How do i stop having intrusive fantasies of murdering jesus and fucking mary? What do I read?

How do i stop having intrusive fantasies of murdering jesus and fucking mary? What do I read?

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Go to a church and find a priest willing to perform an exorcism. Pray to St. Michael for now.

Fast and pray until the bad thoughts go away.

Sounds like OCD. I have it, it's hell and has only gotten worse year by year

Fuck off cunt

a book on OCD

Maybe I am the demon
Can't exorcise myself from myself

Nah you are just a retard

This is Satan at work trying to prevent the best course of action .
Go to a church as soon as possible, my son. Watch the film, The Rite starring Anthony Hopkins, if you are skeptical about excorisms. It will convince even the most ardent skeptic. Do not hesitate. Seek help tomorrow if possible. The devil's biggest trick is forcing you to think you have more time than you really have left.

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You are not my father

But God is.

I feel more warmth when I imagine Lucifer my brother

That's because you are possessed.

And possessed ill stay goodnight I sleep easy
Samuel Samuel Samuel

Here's how

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God I'm so tempted to masturbate over Mary
I'll sleep before I do
Why is this happening
A voice is telling me to damn my soul

You'll think I'm trolling but I have the exact same problem with regard to Lord Krishna, and it's been going on for years. He's just the most gorgeous ultra-bishi sexy thing in all of creation, and I just want to deep throat him to the balls and swallow every ounce of his divine load. I mean, look at him - just look at him, how could anyone not want him? He's so ridiculously kissable. I don't feel this way about any other religious figure at all, and I'm not even a Hindu or Taoist or whatever, so why is Krishna-kun so hnnngg?

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Lord Vishnu have mercy on this young man's soul...

Have you gone to a psychiatrist ? I have OCD as well and the meds notably helped, didn't cure the disorder though :|. I hope the best for you user, love

My intrusive thoughts were never like this, but when I had them I repeated a mantra to myself from weeks. Simply "I am in control of my mind" again and again for about two weeks. Sole concentration of that line for that time.
I haven't had one in months.

Repent and ask Christ to change your heart and desires.

Maybe he's not OP user

doesn't matter. They were just people and they're dead now.
>profane thoughts of a deity
enjoy karmic retribution.

Do you have thought OCD? It sounds like you do. I used to have blasphemous thoughts ever since was a kid AMA

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>A voice is telling me...
Mmh... I think it would be a good idea to go see a psychologist or a psychiatrist and talk them about that voice and others ailments you could have. It comes to my mind the words "psychosis" and "schizophrenia", but I'm NOT a professional on mental health or anything, and probably you aren't either. My best wishes user

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Help me find a way to make it stop or I'm converting to Scientology goddammit!

ITT: Incels larping as Catholics