not even his neighbours understand.

No, you should freely switch between all the languages you speak when writing. A paragraph might begin in Proto-Indoeuropean and end in Manchu.

Yea Forums has ruined me and now I feel that I can only write properly in english. books for this feel?

You should only write in emojis, as the AI are still largely incapable of understanding those at a deep level.

No? Why limit yourself?

Conrad, Nabokov, arguably Montaigne as his father made him speak Latin and had him surrounded by Latin speaking servants so Latin would be his natural language.

based Arno Schmidt


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Same. And English is my third language



You should only write in the lingua franca

based Ezra Pound

this is not particularly related to the thread but I have forgotten a word.
when you have two or more sides constantly trying to outdo each other, the word more or less means one-upmanship...I literally had the word in my head as I started writing a message and then forgot it before I finished....ive just finished a night shift and I wont be able to sleep unless I get this word back...please help!

no, learning a foreign language you master the semantics and technicalities that you don't in your mother tongue.

The greatest English prose stylist of all time wasn't a native speaker

Gl bruh

No but you should always read books in their original language. You're reading the work of some nameless translator otherwise.

>native mothertongue
you really shouldnt write anything at all op


What are the first two faggit?

Yes but if you don't sprinkle in occasional French dialogue Yea Forums will not consider it true literature

Finally, the response I was waiting for.

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