I would never read The Bell Curve, it's debunked racist garbage...

>I would never read The Bell Curve, it's debunked racist garbage, nevermind that the APA released a major report in it's wake confirming basically all the science in it as correct

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That’s a no from me, dude.

you came to the wrong neighborhood then motherfucker

If you're going to read a book by Charles Murray, read Losing Ground. Far more important.

It explains how Democrats are fucking over minorities for political gain.

Why waste time reading the bell curve when you could learn the same things riding public transportation

kek, so true, glad I got my license

IQ obsession is tantamount to nihilism. It’s a waste of time dwelling on it.


I take a bus through a majority black area every day, and no one has given me any trouble.

t. nigger

I’m often the only white person on the bus. The closest I’ve come to having any trouble was overhearing some guy’s rant about Yakub.

Why do you guys care so much about this book? If anything it just put into words the reality that everyone can see, the world belongs to the smart people.
What is the end goal here? Get a "certified smart white boy" card? Smart people they they are smart, regardless of race.
Anyway, this whole discussion will probably be obsolete in our lifetime. Eugentics and ethnoestates are out, genetically modified babies is where it's at, if only the rest of the world don't want to stay behind China.
Just enjoy your above average IQ, and go read a book, friends.

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know they are*

you're brave to post this thread on a board that's 95% american college students

>Why do you guys care so much about this book?
1. Because it's still taboo in the larger US society.
2. Because they're insecure non-blacks who want to feel better about themselves.

If you think that disparities between groups of people are entirely due to culture, then that's going to reflect in your public policy.

no one has "given me" any trouble either but I have seen and heard really fucked up shit

Ups I dropped my avocado toast

*plays rap music without headphones*

or because they want to learn about something which has a significant affect on society, significant implications for social planning, running a buisness etc but about which they've been lied to by the media

What does that even mean

>this feel when in Europe and public transportation is actually decent.

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publlic transport wouldnt be as bad if more whites took it. in europe all the public transport is nice outside of paris.

Well it's almost 30 years old, there's been so many socio-cultural changes and advances in genetic understanding it's better to cite something more recent if you want to be taken more serious. Murray's a "political scientist" so he's not really the best source on intelligence.
Also that's far from the most controversial thing the APA put out in the 1990s

>there's been so many socio-cultural changes
shut up shut up SHUT UPPPPPPPPPP

Why do you do this man? Why are you such an insincere and pretentious faggot? What's wrong with your brain? Hasn't anybody in you life ever asked you to shut the fuck up?

shut up
shut up

fucking christ


>"the science"
lmao what a phrase

If intelligence is a result of culture it matters which may be the case. America's different in many ways from 30 years ago so you would expect to see changes in intelligence if that's the case.