Books to teach me to become hardened?

i'm looking for a "way of the warrior" type book.
to be more confident, trust my gut even more, speak out without fear, take on challenges, follow my heart, meditation and other good practices.

>inb4 "just experience life"

no shit, but it's likely this kind of thing has been thought about with care

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can tell that you are such a pansy effeminated lala prancing children molesting fruit homo

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Maybe that's just not the real you.

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They handed out copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra to the SS before going into battle

way of the superior man by david deida

also free solo the climbing documentary thing


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>Crime and punishment
>Moby Dick
But before reading those I'd suggest you go out side and make some friends first.


>sun and steel
>starting strength
>thus spoke
>ego and his own
>probably some MacArthur biography


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I call bullshit on that

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why do you call bullshit on that, you some type of moral fag lmao?

"Copies of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," Nietzsche's most famous book, had been distributed to German troops in a durable military edition; in rucksacks all along the killing fields, it lay beside the Bible it had been meant to replace."

Books on how the SS achieved the awe-inspiring amazing discipline that they were reported for having?

literally just look at virgin chad memes and copy the chad

Cringe. Chad doesn’t know what memes are

Interesting. Are these worth reading shit poster 9000

Calasso’s is a highly lauded interpretation of ancient myths
The Oxford a thorough analysis of a De Rerum Natura
Winckelmann might be outdated, but he was called the last Renaissance man. I’m very interested in all three

the gospel

You should know that it's poor form to inb4 as OP.

Fuck off you.

there's a ton of stuff out there. i recommend biographies by Waffen SS guys like Joachim Peiper or propaganda books by the SS. these guys were legendary and were the most alpha-tier males of the past 250 years.

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Which propaganda books user? I couldn’t find your pics related

War Crimes and Their Motivation: The SocioPsychological Structure of the SS and the
Criminalization of a Society
Leo Alexander

The SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps is your best bet. a lot of those third reich books are just reprints of various excerpts. you will have to scavenge the internet for it. there's some great meme cartoons from it that are hilariously /pol/-tier

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You made me cringe so hard. The image of you reading this post, running to your bookshelf and taking Seneca off the shelf and then placing your pistol on top of it, thinking "yes this looks manly and warrioresque".

I bet you took a few shots to find the "perfect" angel. You incel, bless you.

Not to get your hopes down but a certain form of moral autism probably accounts for a solid 60% of that.
Think of the protagonist of Robert Merle's Death is my Job.

the virgin stoics vs the chad cynics

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Anyone else think this must have confused the hell out of the soldier? The Zarathustra is hardly a manual of discipline and submission to authority. Heck keeping the Bible would have been a better fit for that end.

>Obedient tools of a machine-like bureaucratic apparatus
>the most alpha-males of the past 250 years
I'll take the Cossacks, the Apache, and even their colleagues the veteran pilots in the Luftwaffe (who weren't SS) over them any day desu.
Remember the pilots of the Luftwaffe refused to make the Nazi salute in front of Hitler, because they thought they loyalty was to Germany and her armies, not to some not even ten years old party, and still got away with it because they were irreplaceable.

>and were the most alpha-tier males of the past 250 years.
*laughs in french*

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hard disagree. the only ones who even compare are confederate soldiers who also faced overwhelming odds yet fought to the very end.

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Handbook of a Christian Knight by Erasmus

I haven't read it, but I remember the anecdote that influenced me to download it sounded a lot like what you're asking. well actually i think it was a request by someone else to give to a loved one, idk.

>faced overwhelming odds yet fought to the very end.

You can find many examples of that in any major armies. How does that not apply to the native americans or to the Luftwaffe pilots, or the French foreign legion soldier who fought something like 15-to-1 in Mexico and made it out?
How does it not apply to trench soldiers on both sides of WW1 during the Somme and Verdun?

It even applies to the insurgents in Warsaw's ghetto fwiw.

They probably had already studied it. And why do you say it's a manual of discipline and submission? It wasn't intended to be and isn't.

Praise the Orc.
It's korean but they are english translations. Light novel. Nothing heavy. There is some comedy and plot but desu not much. Good time filler still.

