What are you reading?

What are you reading?

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cristiano ronaldo's autobiography

Economics in One Lesson

I'm a little over 500 pages into Ulysses (thanks to Yea Forums's recommendation) and I've comprehended maybe 20-25% of what I've read so far. Huge mistake. Way out of my depth.

i get that feeling , i had the same thing with Nietzsche thus spoke zarathustra and i just put it away and i will be reading another time with new mindset

At least with Nietzsche you're getting something, new ideas, a potential change in philosophy, what exactly are you getting with Ulysses?

Kaufmann's dostoevski to satre
Orson scott card's ender's game
Sartre's nausea

just started Emerson's essential writing
and Ingrid Russolini's Know Thyself

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House of the dead by Dosto.
Petrov is pretty based.

Charles Mingus biography Beneath the Underdog

Pssst. Anyone that tells you they understood even 75% of the book is lying to you or a Joyce scholar. It's one of the final bosses of literature for a reason.

what is he reading

culture of critique

I appreciate the reassurance.

Francis Fukayama's Origin of Political Power. Great stuff.

why is nick land feeding that fat thing?
is this the true power of accelarationism??

Wuthering Heights

Fall of Hyperion
Fucking sucks. Eat shit, /sffg/.

Deciding which one of you guys I should rape first.

I'll give you another hint: I teach American Lit. One of my colleagues is an *Irish Literature* scholar and he was BORN in Ireland. He told me he's convinced a huge portion of the book is gibberish no matter what anyone says

Demons aka The Devils aka The Possessed

Right now:
Witelo - Perspectiva (Books I and V)
Oskar Morgenstern - On the Accuracy of Economic Observation
Ibn Al-Haytham - On the Configuration of the World
Adam Smith - The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Aristotle - Prior Analytics

Up next:
Roger Bacon - Opus Majus
Louis Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler - The Capitalist Manifesto
Nicole Oresme - Tractatus de configurationibus qualitatum et motuum
Jeremy Bentham - In Defense of Usury
Aristotle - Posterior Analytics

I'm a boy, but I won't tell

the bible

specificlly the book of ecclesiastes

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Book of Disquiet by Pessoa. I don't feel like I can really connect to it though. I don't deny his abilities, or why he is well received, but I don't know if I can personally connect with his perspective. I only picked this book through rolling on pic related though. If anyone disputes the veracity of this list, please post another so I may reroll on that.

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Stoner somehow tops King Lear..... okay lmao

How to Read a Book and Candide

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You heard him. Underage.

Shahnameh (just started), bible (new testament), finishing wczoraj i jutro (Polish pre war nationalist theory)

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