Girl at work seems real interested in me

>girl at work seems real interested in me
>she is always asking me questions and trying to get to know me
>she says things like "you're such an enigma"
>I will be attending a Masters program which is fairly close to her undergrad school, roughly 2 hours away
>she finds this out and says "isn't that a huge party school? I just don't see you getting 'lit' "
>I have to explain to her why I chose that Masters program and that I most certainly will not be partying while I am up there
>she says "well couldn't I visit you on the weekend since it's so close? I could stay at your place there and we could go get lit"
>I took this as her flirting with me and being romantically or sexually interested in me
>BUT then I dropped by work yesterday to see a movie and I hear her casually say to another coworker "MY BOYFRIEND..."

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She was just trying to pin you down as a rebound boy in case her current boy falls through, whores do this all the time without even thinking about it. Learn not to be affected by their tricks, cultivate equanimity.

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Drive her to the middle of nowhere and kill her, it's what she wants/

That's just how they are.



this, it's the ultimate sexual fantasy of your average western woman.

enigma balls

You fuckers think too highly of women.
Just grind down their behaviour until you see their true motives, which are mostly linked to primal reproductive strategies.
Then try to construct a primitive picture of her desired mate. Flesh it out and find out how to act like that.

just rape her bro

thots gonna thot

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>implying she's faithful to her bf
>implying she doesn't want an ongoing affair with you every weekend while you're at school
Just fuck her, bro

sounds to me like she just wants an excuse to go party at your school that is cooler than hers
either way if she has a BF she's trying to use you for something

She is bad news senpai. A thot with no morals. Women are the most dangerous playthings.


That took a quick turn

>expecting people to say forward slash irl
She was saying she doesn't see you getting Yea Forums. She's calling you uncultured, and lacking up there. She was offering you a book reading session so that perhaps she can guide you through some tough passages and help you catch up.

Nice blog, where do I subscribe?

This unironically works. I did this with my highschool girlfriend, and when the relationship ended I became dissatisfied. Carnal pleasures are truly futile. I've been 8 years without sex and I don't miss it. I pity incels.

>I've been 8 years without sex and I don't miss it

Not every girl who talks to you without mocking you wants to fuck you OP
At the same time she should realize that you want to fuck her and that she's leading you on
Still, it's on you for misreading her

Sex is not the problem in itself, but rather the will to lose your own time which you are not getting back pursuing something which you will regret. I would be down to have kids with an intelligent, honest woman who is willing to help me with my goals as much as I want to help her. However, that's not reality. In real life people want to have sex just for pleasure without consequences. This devalues the worth of the person who does it (as a romantic partner) for they see numbers when they look at partners instead of seeing people. Most people are hedonists, and I despise them.
I'm not going to lose time to look for "the one and only exception". If she comes before I die, fine. If she doesn't, then I won't regret it, for I spent my life cultivating myself and carrying out my goals, which is the most important thing.