Fuck Yea Forums

Fuck Yea Forums.
I'm leaving. Goodbye friends.

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Bye :)

bouncy chike

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See you tomorrow

I think I would take the opinion of a stoner atheist on Yea Forums before I took the opinion of the average Yea Forums user on metaphysics


well look at that. you dont even have to tell them to go back.

Go back

i am back.

See you tomorrow user

To your mothers womb

I think this user is permanetly leaving us

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bye fren

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society is a womb


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Society is a birth defect
Nature is a womb


Which board are you migrating to?

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Quite alright. This site is far too pessimistic and schizoid. Unhealthy to use for too long

You know you'll come back. Be it tomorrow, next week, or next month. You're here forever.

do you like the womb?

exactly, i hate it for that reason. i'll see you tomorrow tho

the nazis are leaving? amazin

For what it’s worth

Agreed. I've become more bitter and depressed by being on this site. It's not healthy to read negative and hateful trash every day. It's enough to turn one into a misanthropic loser

lol faggot this is a place for book recs and banter, don't blame your bad health on us desu

B...but I'm not schizoid enough to understand Deleuze and Land!

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I’ve noticed this too, I don’t know why I come back here every day. Every time I leave this site for a few weeks/months my mood and outlook on life is way more positive. But I come back here eventually.
They were not joking when they told me „don’t forget you’re here forever“

Fuck man it’s been over 10 years already will I never get out of here

I noticed that too. Even tho im really okay with taking banter and im here only in read only it's like this site is melting my brain.

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And nothing of value was lost.

This. And I've been browsing Yea Forums for 15 years, even though it has had an extremely negative effect on me, made me bitter and unlikeable. My depression and hatred evaporates whenever I've been avoiding Yea Forums for a couple of week.

what part of "you're here forever" is unclear?

You can run from Yea Forums, but you can never run from the truth...

Yea Forums has destroyed so many brains, permanently. This generation is fucked

/x/ obviously, the only true Christian board

Thanks Yea Forums

Why is she pointing her toes slightly inwards? It adds nothing to the pose and only serves to open her anal sphincter.