Satan was in the right.
God is just a totalitarian ruler who plays with his subjects.
Satan was in the right
Why side with either of them? They’re both autistic corporeal entities who may or may not be real.
>missing the point by this much
it should be illegal for most people to read Milton. It is arcane knowledge meant for only those who get 'it'
I meant non-corporeal
> It is arcane knowledge
humans have had a hard time defining God's absolute Good and articulating why exactly we ought to be subordinated to it for a long time
Milton portrays the Devil sympathetically for a reason. He's a tempter. When Milton wrote this, I'm not sure who even would have read it. Today it's a staple in a lot of English lit classes, and you can't help but feel that most people miss Milton's point, which is that whatever sympathy for the Devil you feel, he literally only exists in opposition to God, and the power balance is asymmetric. It's to give an idea the appeal that falling from God's divine nature would have had to Adam and Eve, in order to draw parallels between the temptations and overwhelming doubt we feel in our daily lives
The only thing worse than atheists is unselfconscious presumptuous morons who believe that they know anything about God after having read another's spurious notion of it, and who feel compelled to publicly disseminate their misapprehension of it.
Congratulations on having the same basic bitch take on it as every other college freshmen.
Satan is the personification of wrath, he is worshiped as the doctor because he controls the snake that deceived Adam and Eve.
God sits on the highest throne. God rewards effort in this life as well as wisdom and punishes the ignorant and those he deems a threat to life itself.
>Tells people the truth
>Encourages ambition
>Didn't create ticks
>Creates man, knowing full well that the outcome will be suffering
>Witholds the truth, even though simply telling it would have prevented all of it
>Gives people the worst kind of punishment possible to those who only desired freedom
>Created ticks
Even if he only exists in opposition to God, he's still the better alternative.
Suffering is good, freedom and truth are bad.
Also ticks aren't that bad, just cloth yourself appropriately.
Milton is not "Spurious"
>Ticks aren't that bad, just wear proper trousers and jackets during this heat wave so you can faint and I can eat you
Are you serious? Satan was absolutely in the right in the Adam and Eve story. God told them that if they ate from the tree they would die ON THE SAME DAY but Satan told them that god just wants to hide knowledge from them and that they won't die. What happened? They ate from the tree and they did not die and god started lamenting that humans have become like gods, which is exactly what satan told them would happen. Satan is absolutely correct in his opposition to the cosmological tyrant we call god. the man is literally facing eternal torture and ubiquitous scorn from all gods creation because he refuses to be a slave. If that's not based idk what is
oh my goodness, what do they teach (or rather, NOT teach) in school these days?
Dante believed that existence was DIFFERENT before and after the eating of the fruit.
Before, Adam and Eve were immortal.
After, Adam and Eve were mortal. Ergo, they DID die.
Dante is talking about the duality of phenomena (where things are born, die, are born, die, are born and die, are born and die, so on and so forth for millenia) vs noumena (where things are eternal, never change, where God lives, where Eden is, where Adam and Eve used to live).
Do not trust this poster. He is a tick and is trying to steer you away from God. Fuck ticks!
user, Paradise Lost is weird because Milton is a formal heretic. He had a weird conception of God where the Father was a separate, superior entity to the Son. This is one of the oldest heresies in Christianity, it's called Arianism and it denies the essential divinity of Jesus.
You can't trust Milton for an accurate portrayal of Christianity and the Christian view of God. Just read the nice poetry and don't think so hard about it.
anything based on the jewish fairy tales must suck
lmao, did you make this or have it on hand?
God and the devil are corporate entities
Typical protestant take.
Yahweh is one of the many gods, but has too big of an ego.
what are nice editions of this book? any internet place to buy second hand ones? from a time when people still cared and didn't fill the pages with meme illustrations for goths?
>Willingly giving up your freedom
This is why Christianity is retarded and a Jewish trick. Christians basically worship the Son, while Jews and Muslims worship God. Christians automatically start in the submissive position.
nice freedom you have there, to choose your own slavemaster and to decide which brands name is written on the things you buy
Indeed it is some nice freedom that I have
I have the freedom to go out and enjoy nature for months at a time
I have the freedom to choose glasses that aren't all the same types with cheap plastic rims
I have the freedom to start my own businesses, whatever those may be
If I wanted to then I'd have the freedom to go fully off grid, grow my own food, and live entirely by my own rules (or lack thereof)
Now tell me about all the freedom you have in your totalitarian state.
>I have the freedom to go out and enjoy nature for months at a time
Only in the areas which are not privately owned or restricted government property.
>I have the freedom to choose glasses that aren't all the same types with cheap plastic rims
Commodities, as stated.
>I have the freedom to start my own businesses, whatever those may be
Only in accord with what is allowed by government regulation.
>If I wanted to then I'd have the freedom to go fully off grid, grow my own food, and live entirely by my own rules (or lack thereof)
Wrong, as you would still be subject to local ordinances, which may prohibit things such as personal farming, and you could feasibly be removed and forced back into civilization.
>Only in the areas which are not privately owned or restricted government property.
Except where I live I actually do have that freedom. I just can't camp right next to houses and that's more or less it.
I regularly hike over military training fields.
