How can anyone even being to defend leftism after this?
How can anyone even being to defend leftism after this?
How can anyone watch jordan peterson and parrot him after this?
What is it with all the marxism threads recently make it stop please
marx is interesting enough but make it stop
Swathes of rootless cosmopolitans across the West are being recruited into leftism with Marxist ideology at the forefront. Of course that's going to filter into this board.
/pol/ is leaking
It’s summer
>/pol/ is marxist
>Cause the starvation of millions
>Send relatives of people who slightly disagreed with your views to work camps in Siberia for 10 years
>Invade Poland
>Capture 50,000 polacks
>Don't know what to do with them
>Shoot them all and bury them in a hole in Katyn
>Blame it on the Germans to this day
Are commies even human?
Majority of lefties are the 1st worlders who never lived in actual commie country.
Yes? When they criticize communist regimes they aren't talking about Marxism
Communism hasn't happened. The USSR wasn't any closer to it than the US
>The USSR wasn't any closer to it than the US
It really wasnt. However some people still believe it.
usssr doesn't hold the monopoly on "leftism"
Too bad for you I'm a commie from an ex-commie country. I was born after communism ended though. I have yet to hear a person talk badly about life back then.
>I'm a commie from an ex-commie country.
Which one?
Let me guess, you've also heard nothing good about because all you do is sit in your basement jerking off to traps.
Communism implies a stateless society. Was the USSR stateless? Was China stateless? Were the Latin American socialists stateless?
>Marxist Leninism isn't real communism!
>t-the state will dissolve on its own
Most Russians and Slavic people view lenin/Stalin/ussr favourably. They erect statues of them.
Because most russians are common folk who want to be pampered by government.
Russian here. Communism is shit.
Marx said socialism differs from communism in that it a) includes a state and b) allows for division of labour. Clearly the ussr was not communist by any Marxist definition.
Marx can be interpreted in a number of ways. Read the Main Currents of Marxism.
Okay but I'm not talking about general interpretations. I'm saying that in this hyperspecific semantic case it is clear that Marx thought communism implied a stateless society
>Marx said socialism differs from communism
No he didn't.
>Marx can be interpreted in a number of ways.
Not on the fundamental matters.
more like the jewlag kikepeshlomo, amirite guise
It's a great book but its not really worth reading unless you like Solzhenitsyn, its simply too long.
You don't even have to be a lefty to see that any faggot who tries to categorize a metric fuckton of diametrically opposed ideologies as 'leftism' is a low IQ brainlet.
It's not even being a rightoid that's the problem here, it's dumb retards who got into online extremism trying to validate their retarded beliefs. Same shit with far lefties.
it's probably one anticom guy
Reality is leftist
You know this is literally fiction, right?
Kill Jordan Peterson conversations now, fuck that fucking shit. You’re better off reading books and analysing them yourself,
>hurrrr durrr