Was Hitler right about modern pagans?

Was Hitler right about modern pagans?

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the germanic pagan LARPing (and i mean LARP by university fags creating new runes and such) really emerged during the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.
Quite obvious there were so many of those he describes, as is fair for today, doesn't deny the fact paganism should be resurrected and all judeo-god influences be destroyed and every follower if jew, muslim, christian should be killed as all semites and other invaders.
>read jacob grimm - german mythologie

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I loved that part of the book

Varg on suicide watch

No, he's talking about something different. Hitler is referring to the last dregs of German Romanticism amongst the well-to-do; people whose "connection to the gods" was dressing up in fur and a horned helmet at a dinner party. He flat out says it there
>the same people who brandish scholarly imitations of old German tin swords... and run as fast as they can from every Communist blackjack.

These people had no idea what Pre-Christian Germanic society and religion were like and essentially played dressup as Vikings when they realized that Wodan = Odin. Namely, their views and beliefs came far more from pop-culture and Christian mythos about the Vikings than it did from archaeological and historical studies. They had no interest in the society of their ancestors (which was, in comparison to the soft liberalism in which these types lives, bloody, hyper-political, brutal, and hard) and ultimately were more interested in being characters from fantasy than having anything to do with the ancient Germanics.

This doesn't describe modern Pagans, Neo- or Reconstructionist, at all. The defining trait of modern European Pagans is an autistic dedication to source material. Only Wiccans (who are actually the descendants of the people Hitler talks about here) deviate from this. Modern Pagans are very, very, VERY in touch with archaeological and historical texts, to the point where a large source of debate is over just HOW accurate one has to be to "what our ancestors did".

As to Hitler's criticism of cowardice, the majority of Germanic pagans will gladly point out that only Europeans can get into Valhalla and homosexuality was a crime against Freyr punishable by drowning; they believe this because historical texts and archaeological evidence indicate this to be what their ancestors believe. The people Hitler addresses thought Germany should have let France carve off territory because the ancient Germanics were pacifists. You be the judge of who is more accurate.

is adolf having a premonition about antifa vs proud boys?

>Was Hitler right about
No. Shitler was just another power hungry technophile who LARPed as something else. Same as the US, EU, China, etc. Don't fall for their lies. Read Ellul.

>These people had no idea what Pre-Christian Germanic society and religion were like and essentially played dressup as Vikings
So he's talking about pagans


Not at all, the Proud Boys were willing to fight both literally and metaphorically for their views. The criticism Hitler has for the Romantic dressy dinner party is that the people who attend such gatherings were not only completely divorced from what their ancestors actually believed but had no will to fight for anything. He literally lambasts these types from running away from a fight.

He's complaining about romanticism but the concept of race, that is the belief that one's self is already made great by virtue of being born a member of a race, is also romantic. He's a hypocrite.

Specifically what by Ellul?

>autistic dedication to source material
But how could this be possible if every village had it's own take on paganism and rituals? How could this be possible, if a lot of paganism was tied into oral tradition and local culture, which are long gone?

A loudmouthed fake-badass divorced from genuine ancestral tradition is exactly what the vast majority of modern "neo-pagans" are and you're delusional if you think otherwise

Wait a minute,wasn't the Nazi regime full of pagan larpers as well

Why did the SS units do all sorts of quasi rituals and wear germanic runes on their uniforms?
What about the Black Sun,the nazi expedition into Tibet and all that jazz?

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That's exactly the point that gets brought up. Half says
>so what, we take the important parts and form our own traditions. the gods are real and tradition is a form of contract in IE religion, so they'll underatand
The other half says
>what we have is special; if the gods didn't want us to have it then it wouldn't have survived. the fact that it is what remains means that it's part of a bedrock, and without it we lack a key part
It's an ongoing debate.

I think you're misunderstanding: Hitler is addressing a VERY SPECIFIC segment od German society here. He's not talking to Evola, or the Thule Society, or those Odin worshiping fertility cults in the mountains (look it up). He is SPECIFICALLY referencing a unique cultural phenomenon found within the German middle-class: that of the importation of the British Dress Up Dinner Party (a practice whereby well-to-do Brits would host themed parties, woth themes ranging from "American Frontier" to "Chinese Opium Den").

You could make the point that his criticism of this group ALSO applies to modern Pagans, as they aren't out pillaging for Odin. But then, that was a very specific social phenomenon only a minority of Scandinavians practiced and the majority of Germanic Pagans were perfectly peaceful, so what you are in fact saying is
>pagans are shit because they're not doing what Christian mythos says the Vikinga did
>and are instead doing what the majority od Pagans did
>which is bad

Yeah, because Hitler isn't addressing the loonies that tried to practice Rune Magic and gain Frey's blessing through fertility parades, he's addressing people who dressed up like vikings at dinner parties.

That sums up Western Christians as well.