>Dismissing commodities like quality doesn't matter
>Only what's allowed by govt regulation
Which is still more than in the totalitarian state.
>You'd still be subject to local ordinances
Seasteaders live on international waters and are subject to no local ordinances.
>Which may prohibit personal farming
Only your shitty state would do that, I grow lots of beppers and other neat greens in my yard.
>And they could blah blah
Unlike the totalitarian state of course, where you'd never have the option in the first place, and would presumably get shot for trying.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Who told you that?
If God says something then it is true, as God is the highest arbiter of truth and reality.
1. John Milton conflated God with the Demiurge.
2. Arianism is an authentic Christological doctrine.that comprehends the ontological distinction between God, and JesusChrist, without denying the essential divinity that is unique to each.
1. You are conflating Christianity with judeochristianity.
2. Christians and Mohammedans worship God; judaists, judeochristians, and judeoislamists, worship the Demiurge, and Satan, not God, nor anything from God.
There's nothing wrong with totalitarianism if the despot is good.
Yeah, man.
>Doesn't understand the trinity
>God told them that if they ate from the tree they would die ON THE SAME DAY
No he didn't.
>They ate from the tree and they did not die
Narrator's voice: They died
>Satan is absolutely correct in his opposition to the cosmological tyrant we call god.
If dad won't say that anything I do is okay then he's an asshole FUCK YOU DAD
>the man is literally facing eternal torture and ubiquitous scorn from all gods creation because he refuses to be a slave
would it be accurate that your view is "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" (protip: you won't actually 'reign" over anything in Hell either)
>No he didn't.
"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."
They obtained the characteristic of "shall surely die" on the day they ate the fruit.
Retards. Thé story Milton wrote isn't in the bible. The snake isn't the devil in the bible.
Milton wrote the devil as a sympathetic character. If you're taking Milton as cannon, then the devil was in the right. If you're not taking him as cannon, which as far as I know he isn't, then whatever it doesn't matter.
>I have the freedom to go out and enjoy nature for months at a time
Only if you want to have a gap in your cv which is a major no no for most hr fags.
>I have the freedom to start my own businesses, whatever those may be
Again, a shitton of regulations and you will be married to the the tax office to the point that you'll regret all of this. Depending on what you do product liability becomes a thing.
>off grid
Copy from since it's dead soon
I can attest to that.
Me and a few buds are planning to buy land in order to build our own commune. Nothing I ever plan to live on forever, but more of a retreat I plan to go to on every weekend. Living off the wild, especially in upper Canada, is really fucking tough, but the hardest part is not actually trying to live in the wilds, but the fact that it's pretty much illegal. You can buy land, but what you do on this land is checked with great scrutiny because they don't want people going auto sufficient enough to no longer pay taxes, so you're hit with all these mile longs criterias with very little grey area inbetween that takes a shitload of turns and reacharounds to exploit, As soon as whatever you build on this land is considered habitable enough, you have to have running water and foundations that are conform to city laws, so you have to hire professionals to dig, build the foundations, get the pipes through, connect your shack to the nearest aqueduct and then you're legal, but now that your shack is now a legit habitation, you have to pay far more expensive taxes each year. If ypu plan on growing food, you need an agricultural permit. If you want to say fuck the rules and bring a fucking RV or a simple camper, you can only leave it there for 3 months at best each between (x) and (y). And so on and so forth.
You'd think that all you need is the money to fuck off in the woods, but someone owns the fucking woods now and he can say that you can't do jack shit until you pay the yearly toll and do with your land what he wants you to do. So we're just going around websites and regions trying to find a municipality that allows slacker rules, but you generally have to move way up north where it's winter 9 months a year and you're smack in the untamed. I just want a solar powered fucking shack with a patch to farm goddamnit!
Who told you THAT? God?
>some guy writes a fan fiction about god and satan
>retard athiests think that this book is canon or something
>"Dude trust me I'm the good guy I always tell the truth :^)"
>"Nah just look at (Thing that God said which is demonstrably false)"
God (Who gave Stan the worst punishment imaginable for some reason)
>"Nah don't listen to Stan, he's evil and lies a lot"
>Humans actually fucking believe him
>Proceeds to bring pain and misery onto humanity, actively hindering their progress at the tower of Babel, and flat out attempting genocide at the flood
Dude just indulge in the world, yolo
Do good in this world so you can have a better one, or don't and get a worse one, literally your choice
>God (Who gave Stan the worst punishment imaginable for some reason)
Some reason being high treason, faggot.
>Proceeds to bring pain and misery onto humanity.
It was humanity's choice and it still is, people overwhelmingly choose wrong every time due to (you guessed it) free will. You are free to keep acting retarded, but you are also free to be better.
I like Blake too.
>Christfags on Yea Forums are dumb as shit sometimes.
>Dude just indulge in the world, yolo
>Do good in this world so you can have a better one, or don't and get a worse one, literally your choice
Do Christcucks actually believe this?
> or don't and get a worse one...
...which I will give you because I don't like what you did even though I gave you free will because lmao
>Do Christcucks actually believe this?
>low tier strawman
2/10, made me reply
probably one of the high iq posts ive seen on Yea Forums. but you got that idea cemented here anyway