What are some good books on Christian esotericism?

What are some good books on Christian esotericism?

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i know spanish baroque is full of counter reformation era mysticism and stuff, dont know what works exactly

Christianity is exoteric by essence.

Everything is done in the open (except for the sacrament of penance that is a face-to-face).

I've heard somewhere that Christianity is the most exoteric esoteric religion or something because Jesus speaks in parables and you must interpret scripture to find the truth.

The correct interpretation is given by the Catholic Church, my lad.

>Christianity is exoteric by essence.
>The religion that has mysteries at its core is exoteric by essence
>the religion whose founder openly states that he speaks in metaphors because the masses are too stupid is exoteric

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Guenonian Christians:
Rama Coomaraswamy
Jean Hani
Jean Borella
Wolfgang Smith

Sophia Perennis
Angelico Press
Angelus Press

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These Mysteries are not obscure and kept by initiate people, but rather blinds us by its excess of intelligibility.

They are not kept secret : any Catholic child learning his catechism knows that God is One and Trine, and all other Mysteries, and this is based on the EXOTERIC things that are Revelated (the word should be clear enough), i.e. Scripture and Tradition. Sure, the first Christians had to keep it secret during the persecutions in order to not be killed, but after this period, never did they keep things secret. Also, this kind of secret has nothing to do with esotericism since it was just a sort of caution rather than an intrinsic part of the Sacred Doctrine.

>whose founder openly states that he speaks in metaphors because the masses are too stupid is exoteric
And the Church He founded deepens our understanding of these metaphors by giving us the CORRECT interpretation, with the help of the Holy Ghost, because alone we would most likely deviate from it, as we see in non-Catholic sects.


Guenon said Christianity was dead, so what's the point of being guenonian Christian?

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no he didnt

>that pic
demonic possession much

Not an answer.
If you cannot contradict me properly, please do restrain yourself from posting.

>cringe is an answer but not cope
>muh feels feels

Then why did he convert from Catholicism to islam?
How can you be a guenonian christian when he left christianity?

Why do you need to be so dishonest? He never said it. Christianity suffered (and still suffers) a lot with Modernity. At this point it is quite irrelevant since all traditions are almost dead.

God i hate brainlets, especially when they post about metaphysics and prove their brainlet status beyond any doubt

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Very dumbass nigger post, makes me question if you know anything at all.

Any books on the teachings of the lesser known saints, or books on the use of prayer to become closer to god.
The Philokalia for example.

Esoteric Science and How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner

>i know spanish baroque is full of counter reformation era mysticism and stuff, dont know what works exactly
A little vague, but good basic rec
>Any books on the teachings of the lesser known saints, or books on the use of prayer to become closer to god.
>The Philokalia for example.
Good rec.
>Esoteric Science and How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner
Good rec
Not you.

What about that book on the tarot that John Paul II was photographed with?

The cloud of unknowing

Shut up brainlet

Meditations on the Tarot


Esotericism is the place where every unenlightened mind can sojourn and leave feeling they are enlightened, when really they merely took on more dogma, albeit of a different skin. If you truly knew deep metaphysical truths, you'd be able to answer very basic questions on reality's nature. Where do biological species originate from, why is the animal kingdom so horrifically brutal if the Divine has apparently made it and morality is central to the Divine, is reincarnation true and if so what are the specifics pertaining to it, what is the nature of DMT and the otherworldly entities perceived on it, etc, etc, etc. Anyone who can't do this, but thinks themselves in possession of profound wisdom based on cherrypicking of various ancient scriptures for an interpretation which is in many other places contradicted in the text, is mistaken for believing so.

Experience trumps all. Some 22-year old Western hippie who has taken DMT knows more than an 80-year-old whose life has been dedicated to studying "esoteric Christianity", and has ultimately done nothing besides absorb a dogma no different to what his exoteric counterparts have. The former has had an experience, not a reading of words on paper, nor a belief-system constructed around a set of given information, but an experienced reality which speaks of itself before anything else does for it.

A person who has abandoned everything to meditate in a cave for decades in the vein of certain Hindu mystics knows far more than anyone whose mind has buried in books for decades, absorbing arbitrary cultural doctrines that hold no candle next to the timeless, universal truths which the meditator would come to hold.

Just funny watching Christian "mystics" hold an alternative flavor of unverifiable doctrine in their minds regarding the nature of their religion, while ultimately being unable even to prove that the words ascribed to Christ belong to anything more than a fictional character.

You're not enlightened until you are, and until then, please don't be foolish enough to fall into the trappings above.

- The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century (The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism, Vol. 1)
- The Unknown God: Negative Theology in the Platonic Tradition: Plato to Eriugena

- Origen: On First Principles

- Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite (Suny Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
- Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works (Classics of Western Spirituality)

- The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study of Idealism in the Middle Ages
- Periphyseon : On The Division of Nature ( WARNING : Abridged, but no other version is available )

- The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing
- Wandering Joy: Meister Eckhart's Mystical Philosophy
- The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart

- John of the Cross: Collected Works

PS.: Don't even try unless you're pretty well-versed in Neoplatonism. Plotinus and Proclus are a must.

I don't believe in it either, but others do, and for that reason, it doesn't hurt to know what you're up against. They had quite the influence on later philosophical thought as well.

the philokalia

God said that when all faggots die they'll experience a burning heat like no other Summer.

>PS.: Don't even try unless you're pretty well-versed in Neoplatonism. Plotinus and Proclus are a must.

John of the Cross was innocent of Plotinus. Origen, although he was a fellow student of Plotinus at the school of Ammonius Saccas, was a catechist by profession and wrote for a general Christian and Chrstian-curious audience.

Obtaining divine sights is not obtaining wisdom.
A 22 year old who took dmt glimpses the other side but ends up bringing no wisdom back with him.
But besides this you’re right desu


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It's fine to read into it and ponder an alternative presentation of a familiar religion, but I was merely criticizing the manner by which individuals enter these domains and leave them feeling enlightened, despite not possessing more than an alternative set of unverifiable information, but now certainly possessing an inflated ego not previously there. The point is that if you do decide to dip into the esoteric dimensions of familiar doctrines, please don't pretend to be enlightened for having done so, You are not above the masses, you are just a member of them who forayed into something relatively unfamiliar to them.

I agree completely, I was highlighting that the 22-year-old hippie has no metaphysical background at all, nor personal spiritual regimen, and yet still has an experience behind him more profound and enlightening-in-itself than all the scriptures of the world could ever convey. It's not wisdom per se, but the experiential foundation whose correct interpretation would lead to such.

>Why do you need to be so dishonest?
hes probs a muz using guenon as a front for proselytism

>a drugged out dead beat who listens to Joe Rogan and smokes DMT knows more than a life long student of esoteric literature.


Fifth volume of the Philokalia is translated and edited but the translator has said he is reluctant to release it as it contains teachings on hesychasm which are only to be attempted under the guidance of a spiritual father

Guenon: The greatest snoozefest in the history of Yea Forums. While his ideas are interesting, he is quite possibly the most boring dude on earth. Evola is far superior.

but to answer your question user, the best stuff is the grail literature by knights during the middle ages.