What do trannies think of essentialism?

What do trannies think of essentialism?

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Who cares

Trannies need to read Stirner. They are just as spooked as cis people, if not more.

Transmedicalism is generally regarded as gender essentialist. It's also not the mainstream position.

No, materialism is antiessentialist. Transmedicalism makes an argument from materialistic conditions of transsexualism. It is the gender non-conforming, they, them, and so on who insist to stick with forms and thus essentialistic.

'Asking for a friend', are ye?

Why would you even entertain the thought of discussing essentialism, or any serious philosophy with transgender people?

They are subhuman, born out of a defect in the human brain. They are not a type of people to be taken seriously, only coddled, and tamed to protect society from them. They have no need to know anything outside of the ideology born to contain them.

Everyone has a spook nowadays. There's no real property

I'm not a tranny but I found this book genuinely insightful. The writer is a molecular biologist and in this book she advocates transcending what she considers to be the false dualism between nature and nurture, between essentialism and social constructionism -- viewing the relationship between what we consider innate characteristics and developed characteristics as more like a Möbius strip than something fixed, symmetrical, static, determinate.

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That's a good point. Try making it to a feminist sometime though lololol

ask yourself retard

Transsexuals are high IQ and thus better at philosophy in general than you or your friends.

That ain’t me btw, newfag red****r

Yes, of course you are, dear.

> t. butthurt jew

>tripfaggot tries to justifies itself

Fuck off tripfag whore

Why don't you find some transgender people in the real world and ask them?

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>Transsexuals are high IQ

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Goddamn this pic gets better by the day



If they arent actually born that way than there's no reason to take them seriously

This is known.

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