What will be the next Harry Potter?

What will be the next Harry Potter?

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there is no way this is real

What the fuck is a TERF? And why the fuck are trannys referred to as "women"?

Turbo EnRaged Feminist

TERFS are feminists who hate MtF trannies.

What language is this?

its true that the T-xirps will get their own protected class but it will be separate from Women.

This reads like a /pol/ post

Terfs are cancer

Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically it's the "Separate But Equal" brigade of feminism, the folks that realize that allowing male athletes to compete in women's sports a mere month after taking a T blocker will lead to the death of
Title 9 and the men's/women's divide in athletic leagues.

Year 46: The year something bad happened to Harry Potter, but he got lucky again

> the death of Title 9 and the men's/women's divide in athletic leagues.
Then, every sports team every will be exclusively male, or they will force the men to take drugs that decrease muscle mass.

TERFs are a lot more than that. They literally hate all men and usually want to discourage all aspects of men and women interaction.

Basically they base their entire identity off of resentment and anger at their perceived pain and oppression for the fact of being born women. Literally every aspect of their lives are entirely defined by the idea that they are women and they are constantly being hurt and oppressed at every moment.

Really though it's usually because they fail at being women and need a reason to discredit the idea of femininity in general. So then they see a bunch of guys start taking female hormones and they become attractive women and people start treating them like women. These transwomen love being a woman and succeed at being women far more than they ever could. This just creates a perfect storm of anger where they combine their hatred of men and their self-hatred for being failed women and they take it all out on trannies.

TERF is your word for it. Can’t speak for every woman, but I don’t exclude you for knowing what you really are. I accept who and what you really are. But that is your problem. You hate what you really are (surely some are as delusional and are well aware, so not you) you’re like the furries. They hate their very species.
You all wish to be something else. Be what you can be. And be happy with that

Women want to have their cake and eat it too. When they realised males turning into women and dominating every fucking female sport there is, some of these feminists decided they're against it after all.
Those are TERFS. The fence sitters who can ultimately larp as trad women if the men get tired of women.

So women sports can finally be popular.

anybody who slights an mtf

The twitter equivalent to Snacklish


I'm honestly looking forward to the day when men trannies take over women's sport. It's mainly been women who have been pushing this progressive bulltshit. Let them get fucked over by the policies as a consequence. Male (real) sports won't be affected.

Based Rowling believe in essentialism.


They're feminists who are 50% right.

>until we mandate diverse pornography our society will never be healed.

these are the people that create nazis

>they become attractive women and people start treating them like women

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>hate radical feminists
>hate trannies
I'm torn on this argument, I really am.

Aka Based Feminists

>phaylen fairchild
trannies are a joke

TERFs do literally nothing wrong

Look user, in the future there will be men's sports & men with boob's sports

Don't worry, many women who are called TERFs aren't even radical feminists, it's just a kneejerk like calling everyone you disagree with nazis or fascists.