is it ok for a christian to use practices from other religions for achieving goals of christianity?
for example, asubha meditation seems to be very effective against lust.
is it ok for a christian to use practices from other religions for achieving goals of christianity?
for example, asubha meditation seems to be very effective against lust.
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Yea Forums will tell you that you're going to hell for meditating.
yes you can combine weak samadhi with wrong views. What discriminate between right view and all the wrong views invented by puthujjanas is the wisdom which is the last step of morality->samadhi->wisdom, but ofc samadhi and morality are based on right views and will not get good morality and samadhi based on wrong views.
No. All Apostolic branches of Christianity have prayers and practices for achieving virtue, ask your priest/spiritual father.
Also, become Orthodox.
No. Meditation is satanic.
isn't contemplative prayer a form of meditation?
Hello user. Actually there is nothing evil about what you are doing. These things in other religions all stem from the root primordial tradition that God gave to man. However, it is perfected in hesychasm, which is a Christian meditative breathing exercise. (be careful though, it is dangerous)
What to do if that practice actually makes you horney? Am i a necro?
Asubha is hardly a meditation in the conventional sense anyways, it's more like a contemplation practice (of the body and the foul)
No, that would be extremely hypocritical
Yes. You are going to hell, faggot.
A big red man wielding a pitchfork came up from the ground and gave everyone spiritual practices just so that 4000 years later it could make them look at something outside a book written about a failed Jewish revolutionary.
Don’t question this by the way or you’ll suffer
No one can honestly believe this, right?
He means meditation other than thought observance, thought stilling, and prayer are demonic in origin, which they are, because it facilitates demonic possession and the creation of idolatrous and parasitic thought forms.
there's nothing wrong with meditating as long as you aren't worshipping other gods, ancient christians meditated.
That's basically what prayer is, meditating on the will of god
Yea Forums unironically is the lowest iq Yea Forums board. I’m starting a theory that reading actually makes you dumber
If you left the board the average IQ would go up substantially.
I’ve seen a couple of radio preachers who do
Actually I’m the smartest one in this board sorry
With Christianity, all the positions that would in any other setting be "ironic" or "humorous" are literal and factual. Pains me say it, but it's true.
Whenever you think a Christian is just making a joke, remember - they're dead-serious.
You know every other religion seems to be able to acknowledge those that outside of them love God as well, why does Christianity start with the assumption that everyone else is evil and a devil worshipper who wants to sent their souls to torment.
I know not every Christian is this way and the ones I know tend to love all other religions and people but it really feels like Nearly all the Christians on Yea Forums act this way.
While this is true for some Christians do remember that many non-christans or quasi-Christians really atheists larp as the work aspects of Christianity
Those "demons" aren't even the demons of Christian mythology. They aren't rebelling against God, they're just negatively polarized entities. And they can do good too.
You literally worship a human male, and a book. Please stop.
>Drooling retard
At least make the argument that these other forms of meditation are more often than not aimed at worship of a specific diety and in that sense are anti-Christian
I doubt it, user. I have spent enough time on the Christian side of the internet to get a decent sense of their general character, as much as I hate knowing that so many real people could actually be so indoctrinated, superstitious, obsequious, judgemental, hateful, tribalistic, and narcissistic. Yea Forums might be bad, but it's not that different from the kinds of Christian behavior seen outside of it.
Atheists spend their time attacking Christians (often times being unnecessarily mean), not roleplaying as them.
