Do you still think e-books are superior to printed books?

Do you still think e-books are superior to printed books?

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Stop assuming you can only get ebooks with drm, i have an ereader and i only get drm-free copies and it's the most convenient thing.

They are objectively better. Not only in terms of functionality, parsimony, and convenience (although they are superior in those terms too), but they are also more environmentally friendly.

>using proprietary formats

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they are way more convenient, but books have it's on charm and beauty.
it's also way easier to steal e-books and if you are a fag that wants to buy them they are little cheaper.

That's what you get for trusting a retailer with DRM, and for not removing that DRM immediately after purchase.

The vast majority of books I have don't have kindle versions.

physical books have been show to aid in in reading comprehension and retainment though. also people read like 20 % slower on ebook readers.

Yes. The pros outweight the cons.

use calibre to convert them to MOBI, if it's a PDF file then use k2pdfopt to improve them.

Can I use a kindle without ever using an amazon account? Or am I better off buying something else? Kobo? I just want to be able to mount the e-reader on Linux and load epub's from libgen, what device should I get?

Shit tier advice.

>but they are also more environmentally friendly.
*digs up precious metals required for computer parts*
*pollutes and destroys countless ecosystems in the process*
seems legit

It is ridiculous I cannot copy and paste text from a Kindle

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There’s your problem.
Also Microsoft stock has increased like more than 30% this year. They know what they are doing and cutting their losses on something 99% of the world didn’t know or care about is fine.

Okay so, has the PDF to ereader format issue actually been solved or gotten better? Only gonna be using it for old mystical texts that i cant find a epub for.

he thinks I buy them

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Regardless of their success or lack thereof Ebooks are retarded. I have read many books online and always only retained like 30% of them, retained way more and processed much better reading in physical form. Yeah they’re convenient, but the price you pay for that is that you’re barely fucking reading it at all. Audiobooks are even worse, shit-tier.

They're giving full refunds for all books purchased.

who the fuck buys ebook?
who the fuck buys ebooks locked with drms?

I prefer printed books, but ebooks can be ok when the book costs $50 on amazon and isn't that common locally. I'm doing some historical reading for my future project and the publications available in my local language(that is widely distributed) are sometimes 20 years out of date. Meanwhile ebooks can be pirated.

They are pretty good especially combined with an E-reader, but if you pay for DRM versions you are literally retarded and should be brought into an asylum.

i think they probably just havent gotten used to it.

i also have trouble reading off screens and sometimes it makes me feel less spiritually or aesthetically connected to the experience but uh
that's highly subjective

I meant no e-book version, mobi, pdf, epub, whatever, don't care.

found the street shitting shill.
Fuck off

you can

I just strip the DRM if I have to buy ebooks from A—n

>Audiobooks are even worse, shit-tier.
You don't like Homer?

yes because i only have to look up (book name.pdf) at any time, i dont buy books like a fucking retard

Haha ebook-faggots BTFO

Never trust digital platforms or streaming services. You never own anything.

you can just put a pdf on your kindle
read it from the side, horizontally

this isn't the case with e ink displays with the lgiht turned off, blue light hurts retention

i have one (gift from murican friend), never had an amazon account, i have over 100 books on it by now. also i have it permanently in airplane mode to save battery
i convert any ebooks i download to mobi first though


stfu before i fucking bludgeon you you fucking retard

Use epub, PDFs are nice, but not as a thing you actually read on a digital device.

>he doesn't pirate books
What the fuck is wrong with you? Or do you actually buy into that propaganda of how piracy is theft?

>physical books have been show to aid in in reading comprehension and retainment though.

I think it's real and it's psychological. A book will not disappear unless it burns. With an e-reader, you can erase the book in like 5 seconds. An e-reader can always break down and lost it's content (i know you can make copies...). A book can't really.

of course I do. the only time I would actually CONSIDER buying a book is if I can't find it online.

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I have over 100 FREE books on my computer and phone that I can access anywhere and have 0 physical ones. Buylets BTFOed.

Water damage. Shredder. Sun damage.

>he doesn't print his ebooks

>thinking it’s the consumers responsibility to worry about the environment while global capitalism rapes the earth

When will the meme die?

Why hang art on your walls when you can look at it on your iPhone am I right or what hehehe

>45 replies

What the fuck? They were never superior.

I don't think they're exactly superior or inferior but I love my Kindle Voyage. I don't even use the store that much unless it's a newer book and I want to support the author. I usually just sideload books with calibre and have a whole hard drive of epubs on my computer. Shits tight.

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Pretty much this. I have around 1500 books in calibre, I need to de-DRM the books I've bought even because I'm autistic about the titles and the ToC

Yes because they are easy to pirate and are cheap enough to buy if you want to. I've got like 200 books on my Kindle...75% DRM free but wow it would suck one day if Amazon just goes under or whatever and I lose all my kindle books.................

Of all the post against and in favor of "digital format" I've read in my life this is one of the stupidest, if not the stupidest, I've ever read.

It's really hard for me to believe that someone with the ability to reason has postes this.

Bookcases are not just for books but they are also forms of self expression and show your tastes, interests, and what have you. We are sacrificing ways to exemplify and enhance our character for convenience.

Of course, I can't pirate a hardback

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stop being poor and buy an 8.5*11 eink reader

I'll give you a gift if you can tell me why converting a certain book from mobi to epub or azw3 cuts it in half, and how it can be fixed.

>not using a raspberry pi to read your books to you on your tv while relaxing in maximum comfiness
I thought lit was the high iq board

It’s called shoplifting

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They are, except when it comes to maps.

What do you mean by cut it in half? Random linebreaks or actually missing content? Is heuristic processing turned on?


the books in the library of alexandria also stopped working, every format has its own form of impermanence.
just make sure you dont get your books in some dumb drm format and share them with as many people as possible

based pirate