Bronze Age Mindset

Books don't make you hard, getting yourself out there and experiencing it, challenging your weak mental makes you hard

But since this is Yea Forums

Peak by eric andersson
Resilience : hard won wisdown for living a better life, eric greitens
Anything robert greene
Meditations, marcus aurelius
History books on a historical figure that you really like, find inspiration in their achievements

Have fun user

Unironically, how good is that book?

It's a good representative of the general literary movement that seems to be emerging out of the internet based red pill anti-modernity crowd, this also includes the manosphere guys for instance, but the range of books is wide. It is a book written by /ourguy/ and is therefore accessible for a limited amoubt of people (not that this makes it good)

I thought it was a funny read, but I was suprised how far it goes in really giving me a sense of that warrior mindset, and it has a serious message under the humor and bad grammar

For me it answered the queation of "if nit this" (meaning modernity) "then what?" People keep diagnosing the problem and black pilling, this books make an effort to give a glimpse of the alternative

Its not a self help book btw deapite the title, it literally refers to the mindset of the bronze age man as he sees it, not some life hack nonsense


Already had the image :^)

Stoics are in the Cynic tradition

>t. never had some basic bitch constantly ask him to look at her phone

>free solo
lmfao that guy is a dyel vegan cuck who will kill himself one day

>Moby Dick

Care to elaborate?

no book will teach you this. if you still haven't gotten it join whatever army is available to you.

Roasties don’t know what your incels memes are. Have sex.

Hitler's hangman is nice, nice bio

You'll never make it hahahaha

>It's a good representative of the general literary movement that seems to be emerging out of the internet
Ironic knuckle draggers anonymous
>this books make an effort to give a glimpse of the alternative
Larping the bronze age, as the contemporary Lalt right” see it, back into existence?

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Larping the bronze age (mindset) into existence.. not for the whole of society, but maybe for the few, it could be you user. I genuinely believe in the possibilty of personal change and what else is there?

A better indset, imo

you said, and i quote
>chad doesnt know what memes are

No, you said read Chad v. incel memes and I said Chad doesn’t know what those are and then you implied Stacy showed him your incel memes



Why are you so against the notion that such book could infact lead to meaningful growth in a person?
Mockery is quite banal when there is not a kernel of truth in it.
Do you find it dangerous?
Or insulting, if just only personally.
I doubt many will find the path of an egoist to be a fruitful (as there is no actual path to speak of).
You certainly seem to draw from some of the bronze age mindset, as you clearly act on nothing but gut feel.
I wonder how many times you've actually decided not to click "Post" after writing the same drivel and platitudes about your chosen panacea to the problem.
Preaching it like...
Come on, you're smarter than this.

>Remember the pilots of the Luftwaffe refused to make the Nazi salute
got any proofs on that statement? i cant find any

>he thinks I'll be intimidated by a drawing

Different user - Hans Marseille is a good example of anti-nazism among Luftwaffe, though don't know that he refused the salute.

Storm of Steel
In Deadly Combat
Bhagavad Gita
Sun and Steel
Thus Spake Zarathustra
anything by Seneca
Might is Right
Down And Out In Paris and London
Homage To Catalonia
anything by Jack London

and to clarify most well-adjusted and outwardly successful bourgeoisie own walls of stuff like Deepak Chopra, The Republic, The Alchemist, Steven Pinker, etc. etc.

People will draw inspiration from different things, from religion to philosophy to political beliefs, to history, to fiction.

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They handed out Sein Und Zeit by Heidegger, tardo


This aint the board for it. This board is full of left wing pseudointellectual redditors who dont believe in individual responsibility and the stoicism and discipline it demands.

>mentally ill anime tranny projects

>You made me cringe so hard. The image of you reading this post, running to your bookshelf and taking Seneca off the shelf and then placing your pistol on top of it, thinking "yes this looks manly and warrioresque".
>I bet you took a few shots to find the "perfect" angel. You incel, bless you.

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>also free solo the climbing documentary thing

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You made me cringe so hard. The image of you reading this post, typing away to show how disgusted and superior you are to the other user, and then smiling saying to yourself "hehe i sure showed him"

I bet you started your reply over a couple of times to get that perfect roast. Bless you incel.

Read the Stoics Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca..

lol they took drugs