Tfw considering going into grad school for philosophy and literature

>tfw considering going into grad school for philosophy and literature
Is it really as horrible and cult-like as they say, or am i being meme'd?

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sometime I forget hippos are real and not made up for kids shows

comfy webm

It's how i sometimes felt in academia. Just trying to get by without angering the beast

>mfw i go to reddit and see all kinds of bitching about academia from whiny cunts and trannies who complain their pronouns aren't adhered to

PI is more important than project, that's all you need to know

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Do it. Otherwise you'll be a NEET, unemployed and eventually will need to default on your loans and live a living hell.

Go, or you will blame yourself for the rest of your life.

dont do this, or you'll blame yourself for the rest of your life

Why would he regret it

Become an academic, you will regret it. Do not become an academic, you will regret that as well. Become an academic or do not become an academic, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.

I always found the original quote funny, because how can you regret committing suicide?

Learn to code and have sex

i plan to get phd when i get a self sustaining business so that i can support myself and have an escape if it's necessary.

Bear in mind the people telling you its "cult-like" are also the ones who spend all day on a mongolian turnip-farming board, buy into retarded homeopathic nonsense like semen retention and have zero interaction with anyone in the real world. So it could be like that, but it also definitely won't, because shitposters have a tendency to over-exaggerate the problems with academia. They're present, certainly, but you're not going to hear any valid criticisms from this site

usually it's the other way around, that people create a start up when they're still in academia.

ok, good for them.

Nah ive encountered plenty of people IRL with actual knowledge on the topic who also say that there are definitely cult-like departments in academia, regardless of the topic.

Honestly academia is ever worse than most of Yea Forums makes out, other than the extreme shitposters. Still rather be in academia than working a private sector job, but good luck getting a position in the first place.

>tfw molbio STEMfag who bailed out after his PhD
>now work at a pharm company and make 120k a year
>work 9 to 5 and spent my free time posting softcore porn on blue boards, making Spengler and Guenon threads on Yea Forums and dabbin on jannies

Get on my fucking level
Carpe Diem

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how does it feel making big bucks off gatekeeping people's well being and health?

I mean Im an electrical engineer who does weapons technology research, he can't possibly be bathing in as much blood as I do

I could also just not make the monoclonal antibodies and let them die.

Where u from user

I'm from Canada, work for a university doing body armor research. Fun as fuck desu

>make medicine
>people complain you exploit them
>dont make medicine
>people die
cant win

it's entirely possible to make and distribute medicine without profiteering.


If you knew anything about how monoclonal antibody production works, then you'd know that it doesnt work like that.

>Decide to take a course with the professor who ran the post-graduate department for History
>All of my previous history classes have gone one of two ways: Either the professor enjoys research projects and demands a prospectus for a good, original piece of work, or the professor wants you to write the exact same paper as every other student in the class.
>Enter her class being in the top 10% of the history department in terms of grades, lots of original research under my belt, going into a topic of English History I'm pretty well acquainted with
>Allots more points on the grading system to grammar, style, and prose than to actual research, content, or demonstration of historical knowledge, analysis, and connecting themes
>End the class with the professor utterly tanking my average by 5% entire percentage points, claimed my writing style was more suited to an English major than a History Major, and despite it being my last year there's 'plenty of time to change your major to a degree better suited for you, though I hope to see you in future classes!'

Any post-grad work in liberal arts/humanities is 105% cultlike. you need to know how to lick ass, suck cock, you need to intentionally suppress your originality and creative content and listen to/follow precisely whatever your post-grad supervisor tells you to do. If you thought 100/200/1000/2000 level university courses were mind-numbingly boring and repetitive, you haven't seen fuck all yet. At least once you get to Ph. D. level the University is paying you to stick around, teach some classes, and indoctrinate other students into the cult.

>End the class with the professor utterly tanking my average by 5% entire percentage points, claimed my writing style was more suited to an English major than a History Major, and despite it being my last year there's 'plenty of time to change your major to a degree better suited for you, though I hope to see you in future classes!'
Goddamn that sucks

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enlighten me to why it has to be private companies to make monoclonal antibody production possible

Ask the government why they arent bothering with producing it, then.

Every singe article for seminar discussion except one was written by a Marxist, a Feminist, or a Feminist Marxist except for primary sources. If you are going into post-graduate studies in North America the academic advisors or supervisors of your material will most likely (80-90% guaranteed) be a Professor that perfectly encapsulates the boomer mentality. Many Professors handling Doctoral or Masters work by students studied in Europe for $1000-1500, made the amount of money required to fund their studies by working over the summer, and have become so completely detached to how research and work is done in the 21st century that they would rather punish creativity rather than foster it. Post-Graduate work is a practice in keeping with 1960's-1970's orthodoxy. The new Professors and Researchers this mentality produces is horrifying. 28-35 year olds mimic this behavior of smug overseer that shuts students out, disengages them from academic work- it's truly disheartening to see this vicious circle.

Who wrote the primary sources?

Monoclonal antibodies are too complex to be synthesized in shithole countries. They have to be made in first world countries with very strict safety requirements because otherwise little Johnny with leukemia is gonna get an infection and die because his immune system is fubar.

>Who wrote the primary sources?

Is this a legitimate inquiry?

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I should've phrased it differently: What primary sources did you discuss? Mostly 20th century continental Frenchies or also older material?

>still undergrad for philosophy and literature
Does everyone still not know what the point of an essay is at that level? I hate being the standout "star pupil" for simply being "intuitive" (whatever that even means).

Seeing as how the topic of the course was the English criminal justice system, most primary sources came from prison reform testimony, nobility, the notes of Justices of the Peace, Assizes Courts, The Old Bailey Records of London, Phrenology, and things of that nature. All the primary sources were from the 16th-19th century, with the cut-off for primary sources being news articles related to serial killings.

oh ok