What have Aborigines contributed to literature?

What have Aborigines contributed to literature?

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More than anyone from this shithole


Change is the law. The new must oust the old.
I look at you and am back in the long ago,
Old pinaroo lonely and lost here
Last of your clan.
Left only with your memories, you sit
And think of the gay throng, the happy people,
The voices and the laughter
All gone, all gone,
And you remain alone.

I asked and you let me hear
The soft vowelly tongue to be heard now
No more for ever. For me
You enact old scenes, old ways, you who have used
Boomerang and spear.
You singer of ancient tribal songs,
You leader once in the corroboree,
You twice in fierce tribal fights
With wild enemy blacks from over the river,
All gone, all gone. And I feel
The sudden sting of tears, Willie Mackenzie

In the Salvation Army Home.
Displaced person in your own country,
Lonely in teeming city crowds,
Last of your tribe.

Attached: Oodgeroo Noonuccal.jpg (248x305, 20K)

>it doesn't rhyme

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abo woman are surreal


Your welcome you ungrateful swine

I really liked this

Attached: john milton on rhyme.png (493x507, 98K)

>comparing tens of thousands of people to an individual
Peak brainlet.


I had this long convo with a leftist friend about race once, and even though I'm fairly right wing I'm also pretty anti-racist, but I said even I have to have some doubts in the case of abos. Maybe abos really are some kind of throwback, maybe they missed the boat of whatever subtle advancement made us go from paleolithic to neolithic or something like that. They don't seem to do ANYTHING other than "be abos." I told him, I have desperately tried to find examples of abos who have done something that requires a certain threshold of higher intelligence. There are Chinese investment bankers and scientists, there are Nigerian novelists who write great literature, there are Native Americans who are doctors and philosophers. But there don't seem to be any abos who do anything.

He said no, there are definitely abos who have done things. So we tried finding some, and he was like "see? see?" but it was all 1/16th abo people who were fucking whiter than we are. Literally 1/16th abos. Even the 1/4th abos were bone white. I said, okay, that's an indication that abo genes aren't cursed or anything, but come on, that's not an example of a real full abo becoming a legal scholar. All of the full blown abos we could find on google didn't seem to do anything that an 80IQ guy with plenty of cultivation couldn't do, like play folk music and semi-integrate into white urban society that way.

He just would not agree with me that we had to see a full blown abo lawyer to determine whether abos are capable of being lawyers. He really seemed convinced that a 1/8th abo who looks like a bog-trotting fucking Welshman counts as an abo. It blew my mind. What's so wrong about wanting to see a full blown, hardcore, hardcore abo-looking abo in a suit and tie talking about fiscal solvency, just so I can see if they can do it?

Better question is have they contributed to anything ever?


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Aren’t abos essentially Indians?

Based gaslighting poster

They have musical talent

Their cultures never highlighted the literary so this is a pointless question.
It’s like with Native Americans, the art is in dancing and music, and it’s some of the best in history

Please write a limerick beginning with:

There once was a bogan from 'Straya

>Who knew himself as a playa.
>For all to see,
>He wrangled OP,
>Who went from faggish to gayer.

>Yea Forums is an individual

The average abo iq is 59 btw

Some Native Americans have interesting oral and religious traditions though.