Need new book for read. Last time someone recommend Slaughterhouse 5, I read and was very good. But he mention Dresden bombing so often and then was very little Dresden bombing, thought there would be more. But still very good book
Is really good? Is about dodging draft, I think thats pussy
Christian Gutierrez
t. retard
James Lee
read it
Zachary Cook
Maybe you should just stop reading then
Jason Bell
I started read it, is not that good. Very pretentious and not that funny, also clear marxist agenda sux
Luis Ramirez
but not every book about dodging military
Luis Nelson
oh hey aren't you that "giv new book pls" esl poster from a few days ago.
Jack Sanders
dont know what is esl but I made thread a few days ago yes. Someone recommend me Slaughterjouse 5 and now I done with it, need new book
Gabriel Wright
You should read another book by Vonmegut, "If This Isn't Nice, What Is?"or "Galápagos".
Some people in this thread mention draft dodging for some reason, even though I'm pretty sure this book doesn't say anything about dodging the draft having read it multiple times and only says that he told his sons not to willingly contribute to killing in any way.
They also mention pretentions, which I think is also strange because Kurt stated at the beginning of the book that this isn't an anti-war book, and that he recognizes he has no power in stopping a war. The book is about Billy Pilgrim's PTSD (Billy being an obvious standin for Kurt), nothing more nothing less.
James Campbell
It's a bit late to dodge the draft when you've already been through flight training and despatched to the Mediterranean.
Mason Jackson
Yes, I like that. It was anti-war book without being blatantly anti-war but face human realities.
I read for 1h and was about getting out of military, all dutyful officer bad, then Assyrian good American bad - is clear marxist
Joshua Hill
I don't think you understand what draft dodging or Marxism entails. It's substantially less about getting out of the military compared to SH5.
Hunter Edwards
ok no draft dodging but trying get out of military. And is clear cultural marxism, message is your people all bad, your leaders all dumb and bad, strangers good. I not American but I hate that, is clear agenda and literature full with it
Bentley Collins
But if you are going to dismiss a book because before giving it a try because of ignorance, then whats the point. You certaintly do not have to finish a book you do not like, but it is frivilous to dismiss a book completey because you are a chad and someone told you the book was >pussy
David Hernandez
esl = english as a second language
Youre very bad at typing. I suggested to you slaughter house five. Whomever suggested Catch-22 knows what they are doing. Its really funny, but with your inability to grasp the english language it may be difficult for you to find the humor in it.
Isaac Turner
oh fuck, this guy again
Hudson Bailey
Get a load of that bootlicker
Juan Evans
please recommend something other then catch 22
you can also recommend book
Adrian Hughes
Are you the one I fucked around with because you hated licking? Man, that was a long time ago.
Aaron Kelly
Unironically my diary desu
Brody Allen
no was not me...
post online and I read
Julian Phillips
brave new world
Noah Rodriguez
already read, also 1984 and Fahrenheit 541
Caleb Ward
if you want more dystopia >Fees
if you want something long, but worth it
>The Brothers Karamazov >Mobi Dick
if you want something short
>The Great Gatsby >Hamlet
more Vonnegut?
>Cats Cradle >Sirens of Titan >Breakfast of Champians
Cameron Ward
M.T. Anderson
Christian Morgan
Aiden Gutierrez
Its genetic
Christopher Mitchell
Fuck off you are fucking anoying if you actually read the book you will understand why he is so bad shit crazy about leaving it.
Anthony Brooks
Yeah imagine getting blown up lmao
Julian Davis
thank you, I think I read more Vonnegut but will also look at Feed
Daniel King
Feed is fast and fun. It might come off as an old man hating on kids, but there is merit to his criticism; it is often taught in schools. The only otber problem is, thst the author creates his own slang. It is not as bad as A Clockwork Organge, but can be offputting. You should also read A Clockwork Orange
Camden Williams
Have read that, was ok with the vocabulary at back of the book. If Feed also have that I dont think it will be problem thank you again for help
Cooper Smith
Feed is the kind of book that you can read in a day, and return to later. It deals with education, technology, narcissism, family, physiology, drugs, consumerism, social control, mental illness, child rearing, and democracy.
Ignore fuckos on this board who disagree that is has worth
Henry Carter
Illiterate retard please go! This board is for us! Not you! Go away!
Dominic Foster
Also try Seed.
Xavier Thompson
wtf are you on about?
Ian Rivera
Wyatt Lewis
catch 23
Grayson Roberts
am not illiterate have read lot of books. Just asking for good read
Angel Walker
bump, if someone have more good read recommendation please post
Nathaniel Cook
kek what are you smoking, did you read the book?
Asher Fisher
You seem like exactly the kind of idiot who should read this good book.
Brody Reyes
But wouldn't a good book be wasted on an idiot? Quite the catch 22 here
Cooper Campbell
by cultural marxism do you mean political correctness?
because if so then you are still a retard
Carson Campbell
Stop reading
Christopher Martin
I hope you're under 20 years old. Otherwise there's very little hope for you.
Justin Howard
I'm in the middle of reading Solaris, it's pretty good desu
Jeremiah Harris
I did try catch 22 again. Is just not good, sorry
Noah Johnson
>people unironically recommending and reading vonnegut
trash wacky pomo for the sake of being pomo >self inserting himself in books >transparent attempts at social messages about race and gender that fall flat and if were wrote nowadays would be "problematic" >drawings every other page like childrens books >hides poorly written stories bad characters and boring prose behind wacky subversions of the narrative such as talking directly to the reader or mentioning events that will happen later in the book just cringe all over