C.G Jung's observations concerning Americans:

C.G Jung's observations concerning Americans:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

Do you agree with Jung? Most Americans, especially the WASPs, seem to think of themselves as some sort of representatives of their European forefathers on the new continent. This is prevalent mostly among the types we cannot classify as the so-called fifty-sixters or 'mutts' in general, but who by their physical charasteristics closely resemble traditional caucasoids. But further observation and examination of this so-called "white bastion" proves quite otherwise.

We could take Donald Trump as an example. Werner Sombart, one of the greatest sociologists of all time, noted about Americans once: "they mistake bigness for greatness". Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color, especially those who have retained their Tradition. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin Indian, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy, or the size of the Trump Tower (apart, of course, from already Americanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche. Donald Trump, is essentially a white negroid. His whole stature, mindset and even the way he speaks reeks of the Negro mindset; "Big is good. Go big or go home. Big is great." and this also shows the absurdity of how most WASPs in America think of their identity as "white", even though sociological, psychoanalytical and even traditional observers all disagree.

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This is true for Modern Europe as well. The negro has taken over the zeitgeist. Modernism was the last gasp of European culture before the onslaught of the Negro century. The whites want to be black, the asians want to be black, the middle easterns want to be black, the spics want to be black, the pajeets want to be black and the blacks act even more black to grab a stronger hold on their blackness amidst all this LARPing.

This is not true of Europeans, at all. Only concerns America.

Global culture is negrified compared to, say, 50 years ago. Rap music is popular in Europe; just look at the top 50 songs on Spotify for any European nation.

That line really stuck with me when I read his memoirs, but I don't think it's African culture, just primitive culture. I mean, Irish-Americans are nearly identical to Afro-Americans; just look at Connor McGregor FFS. Russians also overvalue size and ostentation in the way described by Sombart.

Being an extrovert is not the same as being a psychological negro. Jung was a hack anyway.

Psychological negro? Jung is here talking about the domain of Spirit.

Americans are Spiritually Negroid.

The American Spirit itself is a some sort of Jewish-Negroid hybrid. The materialism of the Askhenazi Hebrews mixed with tribal lust and fetishes of the deepest Africa; the inheritance of the same Jewish slave overlords who sold these people in to captivity in the first place.

I have met many Americans during my travels, and even though some of them identify as white and larp as some sort of Pagans, you can tell from their mannerism, even the way they move their mouths and hands that there is some sort of Negroid taintment that has not only affected their whole psyche; but the spirit itself of which the body is just but a vessel of.

In a same manner how certain dogs start to resemble their owners; the white Americans instead have adopted physical characteristics of their once owned slaves, but psycho-spiritually they are the inheritance of Jewish slave lords and bankers

You mustn't have been to Europe in a while

Nice spook, OP

I am starting to think it is.

>americans are a le 56% face mutt race and aren't like us superior europeans
I think I've heard that argument somewhere else before

He also said that Americans would become the greatest artists in human history and would humble Europe once they finally understood themselves.

Unironically based.

This is true, Anglos, especially Americans are masters of arts and entertainment. There's a reason why European movies are only appreciated by a handful of out of shape and androgynous nerds while Hollywood and Disney have conquered the souls of the entire world. Same for Europeans and their popular music which is mainly an amalgamation of current American and British trends.

American entertainment and "high culture" is based on violence. Greater part of American films, books and popular detective stories: vulgar fist-fighting is a constant theme, evidently because it corresponds to the tastes of American audiences and readers, for whom it seems to be the symbol of true masculinity.

Generally speaking, the taste for brutality now seems to be ingrained in the American mindset. It is true that once the most brutal of all sports, boxing, originated in England, but it is in the United States that its most aberrant forms have developed, and it is there that it has become the object of a collective obsession, soon transmitted to other nations. The heralds of this sport with its ape-like swings towards the opponent's cranium in recent times were none other than celebrated negros such as Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson. It can now be observed that they have also openly put the duelists inside cages like in Mixed Martial Arts perhaps to celebrate zoo-like amusement.

America, having forgotten all its European roots, has likened the concept of 'duel' to that of ridiculous European antiquated rubbish. The duel is a method of settling disputes, following strict rules, without resorting to the primitive brute force of the mere arm and fist like great apes do. There is no need to point out the striking contrast between this American trait and the ideal behavior of the English gentleman, despite the fact that the English made up a component of the original people of the United States. Modern Western man, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme. But here we find another of their affinities with the Negro. Inconsistent sentimentality, banal pathos, especially in love affairs, put Americans much closer to Negroes than to truly civilized Europeans.

What heroism and brutality is to the American, pornography and filth is to the European. The American is an unpretentious fighter, the European is a compulsive fornicator.

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It is neither universal in America nor in Europe but it is very present in both places.

Are you American?

>Irish-Americans are nearly identical to Afro-Americans; just look at Connor McGregor
he's not irish american, he's just irish

I am willing to listen if you are willing to add to this. As it is, this sounds like hot air, though it carries a tinge of sincerity.

Rap and Reggaeton style music is the most popular music among European kids and has been for over a decade.

>145 million clicks


>Poke holes in someone until they die to prove you are a better suitor
>This is the peak of civilization, honor and masculinity. Long live Evropa
>Have a pistol duel at high noon to end organized crime in a frontier town during its foundation
>0/10, fucking barbaric apes


>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood.
Hard disagree. Americans are basically all at least octoroons.

