Wake up at 9 AM

> Wake up at 9 AM
> Try to go back to sleep
> Think about how mentally ill I am
> Think about how life would have been with decent parents
> 10 AM
> Decide to stay in bed instead of going to the beach
> Think about how mentally ill I am
> Think about loneliness
> 11 AM
> mastrubate for half an hour
> Get out of bed, lie down on the couch, listen to a Russian doomer Playlist.
> 1 PM
> Thinking about going to the gym, thinking about how anxious and mentally ill I am
> Thinking about getting some weed

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>Think about how life would have been with decent parents

Part of growing the fuck up is getting over blaming your parents for shit. You choose your actions, and now you take responsibility for them.

>parents are alcoholic and pay no attention to you
>it's your fault somehow
fuck off, boomer

Sorry we only allow one blog poster per board.

>Wahhh I make my own life choices but if I feel like throwing away my principles and honor then I can blame my parents and everyone will have to feel bad for me.

Go look in a mirror.

Your kids will not love you.

Apply yourself, nigger. Kill yourself you fucking blame shifting defeatist faggot. Please, do yourself and your extended family a favor and just drop off of a bridge so there is one less pussy on the planet. Fuck off.

try meditating

>another child abuse apologist
Isn't it time for you to wallow in alcohol and browse facebook memes? Die off already, thanks.

Try reading the Bible

what an interesting life, tell me more

sorry OP I'm gonna have to stop you here, we've all heard this one before.

>not giving you attention
Isn't it time for you to take your ADHD meds? Die off already, thanks.

Post the playlist user.

Its not your fault but it's your responsibility.
>t. Meth addicted bipolar parents who never disciplined me
Don't @ me

>> Thinking about getting some weed
You idiot this just makes mental illness worse.

I have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; I can't smoke weed. I'm lucky enough to have good parents. I'm on neetbux. Almost everyone on Yea Forums has a mental illness. I feel the feel brother.

What I'm saying is you've got to get better. I don't know what mental illnesses you have but you've just got to realize it's like diabetes and by smoking weed you're like a diabetic getting a lot of sugar. Just try to get better.

Also not Yea Forums. Please talk about books or philosophy or something. You have read philosophy right? You really need to if you haven't.

>let's neglect our kid
>he grew up lacking social skills and with poor decision making? L0L just pull yourself up by your bootstraps sweaty
I get it user, it sucks to have shitty parents

I'm in the train right now to get some weed.

??? You're the one crying about your parents bro, no complaints from me LOL. And yeah the reasonable solution is still "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" you fucking pussy. You can cry about how bad your parents are all you want, truth is...no one is listening. Stop being a little bitch, bro.

I've read some but it's mostly summaries. What should I read? I'm thinking of reading the confessions by St. Augustine.

shut the fuck up boomer

if you're born with a silver spoon why are you even talking? no one's interested in your opinion
stfu lmao

Buy gaba, theanine, and ashwagandha, why not ZMA while you're at it, get cuul.
Take them at 7pm.

Not being a bitch who blames his parents for all problems in life = silver spoon
Yeah i guess there's some truth in that, you're genetically predisposed to being a little bitch LOOOOOOOOL keep crying fagboy, personal responsibility is obviously out of the question

It doesn't seem like he's complaining about their continued influence. It just sucks, for example, being unreasonably paranoid about people's intentions sometimes because of manipulative parents. That shows up when I'm tired or I've talked to more people than I'm used to, because some people are actually manipulative. Or maybe just that awkwardness that comes when people talk about their families and you don't have much to say. When that happens to me I usually try to find something relatable to share or if not relatable a good reason to share it. You know how it sucks that you're going to die? It's something like that for someone who was lucky to be born in a stable home.

Ignore the other posters. Just remember to cut them out of your life when you have money. They will desperately try to rehabilitate their relationship with you. Don't.

imagine being this sociopathic, I pity you

After this you take a shower, then read for 2.5 hours and sleep at 10pm. Go up at 7am, take a MCT-citrulline-caffeine-theanine mix (or green tea if you like tea). Then fast up to between 11am and 2pm.
Sleep and keeping cuul is the root of a man's health. Eat more protein and fat.
Clean your room.

Start with the greeks.

Plato Aristotle Kant Hegel in that order.

Also, if you get Augustine's confessions just realize hes talking you directly in the beginning. He's confessing to you.

not literature

Eastern philosophy may better for you to find contentedness with this world. I'd start with the Tao Te Ching, I Ching, and Bhagavad Gita. Then try some generalized Zen texts and move into the more core Buddhist and Zen stuff.

If you really want a western view then I'd recommend Epictetus as he's the best of the stoics and Stoicism feels like a step-sister to Buddhist thought.


Sociopaths are the reason why hell must be eternal. No matter what happens to them, they remain unphased. They torment people in this life and have no empathy for then.


I get you user, people here are either really insecure due to past trauma or have a severe lack of empathy due to autism and related disorders.
It's horrible that a child has to grow up without the support of parental figures. I still don't think people realize how important a stable family structure is for the mental development of a child. You need that stable emotional base in order to start building a personality in this world. Without it, your world collapses before you've even had the chance to build your own. These kids almost always end up completely lost and miserable, and it's very hard to get them out of it.
(Emotionally) incompetent people should not be allowed to have children. Simple as that, there are too many (damaged) people in this world. This is why I will not have a kid of my own. Simply because I know my genetics and mental state aren't fit for (mentally) healthy offspring.

is this OC?


>coping mechanism spotted

>you are responsible for yourself.

Attached: 1508575534845.gif (498x480, 3.74M)

>Coping is a coping mechanism
