Everyman's library

>everyman's library

Attached: Steve-Reeves-32.jpg (873x965, 235K)

>Dover Thrift Editions

Attached: serveimage-43.jpg (1280x720, 85K)


>penguin classics

Attached: jamesk.jpg (634x357, 37K)


>Wordsworth Classics

Attached: serveimage-59.jpg (642x1000, 117K)


Attached: 48C6010A-2B9F-4BFF-89D6-1BDF58A1657F.jpg (1920x1400, 286K)

>arktos media

Attached: 00F4DAE8-BE98-4FF0-9B6B-13E656C2D17F.jpg (2048x1280, 744K)


Attached: Michelangelo_-_Creation_of_Adam_(cropped).jpg (3524x1599, 2.06M)

>viking portable

Attached: grugboomer.png (450x349, 102K)

>Gitapress Gorakhpur

Attached: 1507534894777537.jpg (634x827, 64K)

>Dalkey Archive

Attached: nasfjkndkgjbajkr.jpg (660x371, 58K)

>World Wisdom press

Attached: pepechaos.jpg (796x595, 198K)


Attached: D122E72C-899B-419C-A45F-ED962D93C1EC.jpg (1095x1280, 199K)

Penguin Classics is better than Everyman. Fight me.

>that pic

>Society of Biblical Literature

Attached: perfection.jpg (928x1161, 114K)


Attached: serveimage-2.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

Yeah, Everyman never publishes such timeless classics as Autobiography by Morrissey.


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I recently saw this cover... what the fuck were they thinking? It looks like independently published gay porn.

Nah, their Paraidse Lost & Regained is cucked. Women shouldn't be allowed to edit.

it looks like achilles is someone you should be terrified of. book cover objective accomplished.


Attached: land.gif (440x440, 2.37M)

cease thy honking, goosekin.

But he wasn't, he was a beardless light-skinned twink with flowing blond or red hair

>Easton Press

Attached: 1560302287284.jpg (1571x1089, 194K)

>t. watched Troy instead of reading Homer

>zero books

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>zero books

Attached: epic tranny.jpg (1200x800, 229K)

based fellow deutscher
>Fischer Klassik

Attached: The_Two_Faces_of_Squidward_24.jpg (1152x864, 70K)

Of course not.

Attached: 6BDD6EF6-FA74-414E-98A0-97B9BB04C8DF.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

>t. hasn't read The Symposium, seen any depiction of Achilles in pottery, or even looked up what xanthos, the word Homer uses to describe Achilles' hair, means


Attached: the-bear-and-his-wolf-gay-werebear-romance.jpg (353x565, 69K)

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Then it should have showed him pouting like a toddler.

Damn, she's Boris Vallejo-tier.

>Norton Critical

Attached: 20190630_171128.jpg (529x598, 339K)

>Faber & Faber inc, LONDON, 1939.

Attached: 1558444741652.jpg (1012x1012, 73K)

no, just more test than a male natty

>Inner Traditions

Attached: 0014174.jpg (1830x2692, 551K)


Attached: 1561905034711.jpg (1124x1200, 552K)

>Oxford World Classics

Attached: 1555513763848.gif (315x293, 2.48M)


>not time spiral press

>Ixaxaar publications

Attached: fed.jpg (480x600, 22K)

>Angelico Press

Attached: 1491456038803.jpg (375x585, 93K)

It's worth pointing out that Steve Reeves adamantly denied using steroids in spite of the fact everyone could tell, while all of his contemporaries eventually admitted to it. Steve was no Chad

>Ignatius Press

Attached: Resurrection by Luca Giordano A.D. 1665.jpg (1029x1000, 110K)