Guess the old gods didn't favour the Nazis that much

pagan is a meaningless term, if you aren't about to declare crusade on the non-Christians stop using the term, you imbeciles.

can you even read? all he wanted was an epic poem written about their heroic deeds. one of us will make it a reality.

The word isn't meaningless. It refers to the various native European religious traditions and everybody understands this.

Read what Hitler wrote.

>Wait a minute,wasn't the Nazi regime full of pagan larpers as well
Yes, but they also put Communists and Jews into concentration camps, which is exactly the point at which Hitler's criticism of pagans arises.

>Why did the SS units do all sorts of quasi rituals and wear germanic runes on their uniforms?
>What about the Black Sun,the nazi expedition into Tibet and all that jazz?
It stops being a LARP the moment you are actually starting the greatest war the world has ever seen and multiple genocides.

wrong, it refers to literally everything that isn't abrahamic, it even used to refer to islam. now it refers to any kind of polytheism, all the new-age mumbo jambo, hermeticism, neo-platonism, hinduism, kabbalistic stuff etc, it's too damn vague to have any meaning.

If the word refers to anything, it means something and is therefore not meaningless.

I am a pure-blooded pagan if anyone wishes to ask me questions.

Though I may not reveal any aspect of my religion that must remain secret. We've had problems in the past with thieves, you see. These days, it is foolish to freely reveal your practices.

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Nah, Hitler is surprisingly quite dumb in everything. He doesn't understand it or its worldview. He gets stuck on the caricature progress/civilisation vs. savages running nude through forests with sticks. Which is rather silly. Someone like that isn't capable of seriously engaging in any intellectual pursuit. In the pic you posted he essentially says that he hates it because it isn't nice simple fuel for the fascist state and conducive to a Germany capable of dominating others. Which hardly seems of relevance to the deeper things, if anything it invalidates him as his only concern is utility.

Is there anyone ITT who believes that pagan gods are real?

>pure-blooded pagan
What does that mean?

it's a figure of speech

Are you really a pagan?


what is this shit writing. what is this book. one can clearly tell this writer is trying to seems smarter as he is by making unnessecary complicated sentences. which leads to text which is shit to read

who wrote this

just realised its hitler, even in german its shit to read but this translation sucks ballz

"nice larp, now watch me." -hitler

why haven't you killed yourself yet faggot?

because I enjoy drinking tea

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It's not long gone. Especially in certain places. It's just folklore and customs. But the answer to that is that it's part of a broader Indoeuropean tradition and philosophy, and though it varied greatly amongst Germanics alone there are obviously commonalities. Furthermore, you don't have to really be a pagan to understand and appreciate the pagan worldview and underlying metaphysics. Typically a Germanic neopagan would understand religion and philosophy of the world at large, with an emphasis on that of Indoeuropeans, and combine that with specific evidence of one's ancestors, living traditions, archaeology, texts, language, etc. and go from there.

Germany didn't start the war

Why do you believe that pagan gods exist?

I am unaware if they exist or not.

So why do you consider yourself a pagan?

Well, I am pagan because I was born that way.

So I'm guessing your parents passed it down to you and you decided not to make your own conclusions?

Definitely not

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No, that's incorrect.

Paganism is a religion, how can you be a member of that religion if you don't believe in its core beliefs?

Religions are self-determining. Essentially, the only requirement to be a "member" of a religion is to believe that you are one. No one can forbid you from doing this.

And I don't see how I have deviated from the core beliefs. There is nothing contradictory about being an agnostic theist.

It should be obvious by the types of responses he is giving you, that he's goading you on.

What is a religion to you?

A very good question, I am not certain I know yet. Perhaps, right now, for me, religion is a quest. I do not have all the answers yet, it will take many years of rumination on the various quandaries of my faith. When the time is right, the truth will be revealed to me in regards to questions such as: "what is a religion?".

Not entirely. He doesn't criticize the larping, just the lacking martial spirit of the neopagans. Not that they aren't fighting, but that they wouldn't. Applies to many modern pagans, not all.
The "divorce from ancestral tradition" you see in Christianity is just the result of a living religious tradition. Pagan fanboys don't have the interplaying beliefs, communities, and practices forming the fabric of religious tradition through basically all aspects of living, they have a buffet of scant aarchaeological finds and autistic fanfictions that they take from as they will without interfering with the mundanity of their lives.

absolutely. his ideology was an earthly one and recognized the LARPiness of Wotan worship.

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>>Was Hitler right about
>No. Shitler was just another power hungry technophile who LARPed as something else. Same as the US, EU, China, etc. Don't fall for their lies. Read Ellul.
A) you're just ignorant and upset, don't blame Hitler that you can't stop being a degenerate
B) make an actual argument and don't just point at a different author


t. German

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>uhhh ackchyually when he said pagans were retards he meant they were secretly based
wrong bitch. he made fun of himmler for obsessing over historical artifacts and shit too.