Mixing the intense tribalism of Judaism with the antimaterialism of gnosticism is a good recipe for an arrogant and xenophobic religion
I more mean these half-Christians who believe in their faith but don’t really care, emboldened by the hatred in their hearts from years of /pol/ browsing and wrongly believing all of western canon and morality stands on the back of Christianity will attempt to violently use fear as an attack against anyone they perceive standing outside the /pol/ zietgeist. Claims of burning eternity in hell or worshipping Satan, things they obviously don’t believe will happen to you but provide an easy no strings attached insult to throw in your directions while still giving themselves the perceived sense of moral superiority at they are “spreading the faith” desperately using memes that a true Christian would consider heresy
I agree with the types of people who are now here using Christianity to service a pre-existing political agenda, but the kinds of insults you mentioned, and the general interactions I observe here, are VERY standard behaviors for internet and real-life Christians, and I do feel many people here are serious when they say these comments to others. Jesus himself rebuked the Pharisees quite intensely, more or less telling them on one instance to "go to Hell", and Christians take after such a manner of interaction and consider themselves paragons of righteousness for doing so.
read Merton
I have to agree with this user, some of the Christians I have met online and in real life are very serious and unironic in their fear mongering. I have been rather interested in this "fear of God" aspect of Christianity lately, especially how it can form the psychological pillar that supports the rest of their belief, since every time "doubt" enters the mind, the emotional fear of hell or eternal damnation overrules any calm, critical and rational thoughts that "risk" damnation.
It's essentially one of the mechanisms that keep Christians immune to reason and drives them to reject anything and everything but the word of God.
Naturally, not all Christians rely on fear as a primary motivator, at least not overtly or consciously, or the fear has matured from being instilled since childhood in to love for God for salvation from that fear of God. In this sense the fear is a good thing since it drives you towards salvation, hence why Christians keep bringing up the fires of hell.
They first sell the sickness(you are going to hell) and then the cure(faith in God).
Very very based
That more of a low church Protty thing, but that current definitely runs throughout the whole religion. It's an ingenious defense method, it's amazing all the adaptions Nature can come up with
I live in a very Protestant country and area so that makes sense. The Christians I'm basing this on from my real life encounters had strong Protestant influences.
>low church Protty
Do you mean the Charismatic and Pentacostal variants? From what I understand those two sects evolved from Protestantism as the religious freedom of the USA allowed individual interpretations of the Bible to flourish unsuppressed, with plenty of "fertile virgin minds" for the religion to have space and time to evolve to what it is today. I consider those to be the very watered down versions of Christianity: strips away the difficult parts, simplifies everything for wider appeal and has no tradition or authority to keep it from mutating so rapidly when compared to the other big three traditions.
The worst is their rationalizations for it.
“user god wouldn’t love us unless he gave us the option to choose not to be Christians and doom our souls to eternal pain and torment for simple common ignorance”
“user I know I was born in this religion but everyone else is just as lucky as the grace of god gives them the oppurtunity to join my religion and I will never have to consider their philosophical or life experiences or views”
“What do you mean Krishna said the same things as Jesus 2000 years before him Jesus was the basis for all the morality in the world”
Yeah, Baptist and Pentecostal as opposed to Anglican and Presbyterian
The whole religion of christianity is a shitty ripoff of paganism
Why on earth would it matter if you took a bit more? You already a braindead thief.
When will this meme die?
If you wish to ignore established history like a moron, you are free to do so.
But I don't speak to moronic truth deniers.
Why does Jesus’ important days line up so perfectly with Pagan holidays?
Yes I know it’s because you don’t actually know them and you wanted to help bring pagans to the faith but it still speaks volumes
Those practices are satanic. Don’t turn your mind off. Focus it on God! Read the Bible! Pray! Sing! These practices are much better than meditation
Yoyndont understand what meditation is even slightly
False. Mediating is fine. Meditating to a false God is idolatry.
>meditation is turning the mind off
Dumb dumb dumb westerner
this, also unironically
Meditation is an important tool for spiritual growth, use it faggot. Asians may be silly but they got that shit down, just don't adopt the metaphysics.
>Focus your entire mind on one omnipresent topic
So... meditation?
The Bible says to mediators on God’s laws and on anything that is good. It never says anything about Eastern meditation techniques. Therefore such things will not help you spiritually. If you spend a whole day practicing a secular meditation, if you come off of that, will you be thinking about God? No, and that’s why it’s no good for a Christian.
