Evola Bread

Anybody down to read and discuss this essay [The Enjoyment of Vulgarity] written by Evola with me? It's probably about 30-45 minutes worth of reading. Here he discusses the tendency of modern people to appreciate the obscene and vulgar over the beautiful.

For a tl;dr of the essay:
>basically modern people of all classes are vulgar and pleb-tier
>fuck the beatles, their long hair and their mongrelized music
>women who wanna wear jeans should be sent to labor camps to work
>fuck henry miller, he is pleb-tier garbage
>the ubiquity of pornography is a direct attack on virility and manliness and is a sign of a growing gynecocracy that enslaves, preys upon and weakens men
>also, fuck jazz

Here is a link for those who want to read more: counter-currents.com/2016/02/the-enjoyment-of-vulgarity/

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Thanks for posting this OP, I didn't know this essay was online

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One question: Did you literally just read this article in 30 minutes?

I'm not sure. I wasn't paying much attention. It probably took me longer now that I think of it. Why?
No problem, my king. Hope you enjoy.

Long hair is traditional, what's his problem?

oh boy cant wait to read this list of incel tier complaints

think he was mostly complaining that their hair was unkempt and dirty lmao also long hair is not traditional in his part of europe, romans/greek had short hair
beatles still gay vro

long hair was traditional from the middle ages all up to the era of industrialization you dumb nigger.

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Greeks often had long hair. If you hd started with the Greeks, you would know that.

okay but non-judaicized europeans kept it shorter so idc
ive analyzed many statues bro sorry they all had short curly hair sooooo

Maybe you should read some books instead of gaping at blocks of stone

desu i think i need a haircut

>people defending the Beatles in the comments section

wrong, I have a long hair and am only defending myself, fuck beatles, they are cockroaches.

I mean the comments section for the article. I have long hair, as well. I don’t care about the long hair part, though you do have to take context into account. When the Beatles grew their hair long they were signifying their “free spiritedness” and careless attitude. Anyway, enough about the damn hair already.

>The most prodigious phenomenon of this kind is the fashion, which has not yet waned, of blue jeans for girls, and even for ladies: blue jeans being, as we know, work pants. The passivity and tolerance of the male sex is, in this regard, astonishing. These young women ought to be put in labor and concentration camps; that, rather than luxurious existentialist apartments, would be an appropriate place for them and for their “practical” outfits, and might bestow upon them a salutary reeducation.
Unbelievably based.

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The Beatles of all people with their lovely singalong melodies, neatly structured songs and proper voices … I wonder what the Baron would say today about all those screeching ugly infernally distorted chaotic sadistic Black Metal furies that hail his name and writings.

Also Evola’s English seemingly was bad enough not to see that it wasn’t cockroaches that were evoked in their name and also miss the pun on “beat”. Beetles are very interesting, beautiful creatures, as his comrade Ernst Jünger might have testified.

In any case, this has to be the worst thing I have ever read of Evola. There are some points, but generally it comes across as ignorant, bourgeois, stuck-up old man ranting. I’m all with Camille Paglia here, and say that “Rock is Art”.

>Camille Paglia
ok boomer

>I wonder what the Baron would say today about all those screeching ugly infernally distorted chaotic sadistic Black Metal furies that hail his name and writings
That it's the Hyperborean soul's last attempt at transcending modernity by becoming more ugly and vulgar than modernity itself.
And he'd be at least partially right. Black metal has a strong neoromantic undercurrent that opens the gate to Traditionalism.

black metal is something you'll grow out of pretty soon, user.

Probably not, I'm 29 and the first time I listened to Burzum was like 2003

once you turn 30, you'll see.

Fuck off tranny

Grow up and listen to doom like a real misanthrope

Everyone I know thinks I'm a normie well-adjusted WASP. Will I actually become that at 30?
I like doom, but the more Sabbath-y stuff, which never struck me as very misanthropic

i went from black metal to steve miller band and hall & oates within a month after turning 30.

Black metal is awesome , check out the finnish stuff like Goatmoon , Sargeist and check out the american band "Grand Belials Key" its the best

It's not the lyrical content that's misanthrophic; it's listener finding enjoyment in themes of despair

GBK is good but Arghoslent is a better project of theirs, more coherent less cartoonish
OK I see what you mean now; I think this is a theme that is wed to metal from its inception: modernity is suffering, and the only way out of modernity is through it.
I've been listening to a lot of Earth, Wind, & Fire recently. Are they black metal?

This guy sounds like a massive cuck

Arghoslent is brilliant as well , the guitarist know how to write good riffs , but i prefer GBK

It would be interesting to see what he would think of certain strains of music that have been influenced by rightwing thought. Not just black metal, but also neofolk.

And I think it's a funny article. I don't think he comes off as bourgeois or ignorant, but he does come off as an old man ranting about "kids these days." I like when writers complain about garbage they see among the youth. It's funny. Also Evola has some shit-tier lazy essays, so this one is pretty good compared to some of the stuff he was writing during the days of fascism.

beatles suck bro, sorry. nothing will make them good and they will be forgotten soon. they already are forgotten basically except among some indie musicians

Seething plebian faggot

Rock n' roll is complete trash. Show me a black metal band that praises Evola. There aren't any

Why would he care about hair traditions lmao? Did you miss his entire ideology? He says particulars are variable and relative, the fundamentals are absolute and inviolable. Also prechristian Europeans with long hair would put a lot of care into it. Not just grooming and cleaning but styling as well. For Germanic men it was important to be both beautiful and dreadful (as in, inducing it in others), hair was a key part of that.

By the last part I meant the long hair of the time was unkempt lazy swinging at freeness. Hair of that past actually had purpose and meaning. For Christians not taking care of their bodies, including wild hair, was obviously a way of emphasising the lack of importance of this world and instilling humility. What is the unkempt hair of the time but a meaningless trend that died quick.

>fuck jazz
avant-garde jazz is beyond modern classical
stinking pleb

graveland / lord wind, der sturmer, just to name a couple

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But I like jazz

I'm trying to understand evola and all the forces and spiritual castes he talks about
If Christianity represents feminine-lunar passive spirituality, then why are dark very much active non passive forces like the Titanic-Telluric warrior caste also described as feminine, namely feminine-daemonic? The Solar Royal spirituality seems to be consistent though. But I don't understand the description feminine applied. Why is feminine both active and passive? The Titanic is apparently supposed to be under the rule of the Solar royalty. And the feminine Lunar is below the Titanic. And below that is again the Slave caste. So where does the feminine label come from?

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And to add to this iirc Evola considered himself to be of the Warrior caste. Was Evola a Discord tranny?

>Why is feminine both active and passive?
Passivity and activity apply both to female and male, but of a different sort. Female passivity is receptive, male passivity is like an immobile pillar. Female activity is lustful, insatiable, restless, frantic and has an external origin (meaning it is prompted by external stimuli). Male activity has an internal origin, and is final, decisive, heroic. Evola goes into more detail on the whole activity/passivity thing in Yoga of Power,

Ah alright this makes a lot of sense. Thanks. I've only read Mystery of the Grail and Metaphysics of War so it seems a bit confusing still. But this system of Metaphysics is already the most interesting and resonating I've ever come across.

>These young women ought to be put in labor and concentration camps; that, rather than luxurious existentialist apartments, would be an appropriate place for them and for their “practical” outfits, and might bestow upon them a salutary reeducation.

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cute pic desu