Why is modern literature so filled with leftism, feminism, and Marxism? I really want to get into reading...

Why is modern literature so filled with leftism, feminism, and Marxism? I really want to get into reading, but every book I look at in my book store just scream towards the end of whites, men, religion, society, and order. What caused this?

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The solution is to not purchase or buy books with ideologies you don’t agree with, don’t even give attention to them. Think of Pennywise from IT (shit movie btw) the more attention you give it the stronger it grows

It’s a purely contemporary malaise. We’re at the end of the West. Read the classics.

because we haven't hit the collapse yet

>I was born in le wrong generation

>he thinks every generation had the same opportunities and got to live the same things

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Make your own art and your own statements, shitbird. Sitting on your ass complaining won’t solve anything. Don’t care if I sound like a boomer. I get that circumstances and opportunities change, but that doesn’t mean you should say “Well, uhh, society is basically over now and meaningless” and then hang yourself. Holy shit imagine if Faulkner or Nabokov or Pynch or any great author you can think of, imagine if they thought the same self-defeating bullshit, they wouldn’t have written anything at all, they would have given up. The fuck is wrong with you seriously grow up and stop swallowing unnecessary black pills

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Why doesn't the right create it's own academia?

Because Academia is fundamentally retarded

>every book I look at in my book store just scream towards the end of whites, men, religion, society, and order. What caused this?
Your totally distorted alt-right point of view.

Have sex incel

? You can’t just lob a vacuous meme and strut like an intellectual. He’s right. The contemporary west is rotting and the literature (even for what little *real* literature there is) reflects it.
Different ages have different pros and cons. Some have more pros than cons. This isn’t invalidated by your reddit-tier irony.

Because we're busy getting real shit done instead of just jerking off over books all day.

Ok so then why live at all right? If society is so fucked why bother? What do you propose as a solution other than complaining?
>inb4 the same shit about “times change”

Another alt-right incel projecting...
Yeah, I get it, it's because of all those nasty jews and all those mean girls who fuck anyone but you. Oh, those dirty feminists...

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Your the only 1 projecting sweaty ;)

>No, you!
Get out of the kindergarten... (and the closet).

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>Ok so then why live at all right? If society is so fucked why bother?
That’s up to you, but it doesn’t change the fact that society is indeed catastropically fucked (mobile.twitter.com/MINECRAFTMILF/status/1144642971775750144)
>What do you propose as a solution other than complaining?
A very final one, but it will never happen. There will be no solution. The West is in a nosedive and the East is on the upswing. Asia and Eastern Europe are the future. It is what it is.

Have sex
Gain height
Hit the weights
Get a clue
Sneeds feed and seed

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Go back to asperger.

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>What caused this?
You spent too much time on Yea Forums and have become paranoid & unable to view the world through any lens other than the meme ideology into which you've assimilated

Just read the classics. I haven't picked up a non-science/math book published past the 2000s and I have a surplus of books to read.

LOL! Wait. Actual question. Uuuuuh

USED BOOKSTORES. You are probably going to chain bookstores, and what you are seeing is flavour of the month trash. There is good contemporary lit out there, but you will have a hard time sorting trash from gold in stores which deal exclusively in paperback obsolescence.

Yeah. Pretty much the position I'm in. Greatness stands the test of time. No need to beta test all the losers of that battle. Still more than enough to read going backwards...

Internet killed academia. It’s not necessary anymore. I’ve gone deep into fascist, ecofascist, and pagan lit and watched lots of discourses (or audio streams) without needing crusty old institutions.

>The contemporary west is rotting
evidence your claim pls, this isn't something you can just say is "right" or justified without subjective contamination. You and that other poster are traditionalists, therefore you're always going to claim that modernity is on the downswing no matter what happens. What you call "pros" and "cons" are weighted towards your own preferences. There is no objective metric for social degeneration

trump university

>Centuries old infrastructure takes noticable turn to the left and show no signs of stopping
just build ur new infrastuctrue u dummy, i expect it done within 6 months!! if you complain you're just a stupid idiot 'LOL

>There is no objective metric for social degeneration
The same goes for progress, of course.

The (((elites))) degraded our society and culture

pragerU, sweaty

>Why is modern literature so filled with leftism, feminism, and Marxism
Writing isn't real work.

The internet is essentially just a big library.
People could go to libraries and self educate before the internet.
There's a reason why courses exist, why there are teachers and institutions of learning.

Based Megachoc


Becuase the people who are interested in academic subjects tend to be left wing. That's just the way it is, and universities leaning left is completely fine. Unfortunately, moderate leftists just don't know how to defend themselves against the far left in the way conservatives remain basically stable in their position in the face of their growing fringes.

Because fact tends to have a liberal bias.

That's the contemporary mood on the left, and the left tends to dominate the arts becuase leftists are more open to aesthetic experience. Just try and find the books that aren't specifically about that and give those author's your money.

science of race and iq ;)

no the universities are controlled by left wingers and use them to convert more people to being leftists. it's no coincidence that the rise of the internet has correlated with the fall of the left, lies don't work anymore.

sad thing is, some people actually unironically believe that

>I really wanna get into reading but like dude... so many writers are against the status quo and shit and I cant handle that brah

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Dude, whites are literally becoming minorities in their own countries.

Alas, those good old days, when people actually had their shit reviewed by professional editors before they could publish it, and there were at least some quality standards. No kidding, you even had to check and verify the credibility of your sources then. Alas, those good old days are gone and every illiterate moron is able to publish whatever he wants on the internet. Sadly, there are a lot of idiots who actually believe in it due to the sheer amount of imbecile signal noise.
We are truly in for a reign of the dunces.

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why don't you lick my balls, how's that for "evidence" you fucking nerd?

It's filled with liberalism, and virtually no Marxism.

>but every book I look at in my book store just scream towards the end of whites, men, religion, society, and order. What caused this?

Leftism always leads to this. It has a record of 100% historically.

Frog posters please kill yourselves.

but im not a tranny

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Because reality is far more interesting and rewarding compared to academia. Also the left always end up with building walls, homogenizing and actively work against those with other beliefs than themselves.

Why should someone who could earn vastly more money and respect in the private sector essentially risk his livelihood and at much less monetary gain by going into academia?

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where are the Marxists user?

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>the left always end up with building walls, homogenizing and actively work against those with other beliefs than themselves.
Oh, these lefties...

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Sounds like someone's been listening to too much YouTube 'intellectual' rethoric

because it's actually the truth?

>...and that's the bottom line cuz I read it in some obscure threads on the interwebz!

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complete retarded echo chamber bullshit.

never completely ignore ideologies you disagree with. you should be just as well read in the topics you despise as the topics you agree with. ESPECIALLY when you're talking about "preserving whites, society, and order."

It's a slippery slope, friend. Stay educated.

Just buy books written by right-wing personalities who make a living by writing right-wing knockoffs of left-wing stuff?

>what is Harvard
>what is Oxford
>what is the Sorbonne
A better question would be, why is left incapable of creating its own academia and why can it only succeed by perverting the intellectual achievements of others

Because that’s what marketable nowadays

>omg you're like so stoopid, stop believing in conspiracy theories and start believing in buzzfeed articles instead

Rightwingism is dumbism

You have to go back.