That guy who highlights passages in his book

>that guy who highlights passages in his book

Attached: 27b.jpg (600x600, 25K)

>the guy that returns your books with dog-ears

>that guy who crosses out sentences and writes in the white space that the author is stupid

>that guy who "cracks" the spine before reading

Attached: 1544226803818.jpg (720x720, 113K)

>that guy who only reads while eating

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>that guy who reads books

Attached: 1559956082321.gif (328x328, 1.95M)

What should that expression convey? I wonder

>the guy who crosses out printed words on a book and writes over them with a pen because they miss spelled a word

Attached: 1550948460872.png (645x773, 11K)

RIP Etika

>wife writes a short story
>know it's probably boring shit but she wants me to read it
>keep trying to tell her I read it but she knows I'm lying

Attached: my first short story.jpg (1121x817, 80K)

Do men do that? I thought only girls highlighted passages in all the colours of the rainbow...

>that guy who makes a post about smacking butterflys ass and she signs off because she is absolutely overcome with lust for me


I saw that post. Keep it up man.

Unless you're a chad who reads on Kindle and can highlight and note anything he wants without affecting the book

You are based and red pilled on, keep it up. I'd join you but I figured out how to filter butterfag and her emulators and my browsing experience has never been better.

>those dog-ears

>that guy who uses an e-reader

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 6K)

I like reading books with highlighter. Its interesting to see what someone else thought important at one point.

It's sorta nice finding markings in a book, knowing someone has read and enjoyed the very book I am reading.

>Imagine not marking your book

i faintly underline em with a pencil or put brakes on the edge if the passage's too long.

Attached: 1561993698039.jpg (4160x3120, 1.85M)

>get used book with markings
>first 10ish pages are heavily marked/highlighted
>rest of book is clean


>that guy who reads with music playing

Attached: c2f.png (667x670, 648K)

>>the guy who doesn't read with a pen

Attached: kike.jpg (194x259, 10K)

>that guy who uses his book as a coaster

Attached: 1554235917399.png (343x315, 160K)

>posting image macros about reading habits because you're a fucking imbecile

it's always a fatass

I just take pictures of parts I want revisit with my phone

you read it and you read it

I want you to read it

oops forgot picrel

Attached: image.jpg (550x339, 173K)

i like to highlight on my e-reader, so i can easily compile a collection of favorite quotes


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>people writing phone numbers and personal notes in books

Attached: crying.jpg (800x450, 153K)

Fucking hell I can't imagine this. I like to eat while watching things, but I can't imagine ever being enough of a faggot to eat while reading a book or even watching a good movie.

Fuck yo fatha, fuck u nigga, you're a PHONE

Do you happen to be a retard?


> that guy who smokes while reading

This is why I only buy new books. Most people are just disgusting.

will you make me a sandwich?

>mfw i enter my friends room where he sits shamelessly feasting upon a spagetthi bolognese while reading my Walter Moers Book

Attached: 1561411746539.jpg (261x213, 13K)

I unironically do this, but leave a TV on. For some reason I can't stand reading in a quiet place.