Hi everyone. I'm a Christian. Women came from man's rib. Jesus loves me, and if I sin he will punish me forever, for the sin of the original mommy and daddy in the garden of eden. Please take my religion seriously, as I am very devout, and all morality comes from believing that this is true. Please change my poop filled diaper, as it seems I have just dropped a load.
Hi everyone. I'm a Christian. Women came from man's rib. Jesus loves me, and if I sin he will punish me forever...
Tip that fedora a little harder buddy. Have a (you)
Magnificent wisdom, brother. I'm a Christian. I like big turds under my butt.
>implying the king james bible representation of god is entirely accurate
>looking at the bible for facts instead of interpreting the moral philosophies behind the story
Your image is fitting. Did your mom think standing next to microwaves while pregnant would help you to tell when they were about to go off?
Yea Forums is not your religious battleground
it is that and nothing more - everyone saying otherwise is a pseud & believes in scientism anyway
Where should I go to discuss books?
Any good subreddits seriously I’m starting to think everything Yea Forums believes is wrong so many they were wrong about reddit
Butterfly girl would blow your cock if she was beside you right now, beside you in your putrid surroundings, you filthy fucking vile dumb cunt.
Take it to That's the paranormal and religion board.
Blow your fucking head off with a shotgun.
We need a ducking /rel/ board we fucking need one /his/ did not work
you shouldn't try to discuss books online, all online discussion is shit if you're beyond the very very very entry level stuff
It's an easy solution really: create a /rel/igion board and remove humanities from /his/ and make an /art/ board for humanities.
shout laughter bro
Right, then you’re equipped to speak with intelligent individuals in academia, God, I hope there are intelligent individuals in academia.
desu i hate literature people talking about arts other than literature, they always concentrate on the most irrelevant stuff
it's supposed to be on /his/ but nooo~ because Yea Forums is just a lil more popular. IT BELONGS ON /HIS/
High iq post.
Please make a /qa/ thread
lmao youre gonna be disappointed boy
t academic
Then don’t go to the board
what board? i like talking about literature
We have a literature board, Yea Forums, we have a history and humanities board, /his/, so how about this. We have a /rel/ general thread on /his/, and also a /theology/ or just /theo/ general thread on this board.
You have it all wrong
/his/ - History
Yea Forums - Literature
/art/ - Humanities
/rel/ - Religion & Theology
more boards? i know it's happened many times before, but i just don't know if it's worth while to divide traffic like that.
Slow boards are a blessing. Thought goes into the posts that are written.
Ok what’s the rules?
Is discussion of the Bible on Yea Forums? What about if it’s for literary sake? How would you regulate that?
/rel/ would not be a particularly slow board I imagine and Yea Forums could use less posters
user, I'm no fan of Christianity, but please don't make threads like this. You're only going to upset other people. Criticize Christianity by all means, as they certainly deserve it, but making threads like this doesn't help.
It's also really sad to see Christians automatically assume anyone who critiques their faith must be an atheistic scientific materialist. Yes, because not following your specific ideology means we have no receptivity towards any spirituality whatsoever, which only Christians can be. Unbelievable narcissism.
I used to love Christianity even though I’m not one but when I get told consistency I’m going to suffer eternally for viewing God differently than them in Yea Forums threads it weighs on my patience.
When did all this fire and brimstone madness come onto Yea Forums?
It was here before you came from Reddit last week.
Yeah yeah fuck off retard.
It started to appear around 2017 a couple months after the election.
is that way faggot
Here’s your (you)
Hell is eternal.
Look what we have come to. We have truly went astray, may God forgive us this sin, the greatest anyone can make.
En quoi ce libertinage vous sera bénéfique quand les flèches de nos cathédrales tomberont et que nos livres seront brûlés?
>Hell is eternal.
... according to the people who use fear to induce you to sign up to their religion. (Muslims do the same thing, by the way).
The only reason anyone should be discussing the Bible on Yea Forums is because of its undeniable literary value and its tremendous influence on the Western canon
2016 /pol/. They all see Christianity as the refuge from modern degeneracy, which they themselves participated in until last week (and still do, who are we kidding), and now they're all read up on the history of the faith and have posters of the most famous saints in their rooms. It's just reactionaries who applied themselves to religion alongside politics.
Why haven't the Jannies acted upon the incessant religious baiting? Every day we have at least 3 or 4 blatant bait thread from various religious groups/atheists that do absolutely nothing but serve to provoke. This is not a sectarian issue. It affects everyone negatively to have Yea Forums tier bait posts on Yea Forums. I'm all for the discussion for literature that is religious in nature, but there is no literature in this thread nor many of these religion bait threads.
>It's just reactionaries who applied themselves to religion alongside politics.
Almost all historical 'reactionaries' were genuinely religious, apart from a few who thought that the belief-system was a bit ridiculous but that the ceremonies and dogmas could give a bit of structure to an increasingly chaotic world. The Yea Forums connection is that some aesthetes such as Oscar Wilde eventually began to believe the same thing
Bookscirclejerk and badlit. This is catastrophically rule breaking, but everybody gets one.
Yeah but the people on /pol/ are a very different breed of person to any typical historical reactionary. Their characters, behaviors and agendas are something quite different.
I'd agree that they're lacking in a traditionally-based, high-quality and Eurocentric education, but whose fault is that? Young white people today have been told since birth that they are the inheritors of an oppressive and toxic civilization, so it's little surprise that the ones unwilling to abase or humiliate themselves have rebelled by instead embracing everything that their teachers and media personalities have told them to avoid, including fascism