Meditation is brining you mind to one specific topic and putting complete focus on it. That’s all meditation is. Eastern meditation is the opposite of turning off your brain if it keeping it entirely active and concentrated on a single idea
Something like asubha meditation used to be used in Catholic monasteries, maybe still is. Can't be arsed to goggle it. Why don't you pray the rosary?
dude i'm just focusing on my breath and my pulse and shit
>Why don't you pray the rosary?
This. The Rosary is similar in many ways to a meditative mantra, but it has the added bonus of being completely Christian (inb4 dumb Prots dispute this).
>The exact origin of these universal prayer items is unknown but the earliest historical use of prayer beads can be traced back to Hindu prayers around 500BC in India.
>Recent evidence shows that prayer beads existed well before the times of Christ.
Does this make me Protestant?
I mean the actual format of the Rosary itself, all the prayers involved.
It's very hard to completely separate the rosary from earlier non-Christian prayer beads.
>The origins of the rosary are "sketchy" at best. The use of "prayer beads" and the repeated recitation of prayers to aid in meditation stem from the earliest days of the Church and has roots in pre-Christian times.
>has its roots in pre-Christian times
While the form the Rosary takes today is arguably distinctly Christian in nature, if only as a matter of post-adoption influence, just like Islam adopted prostration from early/Coptic Christianity, it is not unthinkable that Christianity adopted practices from earlier and older religions not too geographical distant from their origins.
that practice was in Name of the Rose by medieval Catholic monks
very interesting, OP
Don't listen to the memers/LARPers, methods from other traditions that help you keep away vice must be good otherwise they wouldn't help, but there are plenty of good methods for tamping down vice and cultivating virtue within the Christian tradition. Start with the desert fathers. Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales is good too. Also the Catechism has good direction for this sort of thing too, that's probably the best starting point. And definitely talk to your priest/pastor/any spiritual father etc.
westerners can't meditate. it's against their nature to think of "nothing".
sounds reasonable. thanks for the recs.
>>The origins of the rosary are "sketchy" at best.
The Blessed Virgin gave it to Saint Dominic directly, that's why atheist historians can't find a "hard" origin for it.
>tfw christian moms claim against the gym yoga session
Why they act like a tribal primitive religion?
What is paganism? The Cloud of Unknowning. Is this place filled with protestants or something? You never sought out Christ through hell before? It's all the rage, don'tchaknow. Be getting high and banging and singing and feeling the libertine spirit and holding the wafers so close that I can feel the warmth of His flesh. All to encourage the return to His kingdom, to breathe in the air of the spirit. Life insists upon doubt and madness and love and passion and riotous actions that bring about our petty redemptions. Just as the worst are saved, so we all are, and t walk among them in their shame while knowing the way, we do God's work, user. Even the whore and the executioner is given a place in heaven when all is done and we are tried at the gates. Be free to test your will so that you raise yourself higher before the angels and bring them to stand with you alongside the demons. Be as God intends life, not as His son demands. Humble yourself in chance and take grand leaps into unknowns and abursurdidies to prove yourself worthy of the spirit of His kingdom.
Of course it's okay, because YHWH is a fake god and can't hurt you or punish you because of your personal practice. Once you realize christianity is a fake religion (that is inherently atheist anyway) you'll lose those inhibitions and anxiety. Practice what is effective and what helps you to better truly understand god and the world.
What is involved in hesychasm?
>implying anyone on Yea Forums reads
yea i imagine reading garbage doesn't make you much smarter. let me drop a quote on you,
>Its [reading] chief purpose is to help towards filling in the framework which is made up of the talents and capabilities that each individual possesses. …the second purpose is to give us a general knowledge of the world in which we live." -hitler
as long as it isn't idolatrous or otherwise satanic I don't see why not. if baths were invented by muslims would it be wrong to take them?