>Americans are basically all at least octoroons.
Even if that were true today - which I contest - it was not so at the time that he wrote that comment.

I bet the weather plays more of a role here. The swagger, the looseness of speech, definitely has to do with the warmer climes of the south (and Africa)

>The swagger, the looseness of speech
How do you explain nog behavior in Detroit, then - or my pedantry in the heat of Arizona?

There was a black bull on the Mayflower.

> It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro.

Meanwhile Pygmies are proud of being small and pity the taller tribe for being so heavy and ungainly.
You're full of shit and so is Jung in this excerpt, America's love of big things has much more to do with their pioneer root, the sheer expanse of thir country, and perhaps most of all the industrial sprawl and overproduction that defines their cultural life. Most "negro" as you say lived in much smaller environment and were content with it. You also seem to believe somehow the "negro" are one single race despite Africa having a greater genetic diversity than Europe.

This, Australians are probably closest to Americans and there isn't a black population of note there. The heat is probably partly responsible for the disposition described in the OP.

It is hot air but he sincerely believes it.

How weak does this supposedly superior WASP "spirit" have to be, to be so easily corruptible by Jewish and Negro forces
Especially when Jews and Negros are such a relatively small part of the population? Not a bait question. To me it sounds like Anglo Saxons are weak willed and easily led into temptation.

>Tyson and Ali
>Ape like boxing

the intelligence and precision of those men in particular can not be understated, at the very least for their sport. some shut in asshole saying something like that might as well be a blind man crititiqing a painting

>it sounds like Anglo Saxons are weak willed and easily led into temptation
We are extremely universalist and fair minded, propaganda decrying this point notwithstanding. It is not a weakness of spirit but an excess of trust. This is why we are so hot and cold with regard to violence. When once our anger is raised, we are unforgiving and take things to much of an extreme.

I'm trying to think of a characteristically 'white' trait, mannerism, or quality that I would like to hold on to. I can't think of one. I think of 50's era 'American dream' society as the 'height' of white culture, what 'whiteness' would produce if it were left alone in a room. Fuck that. Many sticks up asses is the essence I believe. I'm thankful that other cultures let us take some stuff.

Yes, I have also observed that particularly negroid fashion in which purportedly white Americans move their hands. It is related to their propensity for clapping. Americans have nigger hands.

>I'm trying to think of a characteristically 'white' trait, mannerism, or quality that I would like to hold on to. I can't think of one. I think of 50's era 'American dream' society as the 'height' of white culture, what 'whiteness' would produce if it were left alone in a room. Fuck that. Many sticks up asses is the essence I believe. I'm thankful that other cultures let us take some stuff.

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here in south america, negros and mestizos want to be white

didn´t Evola said the same thing?

Anglos work hard, that is admirable

Compared to 50 years ago? lol

Haha, the same can be said more accurately about every other ethnicity if you look at it honestly

lol u mad bruh

Tbf his entire image is manufactured to appeal to irish american perceptions of the irish

Dont even bother, these people are absolutely fucking delusional and mentally crippled by their closet cuck fetishes

Look at the ugly American, with his ugly American opinions

Based Europeans

No they aren’t. Australians and Canadians are extremely Anglo, and an older kind of Anglo at that, with roots in the glory days of adventure and empire. Americans are a purely degraded race, coming from similar stock. If you want to understand Australian attitudes, read old Victorian adventure novels and children’s books. If you want to understand America, you look towards capeshit and Niggerball.
For example, in most wars, British Colonial fighters were generally respected for their good nature and sportsmanship— Junger comments on this during WW1— Americans are remembered for mutilating enemy corpses, raping civilians, and a barrage of slurs used to dehumanize their opponents (Krauts, Gooks, Nips, etc.)

in my experience europeans talk way, way more than americans, not even close really

Difference being Europeans are actually enjoyable to talk with. Americans just flap their thin niggerlips for the joy of hearing their own voice.

I feel bad for all the African countries, with their history and art and civilization, getting lumped together with bestial Americans by virtue of the globohomo.

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Yes, in the essay Negrified America in his book The Bow and the Club.

This is almost great, self hatred is pouring off of every line.

Truly a masterpiece

I think it's wrong to say that the negro is the source of influence, and not merely the foremost symptom of a negative influence. Blacks have been at the bottom of society for centuries. Being at the bottom, they manifest our shortcomings the most crass and magnified way possible. They're loud, selfish, violent, and prideful. I also don't think it's necessarily accurate to shove the casual swagger of Americans in with all that, as if it's any kind of negative thing.

What I'm more interested in is how even in the face of their own self-hating decline, Europeans still manage to have the cognitive dissonance necessary to both hate their nations, their whiteness, and their history and yet still cling to their own imperialistic superiority complex. Now there's some impressive gymnastics.

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Heating and air con?
I read an interesting article once about how Singaporean culture is built around the air conditioner.

Wrong again, retard.

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Not him, but I have witnessed many trends that TEND to follow certain groups with regard to job performance while working in a manufacturing facility for a multinational company. I have had outliers raise specific issues regarding their own people.

>Heating and air con?
Nah, I am a dyed in the wool desertfag. I spend a lot of time in the heat and I am still a pedantic, nit picking faggot with a true to life stick-up-the-ass military gate to my stride.

Frontier culture.You are Saint-Exupery in the Sahara. Makes the military connexion unsurprising.
Also, I think that you may have meant to say 'gait'.