A-user, that poem you wrote for me was achingly beautiful. More magnificent than anything Keats ever wrote

>A-user, that poem you wrote for me was achingly beautiful. More magnificent than anything Keats ever wrote

My manic pixie dream girl really loved the poem for her. Did you ever write a poem for a girl? How did it turn out user?

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Is this one long fantasy shitpost or have you actually found a unicorn, OP?

Unicorns are real my fren. You will find yours too!

he cute

It's called dreaming, user. It didn't really happen.

Good for you user, proud of you friend.

Am I the only person on Yea Forums though that would hate having to write a poem for a girl? In general I hate poetry.

Thank you fren.

It's not about having to though, love is about wanting to fren.

I used to write for my first and only girlfriend and she often wrote back. I wish we were still together.

Sounds possibly just as lame but maybe think about song lyrics instead of writing a poem

I wrote to ne for my mom for mother's day
She thanked me


Dis nigga been posting about his manic pixie gf for days now, try to keep up

is this LF's new persona?

I wrote a poem for her and she only said "thanks". I knew it was a lost battle but it hurts anyway. Now i regret it.

Don't give up fren, I am sure your manic pixie dream girl is out there and just waits for you to write her a poem!

I hope so, user. I will be more cautious in the future before, tho. I feel embarrassed just by the thought of doing that again.

>for days
>Implying that is long

Don't blaspheme against LF by suggesting he'd become a normie.

Having a manic pixie dream girl is not being a normie fren

Why can't wojack learn to be happy for others

>having a gf
>not a normie

The love you experience with a manic pixie dream girl is the most Yea Forums thing ever though.

hes an unempathetic little bitch who thinks his suffering is unique and this justifies his doing anything