/rel/ - Religion Containment Thread

All posts about Christianity or other religions that aren't directly related to works of literature go here. This include theology, apologetics, metaphysics, fedora toting etc. Happy posting

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not gonna work, try again

>thinking bunching all religions together in a single thread will work

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Give it a try

I believe God is a indescribable force that permeates all of existence and forms itself in the self of humanity to drop wisdom and intellect to those deemed worthy.
How do I strengthen my relationship with it? I had to escape the vicious fundamentalist upbringing I had and it scars all my thoughts and feelings about God.

Yup, sorry OP I appreciate your efforts but it simply won't work in this manner.

not an atheist but honestly fuck God
send me to hell I don't care
I'm tired of your shitty universe and I'm not going to spread my ass cheeks to get into heaven

Even as educated men why haven’t we moved beyond tribalism yet?
We can find God within us all.

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>And if those who disbelieve join battle with you they will take to flight, and afterward they will find no protecting friend nor helper.

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Because our ways of looking at God clash with one another’s in some ways, and people really hate changing their viewpoints on things

Not like anyone talks about anything besides Christianity anyway. We get the odd Islam thread once in a blue moon and there's sometimes a couple retards spouting off about gnosticism, but that ain't much

I felt like the number of christian threads were going down lately

We get some Vedic philosophy threads, the odd Buddhist

Christianity is not a religion, but rather an atheist political movement and as such does not belong in this thread.

Include all occultism, satanism, judaism, islam, and atheism here as well (the many heads of the jew hydra).

after weeks of pondering the gospel of phillip i finally understand the metaphysical purpose of the baptism mystery. i don't know if other people find it to be simple, but i felt the brain waves come out of my skull when i finally understood.

are any of you hermits? it seems nearly impossible with the way we've been conditioned today.

seek out this book, if you will

>IN the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost! I charge thee and I beseech thee, with as much power and virtue as the bond of charity is sufficient to suffer, whatsoever thou be that this book shalt have in possession, either by property, either by keeping, by bearing as messenger, or else by borrowing, that in as much as in thee is by will and advisement, neither thou read it, nor write it, nor speak it, nor yet suffer it be read, written, or spoken, of any or to any but if it be of such one, or to such one, that hath by thy supposing in a true will and by an whole intent purposed him to be a perfect follower of Christ not only in active living, but in the p. 46 sovereignest point of contemplative living the which is possible by grace for to be come to in this present life of a perfect soul yet abiding in this deadly body; and thereto that doth that in him is, and by thy supposing hath done long time before, for to able him to contemplative living by the virtuous means of active living. For else it accordeth nothing to him. And over this I charge thee and I beseech thee by the authority of charity, that if any such shall read it, write it, or speak it, or else hear it be read or spoken, that thou charge him as I do thee, for to take him time to read it, speak it, write it, or hear it, all over. For peradventure there is some matter therein in the beginning or in the middle, the which is hanging, and not fully declared where it standeth: and if it be not there, it is soon after, or else in the end. Wherefore if a man saw one matter and not another, peradventure he might lightly be led into error; and therefore in eschewing of p. 47 this error, both in thyself and in all other, I pray thee for charity do as I say thee.

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>adi shankara
Oh great it's the shankara/guenonfag trying to shill his pajeet ideology again...

Christianity is an attempt to fit late Greek philosophy into an easily digestible pagan-like package.

We need /PX/ for christ cucks

Meditations on the tarot did that to me

desu dharma threads should be rare and good otherwise they have the potential of causing widespread butthurt among people of western sentimentality

can someone explain Siddhartha to me?
i read the book but im too dumb to understand past what i read

That's Catholicism.

read it again and think
don't rely on other people at first, even if your ideas aren't that great, it's good practice to think on what you read
read a chapter, and 20 minutes later sit and think about it, recall this and that and what it made you think of, how it made you feel, how it relates to you and your life, reading is a very personal experience

>stop liking what I don't like

I would like to make a discord where people can speak about religion or any kind of spirituality all together with people helping each other to find what they're looking for and very low moderation (just enough to make it stand). I bet my Yea Forums friends won't be in but I think it's a nice project.