>cute librarian says i picked a good book
Cute librarian says i picked a good book
I know that feel user. It’s one of the reasons I still visit the library, to chat up cutie early twenties librarians
>It was The Complete Works of Hegel
Do not slander liberrians, they have all the books
>Old guy in bookstore says I made a good choice
>the self-checkout ELib computer says “Error: overdue fines ($50.00) Please see a librarian”
>whenever I go to the bookshop to buy my meme right-wing/conservative books I make sure to buy a larger number of lefty books so the cute cashiers don't think I'm a turbo freak
>don't even read the commie shit
thats even worse
>renting a copy of The Unabomber Manifesto from the local library
>librarian asks me why I selected this one
>grab her phone and throw it on the floor
>hit her computer screen with my hand
>walk out
>never return book
alpha as fuck
So does the internet
>cashier asks "is this for school?"
You realize physical books in libraries also need to be replaced, right?
I'd ask if you watched it first but your timestamp shows you didn't.
>t-thanks y-you too!
>nailed it!
I would rather read your summary of this documentary, then refute it, than watch a 50-minute video about whatever.
>be me
>me = 16
>birthday soon
>only thing i want is very big lego set
>birthday time
>parents forget my birthday
>gran sends me card
>happy birthday user
>happy now
Pic related
>The guy who's more attractive than me at bookman's doesn't care about my books
>Realize books are for people who don't have sex
>go to library
>pick a nice book
>after that some nigger jumps me and takes all my stuff and says:"nice book hahhaha..."
Kek what a bitch
>Being so insecure you waste money on books you don't even read
Just order them online bro or just don't be a fucking pussy
Why even bother going to the library, when you can get all your favourite books via AUDIBLE .
This post was sponsored by AUDIBLE!!!
>oh have you read it?
>yeah i really liked x
>oh i've heard such great things about it
She's patronizing you, moron.
Implying they’d even know
>go to library late at night
>pick up nice book on crystallography
>head home when three young men dressed like faggots accost me
>they keep using yiddish and russian slang
>head goon take my book and rips it up
>they beat the shit out of me and rip off my clothes
>"write your number on it hoe"
I appreciate this more than some millenial harlot telling me that I made a good choice. If the latter happened I would immediately question the value of the book I've just checked out.
fuk this might just work
>less wanted and thick books are being thrown out near the entrance
Breed her.